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This dissertation is a compilation of three essays that investigate how increasing women's access to political and economics resources in the United States influences investments in the human capital of children and helps shape decisions around family formation in the country. In doing so, it documents the evolution of decision making of women in the U.S. over the last century, and shows how key shifts in policy and wage-enhancing technological change facilitated this transition. The essays pair cutting-edge econometric techniques with novel empirical designs to estimate causal impacts of women's increasing access to these resources. The first chapter examines the effect of the enfranchisement of women in early 20th century United States on the long term educational outcomes of children growing up during and after the passage of suffrage laws, and is co-authored with Esra Kose and Elira Kuka. This essay contributes to a growing literature which provides evidence that increasing the political power of women leads to a growth in investments in children in the short term; but which thus far has not measured the long-term implications on children's "success", in particular for the educational attainment of individuals. We investigate the effect of women's political empowerment on the human capital of children by exploiting plausibly exogenous variation in U.S. state and federal suffrage laws. We estimate that exposure to women's suffrage during childhood leads to large increases in educational attainment for children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, in particular blacks and Southern whites. The results suggest that the redistribution of resources following suffrage contributed to a convergence of educational outcomes by raising the attainment of groups with low baseline levels of education. The second chapter establishes a credible link between the significant reduction in the gender wage gap between 1980 and 2010 and the coinciding shifts in family structure. It is motivated by the fact that family structure in the United States has shifted substantially over the last three decades, yet the causes and implications of these changes for the well-being of family members remains unclear. The empirical strategy exploits task-based shifts in demand as an exogenous shock to sex-specific wages to demonstrate the role of the relative female to male wage in the family and labor market outcomes of women. The results show that increases in the relative wage lead to a decline in the likelihood of marriage for those on the margin of a first marriage, and present suggestive evidence that these effects are concentrated among less-desirable matches. A higher relative wage also causes women to increase their hours of work, reduce their dependence on a male earner, and increase the likelihood of that they raise children outside of marriage. These findings indicate that improvements in the relative wage have facilitated women's independence by reducing the monetary incentive for marriage, and can account for 20% of the decline in marriage between 1980 and 2010. The third chapter builds on the findings made in the first two chapters, and explores the implications of changes in male and female wage opportunities for child achievement. It contributes to a large literature that has shown that a child's academic success and physical development are strongly influenced by family income, but which has less evidence on whether whether the source of income also matters. The empirical strategy takes advantage of national shifts in the return to occupations over this time period as a source of exogenous convergence of wages across sexes in a marriage market. In contrast to previous findings, the results do not show that a higher female to male wage ratio significantly improves children's outcomes, although the confidence intervals allow for an important positive or negative effect. Auxiliary analyses which use observed relative household income produce a qualitatively different, negative and statistically significant effect of relative wages on children's development, which is likely a reflection of an omitted variable bias. Sources of the imprecision in the estimation are discussed.
This dissertation is comprised of three independent research papers, which broadly focuses on the introduction and outcomes of policies concerning children's health and education. Although the chapters are related in theme, the objective, scope and empirical strategy of each paper differs. The first chapter, "How Did SCHIP Affect the Insurance Coverage of Immigrants Children?" (with Thomas Buchmueller and Anthony Lo Sasso), focuses on the passage of the State Children's Health Insurance Program in the late 1990s, which expanded public insurance eligibility and coverage for children in "working poor families". Despite this success, over 6 million children are eligible for public insurance, but remain uninsured. The study focuses on children born to immigrant parents because of their low rates of insurance coverage and unique enrollment barriers. The results indicate SCHIP was successful in increasing overall insurance take-up and in reducing disparities in access to health insurance coverage. The second chapter, "Looking Beyond Test Score Gains" determines whether the introduction of school accountability programs (prior to the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001) affected individuals' educational attainment and labor market outcomes. The effects are evaluated along two dimensions: differences in the length of program exposure and variation in program quality. The results indicate school accountability had mixed success in increasing outcomes across gender and racial/ethnic groups. They also suggest the heterogeneous treatment effects are consistent with some of the unintended consequences documented in the school accountability literature. The third chapter, "The Role of Education on Health Behaviors, Investments and Outcomes", uses a new combination of instrumental variables to predict individuals' schooling and determine whether there is a causal effect of education on young adults' health behaviors. The instruments rely on changes to state policies, dating back to the 1970s, that dictate when children are permitted to start and stop attending school. The results indicate education not only decreases the likelihood of smoking, heavy drinking and obesity, but affects the frequency of these behaviors and degree of obesity. Education also promotes behaviors that are akin to health investments, such as increasing sunscreen use and the receipt of preventive services.
Gender Differences at Critical Transitions in the Careers of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Faculty presents new and surprising findings about career differences between female and male full-time, tenure-track, and tenured faculty in science, engineering, and mathematics at the nation's top research universities. Much of this congressionally mandated book is based on two unique surveys of faculty and departments at major U.S. research universities in six fields: biology, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics, and physics. A departmental survey collected information on departmental policies, recent tenure and promotion cases, and recent hires in almost 500 departments. A faculty survey gathered information from a stratified, random sample of about 1,800 faculty on demographic characteristics, employment experiences, the allocation of institutional resources such as laboratory space, professional activities, and scholarly productivity. This book paints a timely picture of the status of female faculty at top universities, clarifies whether male and female faculty have similar opportunities to advance and succeed in academia, challenges some commonly held views, and poses several questions still in need of answers. This book will be of special interest to university administrators and faculty, graduate students, policy makers, professional and academic societies, federal funding agencies, and others concerned with the vitality of the U.S. research base and economy.
Drawing on data from a sample of approximately 17,000 male and female students that represent 200 institutions, The Gender Gap in College examines the impact of college experiences, peer groups, and faculty on a comprehensive array of student outcomes. Author Linda Sax’s approach is unique because she directly examines the interaction between gender and a variety of college experiences, a major inquiry which addresses the fundamental “individualization” question: do women and men respond differently to a given educational experience? The areas covered in the book include academic achievement, self-concept, life goals, career development, physical and emotional health, political and social attitudes, and satisfaction with college.
Why do women in most developing countries lag behind men in literacy? Why do women get less schooling than men? This anthology examines the educational decisions that deprive women of an equal education. It assembles the most up-to-date data, organized by region. Each paper links the data with other measures of economic and social development. This approach helps explain the effects different levels of education have on womens' fertility, mortality rates, life expectancy, and income. Also described are the effects of women's education on family welfare. The authors look at family size and women's labor status and earnings. They examine child and maternal health, as well as investments in children's education. Their investigation demonstrates that women with a better education enjoy greater economic growth and provide a more nurturing family life. It suggests that when a country denies women an equal education, the nation's welfare suffers. Current strategies used to improve schooling for girls and women are examined in detail. The authors suggest an ambitious agenda for educating women. It seeks to close the gender gap by the next century. Published for The World Bank by The Johns Hopkins University Press.
The field of education has experienced extraordinary technological, societal, and institutional change in recent years, making it one of the most fascinating yet complex fields of study in social science. Unequalled in its combination of authoritative scholarship and comprehensive coverage, International Encyclopedia of Education, Third Edition succeeds two highly successful previous editions (1985, 1994) in aiming to encapsulate research in this vibrant field for the twenty-first century reader. Under development for five years, this work encompasses over 1,000 articles across 24 individual areas of coverage, and is expected to become the dominant resource in the field. Education is a multidisciplinary and international field drawing on a wide range of social sciences and humanities disciplines, and this new edition comprehensively matches this diversity. The diverse background and multidisciplinary subject coverage of the Editorial Board ensure a balanced and objective academic framework, with 1,500 contributors representing over 100 countries, capturing a complete portrait of this evolving field. A totally new work, revamped with a wholly new editorial board, structure and brand-new list of meta-sections and articles Developed by an international panel of editors and authors drawn from senior academia Web-enhanced with supplementary multimedia audio and video files, hotlinked to relevant references and sources for further study Incorporates ca. 1,350 articles, with timely coverage of such topics as technology and learning, demography and social change, globalization, and adult learning, to name a few Offers two content delivery options - print and online - the latter of which provides anytime, anywhere access for multiple users and superior search functionality via ScienceDirect, as well as multimedia content, including audio and video files