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This dissertation consists of three chapters that study economic questions related to auction and energy markets. In the first chapter, I measure the extent of (real-time) production misallocation in Texas' main electricity market for 2009, the ERCOT market, and test whether these inefficiencies are generated by the exercise of market power. Using a novel data set that combines plant-level marginal costs, firm bid schedules, and market clearing prices, I construct a set of efficient outcomes and compare them to the measured output, costs, and prices. I find that, relative to the efficient allocation, costs increase by 9.5 and 34 percent, or $160 million to $472 million in 2009. I also find systematic departures from competitive pricing in the spot market that increase revenues by at least $192 million. Finally, I show that most firms exhibit behavior that is consistent with theoretical predictions of strategic behavior in the auction mechanism, which suggests that market distortions are generated by the exercise of market power. The second chapter proposes a framework for identification and estimation of a private values model with unobserved heterogeneity from bid data in English auctions, using variation in the number of bidders across auctions. We extend the framework to settings where the number of bidders is not cleanly observed in each auction, and illustrate our method on data from eBay auctions. We find that even in auctions for identical "new-in-box" items, auction-level heterogeneity accounts for 41 percent of the price variation, and ignoring this heterogeneity would lead to a 15 percent overestimate in bidder surplus. The third chapter studies the effect of power plant closures on local housing prices. We combine data on power plants with transactional housing price data for the Midwest to estimate the effect of power plant closures on local housing prices using difference-in-differences estimation. We find that the retirement of a fossil fuel power plant leads to an increase in local housing prices of 6 percent. The effect is heterogeneous across fuel type, as we find an increase of 4 to 6 percent for natural gas, an increase of 0 to 11 percent for petroleum, and a decrease of 7 to 8 percent for coal
This dissertation is comprised of three chapters in industrial organization, environmental economics and energy economics. In Chapter 2, I study carbon dioxide emission abatement technology for industries participating in the world's biggest emissions market, the European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS). I propose a production and abatement model to motivate the use of emissions as an input in a production function. I build on recent methods of the production function literature and propose an estimator for the production function that is consistent with my model. Using data from the EU ETS and Orbis, I estimate the elasticity of emissions to abatement expenditures for different manufacturing industries. Increasing the share of abatement expenditures of revenues by 1% is expected to reduce emissions by 8% in cement and 67% in chemicals, with other industries between these two extremes. I use the model's implications to translate estimated abatement elasticities to marginal abatement costs at the individual firm level. My findings show enormous differences both within and across industries. My estimates for the 25th, 50th and 75th percentile cement firms are 15, 22 and 36 euro/t respectively. In contrast, these estimates are 22, 48 and 363 euro/t for oil refineries. My findings suggests that, cement, chemicals and power firms are the most likely to decrease emissions as the EU ETS market price rises to levels close to the social cost of carbon.In Chapter 3, I analyze the impact of different policy instruments on the speed of transition to cleaner electricity generation. I develop a non-stationary fully dynamic entry and exit model of power generation. My model includes multiple technologies and hourly spot markets, both key features of the power generation market. I use the calibrated model to analyze the speed of transition away from coal power plants in PJM, the biggest electricity system in the United States. Correcting the negative externality of carbon dioxide emissions requires environmental regulation. My findings highlight the importance of analyzing the full transition path when comparing environmental policy instruments. Policies that lead to similar long-term outcomes induce vastly different transition dynamics. A carbon tax (the efficient instrument) set to $30/ton carbon dioxide is associated with an almost immediate entry of the long-run gas capacity. In contrast, gas entry and coal exit result in a slower and smooth transition. Welfare differences are significant. Both of these instruments improve only marginally on the baseline scenario and do not come close to the improvement possible by the carbon tax.In Chapter 4, I study bidding behavior in the New England frequency regulation market. Since 2015, this product is procured through a multi-dimensional Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) auction. Bidding under a VCG design is simple since truthful bidding is optimal. However, I find that participants bid higher when relative market power increases. This is indirect evidence against truthful bidding. Taking VCG bids as estimates for true marginal cost can be misleading. A combination of a complicated clearing mechanism and low stakes might prevent players to learn the optimal bidding strategy. My results suggest that switching from a uniform price to a VCG auction does not resolve the underlying strategic complexity.
Increasing renewable capacity demands transmission infrastructure investment. In 2011 to 2013, Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) constructed several high voltage transmission lines from the wind-rich west Texas to demand centers. Using data on electricity production, demand, price and information on grid congestion, this paper shows that an increase of 100MW in the transmission limit from the West to the North reduces the hourly output of fossil fuel generators in the North by 71.1MWh and decreases the price in the North by 0.17$/MWh when the transmission constraint from the West to the North is binding. Meanwhile, the increase of the transmission limit reduces dispatch of coal and combined cycle gas power plants in the North, but increases production of simple cycle and steam gas power plants in the North.
The second paper investigates the effect of Beijing's vehicle lottery system on fleet composition, fuel consumption, air pollution, and social welfare. We find that the lottery reduced new passenger vehicle sales by 50.15%, fuel consumption by 48.69%, and pollutant emissions by 48.69% in 2012. Also, such lottery shifted new auto purchases towards high-end but less fuel efficient vehicles. In our counterfactual analysis, we show that a progressive tax scheme works better than the lottery system at decreasing fuel consumption and air pollution, and leads to a higher fleet fuel efficiency and less welfare loss.