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Essays discuss various aspects of life in ancient Egypt.
RESEARCH ESSAYS ON ANCIENT EGYPT Would you like to be more aware of what's new in Egypt regarding the ancient culture? Are you aware of how the Egyptians are enhancing their treasures and what restrictions are being placed on visitors to these historic sites? Nevertheless, you can still enjoy a memorable visit given the wonders of the monuments, tremendous effort expended to enhance security and safety of these treasures and still partake of the wonderful hospitality and food fare the Egyptians are so famous for. Therefore, ... Research Essays on Ancient Egypt is a collection of early essays written by the author, Dr. Frederick Monderson, and expanded for a series of lectures delivered, during February, Black History Month, 2004, at the St. John's Recreation Center in Brooklyn, New York. The Table of Contents labels the chapters Introduction I, II, III and IV; Who were the Egyptians?; The Religion of Ancient Egypt; The Egyptian Temple; History of Egypt; The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt; The Architecture of Ancient Egypt; The Power of One; Metals, Men and Materials; The Art of Ancient Egypt; Egyptian Warfare; Egyptian Technology; Science in Ancient Egypt; Gold of Egypt; Pharaonic Taxation; The King; The Conspiracy Against Ancient Egypt; and, Suggestions for Further Reading. A historian by training and Egyptologist by vocation, the author dedicated an inordinate amount of time focusing on the quintessential nuts and bolts issues that contributed to the totality of ancient Egyptian civilization. The first two Introductions deal with the "emergence of man in Africa," having taught this for years; while the second addresses changes encountered in 2005 as contemporary Egyptians further modernized their facilities and become stricter about the ancient monuments. Egypt 2008 and Egypt 2010 as Introductions III and IV bring the reader up to the most modern developments in the ancient land and elaborates on restriction now being placed on visitors to the monuments. The other essays are extensively researched, to essentially add fuel to the pro and con discussion regarding the nature and dynamics of the "Origins of the Egyptians" and "The Conspiracy Against Ancient Egypt." More importantly, however, a great deal is presented to highlight and add color to the technical, cultural, religious and philosophic aspects of the Egyptian experience that has endeared this ancient African culture in the minds and hearts of humanity, down through the ages, and still it retains a magnetic attraction to this day. The photographs, illustrations, plans, papyrus art and entrance tickets of temples create an enjoyable pictorial imagery of the phenomenal civilization of Egypt/Kemet/Tawi in all its timelessness. This is indeed a highly comprehensive and informative yet easily readable book that provides food for thought for the student, the scholar and the general reader. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Standing as a summary of Spalinger's ideas at the time of the Yale lectures in 2012, this study covers two research sides of modern Egyptological research by a life-long student of ancient Egyptian calendrics and the Egyptian military. The first three chapters cover the development of Richard Parker's seminal study from 1950 and move into the present stage of scholarship. Very important is the author's clarification of what Parker wrote in his paradigmatic work, a slim volume often misunderstood. Hence, the thrust of argument concentrates upon the dating of feasts, the names of the Egyptian months and their metamorphoses, in addition to the retention of lunar-based phenomena. Two final chapters turn to the military aspects of New Kingdom warfare, with emphasis placed upon Seti I and logistical arrangements.
In the autumn of 1997, following his sixty-fifth birthday Prof. Dr Herman te Velde retired from the chair of Egyptology at the University of Groningen. On this occasion he was presented with a volume of Egyptological studies in his honour to which colleagues and friends from all over the world contributed. Although the emphasis is on the relition of Ancient Egypt, the book covers a wide range of subjects including history and archaeology, philology and linguistics.
Standing as a summary of Spalinger's ideas at the time of the Yale lectures in 2012, this study covers two research sides of modern Egyptological research by a life-long student of ancient Egyptian calendrics and the Egyptian military. The first three chapters cover the development of Richard Parker's seminal study from 1950 and move into the present stage of scholarship. Very important is the author's clarification of what Parker wrote in his paradigmatic work, a slim volume often misunderstood. Hence, the thrust of argument concentrates upon the dating of feasts, the names of the Egyptian months and their metamorphoses, in addition to the retention of lunar-based phenomena. Two final chapters turn to the military aspects of New Kingdom warfare, with emphasis placed upon Seti I and logistical arrangements.
Janet H. Johnson, Morton D. Hull Distinguished Professor of Egyptology, is internationally known as editor of the Chicago Demotic Dictionary (CDD) project (1976-present), but her publications and interests extend far beyond lexicography. These range from philology and social history to technology and archaeology, including gender studies and marriage, bureaucracy and scribal training, Egyptian grammar of all periods, as well as computer applications to Egyptology and archaeological investigations of the late antique port at Quseir on the Red Sea coast and medieval Luxor. This Festschrift by twenty-eight colleagues, students and friends reflects her wide variety of interests, with topics ranging from the Old Kingdom to Late Antiquity.
A volume of essays designed to accompany the catalogue of the same title. It aims to place the achievements of American Egyptologists into a broader context, with essays on 10 successive periods of Egyptian and Nubian cultural history, from the Pre-Dynastic era to Roman times.
Combining meticulous research with thoughtful conclusion, this remarkable collection of essays explores ancient Egyptian and early Christian thought and leads to a better, more comprehensive understanding of these ancient peoples key beliefs. Worlds Apart is composed of four well-written essays, each chosen with the purpose of engaging both the layperson and the researcher. Using literary, philosophical, historical, and psychological approaches, Ihab Khalil examines several important components of these two vastly different cultures. Topics include Dualism in ancient Egyptian thought The Myth of Osiris Early Christian Christology, both orthodox and heterodox Christian Mysticism Khalil includes an extensive bibliography of his sources conducive to further study and research. In addition, illustrations, endnotes, and tables complement Khalils writing, leading to an even more thorough understanding of his subject. Insightful and deeply engaging, Worlds Apart is an outstanding contribution to understanding the core beliefs of these two cultures.
The wish to affiliate with a specific cultural, social, or ethnical group is as important today as it was in past societies, such as that of the ancient Egyptians. The same significance applies to the self-presentation of an individual within such a group. Although it is inevitable that we perceive ancient cultures through the lens of our time, place, and value systems, we can certainly try to look beyond these limitations. Questions of how the ancient Egyptians saw themselves and how individuals tried to establish and thus present themselves in society are central pieces of the puzzle of how we interpret this ancient culture. This volume focuses on the topic of identity and self-presentation, tackling the subject from many different angles: the ways in which social and personal identities are constructed and maintained; the manipulations of culture by individuals to reflect real or aspirational identities; and the methods modern scholars use to attempt to say something about ancient persons. Building on the work of Ronald J. Leprohon, to whom this volume is dedicated, contributions in this volume present an overview of our current state of understanding of patterns of identity and self-presentation in ancient Egypt. The contributions approach various aspects of identity and self-presentation through studies of gender, literature, material culture, mythology, names, and officialdom.
The Egyptians is a vibrant, accessible introduction to the people who lived along the Nile for almost thirty-five centuries. In this collection of essays, eleven internationally renowned Egyptologists present studies of ancient Egyptians arranged by social type—slaves, craftsmen, priests, bureaucrats, the pharaoh, peasants, and women, among others. These individual essays are filled with a wealth of historical detail that both informs and fascinates: we learn, for example, that Egyptian peasants could not afford burial (their corpses were abandoned on the desert fringe), and that it was the bureaucrats who made the Egyptian system tick (the pyramids could not have been built without them). Read consecutively, the portraits merge to create a larger picture of Egyptian culture, state, and society. The framework of the Egyptian state, in particular, is touched upon in each essay, describing the meticulous administration and well-organized hierarchical system that fostered centuries of stability and prosperity.