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Spain and the Great Powers in the Twentieth Centuryexamines the international context to, and influences on, Spanish history and politics from 1898 to the present day. Spanish history is necessarily international, with the significance of Spain's neutrality in the First World War and the global influences on the outcome of the Spanish Civil War. Taking the Defeat in the Spanish American war of 1898 as a starting point, the book includes surveys on: *the crisis of neutrality during the First World War *foreign policy under the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera *the allies and the Spanish Civil War *Nazi Germany and Franco's Spain *Spain and the Cold War *relations with the United States This book traces the important topic of modern Spanish diplomacy up to the present day
Was Franco sympathetic to Nazi Germany? Why didn't Spain enter World War II? In what ways did Spain collaborate with the Third Reich? How much did Spain assist Jewish refugees? This is the first book in any language to answer these intriguing questions. Stanley Payne, a leading historian of modern Spain, explores the full range of Franco’s relationship with Hitler, from 1936 to the fall of the Reich in 1945. But as Payne brilliantly shows, relations between these two dictators were not only a matter of realpolitik. These two titanic egos engaged in an extraordinary tragicomic drama often verging on the dark absurdity of a Beckett or Ionesco play. Whereas Payne investigates the evolving relationship of the two regimes up to the conclusion of World War II, his principal concern is the enigma of Spain’s unique position during the war, as a semi-fascist country struggling to maintain a tortured neutrality. Why Spain did not enter the war as a German ally, joining with Hitler to seize Gibraltar and close the Mediterranean to the British navy, is at the center of Payne’s narrative. Franco’s only personal meeting with Hitler, in 1940 to discuss precisely this, is recounted here in groundbreaking detail that also sheds significant new light on the Spanish government’s vacillating policy toward Jewish refugees, on the Holocaust, and on Spain’s German connection throughout the duration of the war.
Este segundo tomo arranca del escenario geoestratégico y geopolítico creado al finalizar la IIa Guerra Mundial porque sobre ese escenario se fueron construyendo los bloques en torno a los cuales se configuró la tensión internacional que caracterizó la Guerra Fría. Una tensión militar, política e ideológica. Con una amenaza tras el telón: la guerra nuclear, que por garantizar la destrucción mutua de ambos bloques fue capaz de mantener la tensión sin desencadenar la guerra entre ambos. Una paradoja del equilibrio de fuerzas nucleares. Los orígenes de la "Guerra fría" están situados claramente en la respuesta soviética a la "Doctrina Truman", 1947, cuando Moscú reorganizó los partidos comunistas en torno a la Kominform, a finales del mismo año. Fue en esa conferencia donde se habló por vez primera de la existencia de "dos mundos o bloques". La tensión en Corea tuvo como consecuencia un sistema de tres alianzas: OTAN, SEATO y CENTO, De esta situación arrancará la "coexistencia pacífica".
Este libro es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación sobre las causas de la supervivencia del Régimen de Franco en el contexto internacional de la Guerra Fría, en la que los intereses estratégicos de norteamericanos y rusos determinaron la supervivencia del franquismo. En este contexto se ofrecieron varias alternativas para sustituir el franquismo por una democracia.
After fascism's defeat in 1945 Britain did not co-operate with Franco's Spanish opponents to end his dictatorship. This study demonstrates how divisions in the Spanish opposition were one factor but argues that Britain's strategic and commercial interests in Spain also acted as a disincentive. Only when international pressure for sanctions threatened Iberian stability in 1947 did the British government turn to the Spanish opposition. With the advent of the Cold War, however, the opposition became irrelevant to British needs and Franco's survival was guaranteed.
Proceedings of the doctoral summer seminar, «Changing times. Germany in 20th-Century Europe: Continuity, Evolution and Breakdowns», organised by the European Academy of Yuste Foundation in cooperation with the SEGEI network, in the Royal Monastery of Yuste and Palace of Charles V (10th-15th September 2007). Actes du séminaire doctoral d'été, « Les temps qui changent. L'Allemagne dans l'Europe du 20e siècle: Continuité, évolution et rupture », organisé par la Fondation Académie Européenne de Yuste et le réseau SEGEI dans le Monastère Royal de Yuste et le Palais de Charles Quint (du 10 au 15 septembre 2007).
Vols. 1-4 include material to June 1, 1929.