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We study the ergodic control problem of switching diffusions representing a typical hybrid system that arises in numerous applications such as fault tolerant control systems, flexible manufacturing systems, etc. Under fairly general conditions, we establish the existence of a stable, nonrandomized Markov policy which almost surely minimizes the pathwise long-run average cost. We then study the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation and establish the existence of a unique solution in a certain class. Using this, we characterize the optimal policy as a minimizing selector of the Hamiltonian associated with the HJB equations. As an example we apply the results to a failure prone manufacturing system and obtain closed form solutions for the optimal policy.
The first comprehensive account of controlled diffusions with a focus on ergodic or 'long run average' control.
This book encompasses the study of hybrid switching di usion processes and their applications. The word \hybrid" signi es the coexistence of c- tinuous dynamics and discrete events, which is one of the distinct features of the processes under consideration. Much of the book is concerned with the interactions of the continuous dynamics and the discrete events. Our motivations for studying such processes originate from emerging and - isting applications in wireless communications, signal processing, queueing networks, production planning, biological systems, ecosystems, nancial engineering, and modeling, analysis, and control and optimization of lar- scale systems, under the in uence of random environments. Displaying mixture distributions, switching di usions may be described by the associated operators or by systems of stochastic di erential eq- tions together with the probability transition laws of the switching actions. We either have Markov-modulated switching di usions or processes with continuous state-dependent switching. The latter turns out to be much more challenging to deal with. Viewing the hybrid di usions as a number of di usions joined together by the switching process, they may be se- ingly not much di erent from their di usion counterpart. Nevertheless, the underlying problems become more di cult to handle, especially when the switching processes depend on continuous states. The di culty is due to the interaction of the discrete and continuous processes and the tangled and hybrid information pattern.
This comprehensive volume on ergodic control for diffusions highlights intuition alongside technical arguments. A concise account of Markov process theory is followed by a complete development of the fundamental issues and formalisms in control of diffusions. This then leads to a comprehensive treatment of ergodic control, a problem that straddles stochastic control and the ergodic theory of Markov processes. The interplay between the probabilistic and ergodic-theoretic aspects of the problem, notably the asymptotics of empirical measures on one hand, and the analytic aspects leading to a characterization of optimality via the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation on the other, is clearly revealed. The more abstract controlled martingale problem is also presented, in addition to many other related issues and models. Assuming only graduate-level probability and analysis, the authors develop the theory in a manner that makes it accessible to users in applied mathematics, engineering, finance and operations research.
Sets out core theory and reviews new methods and applications to show how hybrid systems can be modelled and understood.
This volume contains the proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2004) held in Philadelphia, USA, from March 25 to 27, 2004. The annual workshop on hybrid systems attracts researchers from academia and industry interested in modeling, analysis, and implemen- tion of dynamic and reactive systems involving both discrete and continuous behaviors. The previous workshops in the HSCC series were held in Berkeley, USA(1998),Nijmegen,TheNetherlands(1999),Pittsburgh,USA(2000),Rome, Italy (2001), Palo Alto, USA (2002), and Prague, Czech Republic (2003). This year’s HSCC was organized in cooperation with ACM SIGBED (Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems) and was technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society. The program consisted of 4 invited talks and 43 regular papers selected from 117 regular submissions. The program covered topics such as tools for analysis and veri?cation, control and optimization, modeling, and engineering applica- ons, as in past years, and emerging directions in programming language support and implementation. The program also contained one special session focusing on the interplay between biomolecular networks, systems biology, formal methods, andthecontrolofhybridsystems.
In view of Professor Wendell Fleming's many fundamental contributions, his profound influence on the mathematical and systems theory communi ties, his service to the profession, and his dedication to mathematics, we have invited a number of leading experts in the fields of control, optimiza tion, and stochastic systems to contribute to this volume in his honor on the occasion of his 70th birthday. These papers focus on various aspects of stochastic analysis, control theory and optimization, and applications. They include authoritative expositions and surveys as well as research papers on recent and important issues. The papers are grouped according to the following four major themes: (1) large deviations, risk sensitive and Hoc control, (2) partial differential equations and viscosity solutions, (3) stochastic control, filtering and parameter esti mation, and (4) mathematical finance and other applications. We express our deep gratitude to all of the authors for their invaluable contributions, and to the referees for their careful and timely reviews. We thank Harold Kushner for having graciously agreed to undertake the task of writing the foreword. Particular thanks go to H. Thomas Banks for his help, advice and suggestions during the entire preparation process, as well as for the generous support of the Center for Research in Scientific Computation. The assistance from the Birkhauser professional staff is also greatly appreciated.
In this volume, leading experts in mathematical manufacturing research and related fields review and update recent advances of mathematics in stochastic manufacturing systems and attempt to bridge the gap between theory and applications. The topics covered include scheduling and production planning, modeling of manufacturing systems, hierarchical control for large and complex systems, Markov chains, queueing networks, numerical methods for system approximations, singular perturbed systems, risk-sensitive control, stochastic optimization methods, discrete event systems, and statistical quality control.