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#1 New York Times Bestseller From the mind of basketball legend, Academy Award–winning, and New York Times–bestselling storyteller Kobe Bryant comes a new tale of finding your strength against all odds. Set in an alternate classical world dominated by sports and a magical power called grana, Epoca: The Tree of Ecrof is the story of two children: the lowly born Rovi and the crown princess Pretia who uncover and battle terrible evil and discover their inner strength along the way. Epoca: The Tree of Ecrof takes place at the most elite sports academy in the land, where the best child-athletes are sent to hone their skills. When Rovi and Pretia arrive, each harboring a secret about themselves, they begin to suspect that something evil is at play at the school. In the course of their first year, they must learn to master their grana in order to save the world from dark forces that are rising.
The next book in the #1 New York Times best-selling Epoca series from Kobe Bryant and Ivy Claire. As Pretia, the Princess of Epoca, prepares to return to Ecrof, the elite magical sports academy, she is focused on the most important part of her upcoming year: the Junior Epic Games. She knows that her destiny is to rule Epoca, but right now, all she wants is to be selected for the Junior Epic team so that she can compete against the best young athletes in Epoca and bring honor to her people. But as rumors begin to swirl about unrest surrounding the Games, Pretia realizes that winning might not be as simple as being the best athlete she can be. She might have to decide which is more important: being an athlete or being a leader. Pretia‘s best friend, Rovi, is ecstatic when he hears that the Junior Epic Games will be held in Phoenis, where he lived before attending Ecrof. True, his time in Phoenis wasn‘t ideal—he‘d lived on the streets as a Star Stealer, part of a gang of kids who stole what they needed to survive—but he‘d found a home there. He‘s excited to return as a Dreamer, an athlete at the top of his game. But all is not well with the Star Stealers. Rovi‘s old friends are being blamed for the unrest surrounding the Games, even though he‘s sure they have nothing to do with it. Now that he‘s back in Phoenis, Rovi is faced with a difficult question: Is he a Dreamer or a Star Stealer? Can he be both? As tensions mount, Pretia and Rovi, along with their friend Vera, find themselves in a race to save the Star Stealers. And they begin to understand that if anyone is going to make a new future for Epoca, it just might be them.
During the Ptolemaic period, Egyptian temples were divided into three ranks: first, second and third class. This volume examines the rules according to which Egyptian sacred buildings were classified and how the different classes of temples were planned and arranged.
Until recently, there have not been many researches on border zones in Early Modern Europe. For the time before the emergence of nation-states, however, it is convenient to think in European cases, which indicate instability or cooperation in these zones of contact. Three representative geographic regions have been central to an international conference, which was questioning the specificities of zones of fracture. Poland-Lithuania has been linked with two zones (the Baltic Sea and the Balkans). The Northern Italian States were situated between two tectonic regions (the Balkans and the Rhine valley). The Balkans by themselves were divided into various mini zones, and confronted with the Ottoman Empire. The panels did not only try to look for comparisons, but intended to find out the complexity and the different experiences within zones of frontiers in an European context. The overlapping of various lines, especially in the fields of law, taxes and the Church has been brought into sharper focus.
Purpureae vestes estudia un element fonamental en la vida de qualsevol societat antiga com és el vestit i els colors utilitzats per a la seua ornamentació, especialment la púrpura. El luxe en el vestir implicava l'ús de materials com l'or per a la confecció de certs complements. Amb uns antecedents clarament orientals de recerca de la magnificència externa de reis i d'altres dignataris, el simbolisme del color en l'ornamentació personal va constituir, a les ciutats riberenques de la Mediterrània, un factor important de distinció social. Bé fossen de procedència vegetal, mineral o animal, els tints van donar sempre l'«ànima» als tèxtils. Per això, el poder imperial romà, en alguns períodes de la seua història, va controlar amb normes legals de major o menor duresa l'ús de determinats colors obtinguts a partir de gasteròpodes marins. L'obra tracta extensament els aspectes econòmics i tècnics relacionats amb l'elaboració i comercialització de vestits i teles per a altres usos (veles, adorns de la llar, etc.). A partir de diversos punts de vista, entre els que s'inclouen les dades arqueològiques o les referències etnograficocomparatives, s'hi incideix en les etapes de preparació de les fibres tèxtils, en les formes d'elaboració dels teixits més complexos a través de la reconstrucció experimental, en el treball dels pescadors i manufacturers que elaboraven en tallers costaners el tint més valorat, la púrpura, o en els qui treballaven en els tallers de la ciutat, així com en l'anàlisi i descripció detallada dels resultats extrets de les restes tèxtils aparegudes en jaciments, de l'Egipte romà sobretot, que ens mostren encara avui la riquesa i vivor dels seus colors.
El libro que aquí se presenta Educación 4.0 en la época de Pandemia y Pospandemia: retos y oportunidades representa un esfuerzo consistente y pertinente que expone lecciones, aprendizajes y áreas de oportunidad que tienen las organizaciones de educación superior a partir del uso generalizado de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic), durante y posterior a la pandemia por COVID-19. Esta obra está dirigida a los docentes y actores involucrados en los procesos educativos, pues no es conveniente dar vuelta a la hoja y retomar las antiguas prácticas presenciales y tradicionales después de todo el aprendizaje acumulado que se gestó durante esta etapa de contingencia, sino que estas experiencias nos conduzcan hacia escenarios de la Educación 4.0, indispensable para la conformación de ciudadanos del México del siglo XXI. DOI: