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In India forests cover about 75m ha or about 25 per cent of the entire land area. In order to fulfil the appropriate functions the foresty development in India must proceed at a rate much faster than witherto for the sake of the entire economy, for the protection and improvement of the environment and for a much greater production of wood and other non-wood products. Not only the quality of environment be preserved and improved, but also the economic demand for forests products met adequately, both the internal utilization and for export. A substantial increase in employment in forestry operation is feasible and should be aimed at. It is necessary to emphasise that a close integration of the protective and porductive functions of forest should be aimed at which is both feasible and possible. Forests are a major factor of environment conservation and control extremes of heat and cold, rendering the climate more equable. To achieve good conservation and management of our natural resources, we should know the status of our genetic and biological resources. Thus continuous workd and intensive research in the fields of genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity and urgently needed. Contents: Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Land Use, Forest Area and Population, Chapter 3: History of Forestry in India, Chapter 4: Ecological Perceptions, Chapter 5: Ecology of Indian Forests, Chapter 6: Forests and Environment, Chapter 7: Ecosystem Theory and Application, Chapter 8: Forests and Environment: Soil Erosion and Floods, Chapter 9: Wildlife and Biosphere Reserves, Chapter 10: Silvicultural Principles and Practices, Chapter 11: Socio-economic Effects and Constraints, Chapter 12: Women and Environment, Chapter 13: Macro Issues: Pressure on Forests, Chapter 14: Forestry and Rural Development, Chapter 15: People Participation in Afforestation, Chapter 16: Environmental Considerations, Chapter 17: The Environmental Scenario, Chapter 18: Environmental Problems, Chapter 19: Environment: An Impact Assessment, Chapter 20: Analysis of the Environmental Problems: Case Studies, Chapter 21: Pollution: An Appraisal, Chapter 22: Pollution Control (Air and Water) and Its Concept, Chapter 23: Biological Diversity, Chapter 24: Management of Forests and Wildlife, Chapter 25: Biodiversity Biotechnology and Profits, Chapter 26: The Impact of Biodiversity Conservation or Indigenous Peoples, Chapter 27: Genes for Sustainable Development, Chapter 28: Forest Resources and Its Management, Chapter 29: Production and Receipt of Forest Products, Chapter 30: Genetic Resources and Their Importance, Chapter 31: Genetic Resources: Dilemma.
Screening of projects, preliminary assessment of environmental impact and other regulatory options. Detailed assessment of environmental impact. Review of environmental impact reports.
A global assessment of potential and anticipated impacts of efforts to achieve the SDGs on forests and related socio-economic systems. This title is available as Open Access via Cambridge Core.
The inclusion of forests as potential biological sinks in the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997 has attracted international attention and again has put scientific and political focus on the world's forests, regarding their state and development. The international discus sion induced by the Kyoto Protocol has clearly shown that not only the tropical rain forests are endangered by man's activities, but also that the forest ecosystems of boreal, temperate, mediterranean and subtropical regions have been drastically modified. Deforestation on a large scale, burning, over-exploitation, and the degra dation of the biological diversity are well-known symptoms in forests all over the world. This negative development happens in spite of the already existing knowledge of the benefits of forests on global energy and water regimes, the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and other elements as well as on the biological and cultural diversity. The reasons why man does not take care of forests properly are manifold and complex and there is no easy solution how to change the existing negative trends. One reason that makes it so difficult to assess the impacts of human activity on the future development of forests is the large time scale in which forests react, ranging from decades to centuries.
This book presents and analyzes some of the aspects in maintaining forest health. Deforestation is a very important issue in the evolution of the environment. Forests are disappearing and the causes are well-documented. The effects of using household fuelwood consumption, including those of resettlements and refugees, as well as the need for direct investments in the forest sector are studied. Some studies on the trends and drivers of deforestation, plant coverage, forest regeneration and tree trunk diameter estimations were developed using quantitative methods. The book is divided into two sections; the first one deals with the analysis of causes and the effects of deforestation; the second section is mainly related to a large variety of quantitative studies of deforestation.
Industrial Environmental Performance Metrics is a corporate-focused analysis that brings clarity and practicality to the complex issues of environmental metrics in industry. The book examines the metrics implications to businesses as their responsibilities expand beyond the factory gateâ€"upstream to suppliers and downstream to products and services. It examines implications that arise from greater demand for comparability of metrics among businesses by the investment community and environmental interest groups. The controversy over what sustainable development means for businesses is also addressed. Industrial Environmental Performance Metrics identifies the most useful metrics based on case studies from four industriesâ€"automotive, chemical, electronics, and pulp and paperâ€"and includes specific corporate examples. It contains goals and recommendations for public and private sector players interested in encouraging the broader use of metrics to improve industrial environmental performance and those interested in addressing the tough issues of prioritization, weighting of metrics for meaningful comparability, and the longer term metrics needs presented by sustainable development.
Tropical forests are an undervalued asset in meeting the greatest global challenges of our time—averting climate change and promoting development. Despite their importance, tropical forests and their ecosystems are being destroyed at a high and even increasing rate in most forest-rich countries. The good news is that the science, economics, and politics are aligned to support a major international effort over the next five years to reverse tropical deforestation. Why Forests? Why Now? synthesizes the latest evidence on the importance of tropical forests in a way that is accessible to anyone interested in climate change and development and to readers already familiar with the problem of deforestation. It makes the case to decisionmakers in rich countries that rewarding developing countries for protecting their forests is urgent, affordable, and achievable.