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This book is an introductory instrument to the main themes of environmental history, illustrating its development over time, methodological implications, results achieved and those still under discussion. But the overriding aspiration is to show that the doubts, methods and knowledge elaborated by environmental history have a heuristic value that is far from negligible precisely in its attitude to the most consolidated major historiography. For this reason, this book gives an overview of environmental history as it is an essential component of the basic knowledge of global history. At the same time, it introduces specific aspects which are useful both for anyone wanting to deepen his/her studies of environmental historiography and for those interested in one of the many disciplinary areas – from rural history to urban history, from the history of technology to the history of public health, etc. with which environmental history develops a dialogue.
Environmental History as a distinct discipline is now over a generation old, with a large and diverse group of practitioners around the globe. This book provides a reflection on the achievements, diversity, and direction of environmental history in its varied national, international and continental contexts.
This book is the product of the 2nd World Conference on Environmental History, held in Guimarães, Portugal, in 2014. It gathers works by authors from the five continents, addressing concerns raised by past events so as to provide information to help manage the present and the future. It reveals how our cultural background and examples of past territorial intervention can help to combat political and cultural limitations through the common language of environmental benefits without disguising harmful past human interventions. Considering that political ideologies such as socialism and capitalism, as well as religion, fail to offer global paradigms for common ground, an environmentally positive discourse instead of an ecological determinism might serve as an umbrella common language to overcome blocking factors, real or invented, and avoid repeating ecological loss. Therefore, agency, environmental speech and historical research are urgently needed in order to sustain environmental paradigms and overcome political, cultural an economic interests in the public arena. This book intertwines reflections on our bonds with landscapes, processes of natural and scientific transfer across the globe, the changing of ecosystems, the way in which scientific knowledge has historically both accelerated destruction and allowed a better distribution of vital resources or as it, in today’s world, can offer alternatives that avoid harming those same vital natural resources: water, soil and air. In addition, it shows the relevance of cultural factors both in the taming of nature in favor of human comfort and in the role of the environment matters in the forging of cultural identities, which cannot be detached from technical intervention in the world. In short, the book firstly studies the past, approaching it as a data set of how the environment has shaped culture, secondly seeks to understand the present, and thirdly assesses future perspectives: what to keep, what to change, and what to dream anew, considering that conventional solutions have not sufficed to protect life on our planet.
Knjiga je strokovno delo, ki temelji na prevodu slovenske knjige Maje Andrič, Tjaše Tolar in Boruta Toškana (Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU) Okoljska arheologija in paleoekologija: palinologija, arheobotanika in arheozoologija (2016). Poleg prevoda leta 2016 izdane knjige, delo dopolnjujejo dodatna poglavja, ki vključujejo tovrstne raziskave na Hrvaškem, vključujoč geoarheologijo, ki v slovenski različici ni obravnavana. Ta del knjige sta izpopolnila Katarina Gerometta s Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile Filozofske fakultete v Puli in Siniša Radović z Zavoda za paleontologiju i geologiju kvartara HAZU v Zagrebu. Avtorji na poljuden način razkrivajo načine (tj. metode dela) in rezultate raziskav nekdanjega okolja. Rastlinski in živalski ostanki kot tudi odloženi sedimenti, ki jih lahko najdemo na arheoloških najdiščih ter v močvirskih in jezerskih sedimentih so dober vir podatkov o načinu življenja, gospodarstvu, prehranskih navadah, nekdanjem okolju in prilagoditvah človeka nanj v različnih arheoloških obdobjih. Gre za prvo celovito knjižno predstavitev področij delovanja palinologije, arheobotanike, arheozoologije in geoarheologije v hrvaškem jeziku.
There is a growing need for cooperation between disciplines, not only to deal with the burning problems of the present, but to study the interaction of societies and their ecosystems in the past. In the 1970s studies in Environmental History were largely confined to North America. Recent years have brought about a vast increase in the "amount, the quality and the scope of scholarship on historical interactions between human (social and economic) de velopment and the biosphere in Europe, both East and West. This broad interest in environmental history may have been heightened and sharpened by the dangers of unbridled technology and unlimited growth, which are becoming more and more manifest. However, for several reasons it is still difficult to become familiar with the different approaches to this new and interdisciplinary of study. Many fields of thought - biology, anthropology, field geography, sociology and history - are involved; the relevant books and articles are hard to find and a coherent theoretical framework is still lacking, because the key issues have yet to be submitted to a thorough scholarly debate. It is hoped that the pre sent volume will make a contribution towards overcoming those shortcomings.
Dinarski kras je obsežno, 800 km dolgo in do 150 km široko kraško območje, ki zavzema večji del Dinarskih gora in zavzema zahodni del Slovenije. Dinarski kras se odlikuje po velikih sklenjenih površinah, izjemni pestrosti reliefnih oblik, izjemnih jamah, velikih rekah ponikalnicah in kraških izvirih. Zaradi izrazitih oblik in pojavov so se tu že zgodaj pojavili opisi krasa pa tudi znanstvena raziskovanja. V 19. stoletju, je iz imena pokrajine Kras nastal termin karst, domača imena za reliefne oblike, dolina, polje, uvala, ponor pa so postali znanstveni termini. Tu so bile odkrite in opisane tudi prve jamske živali. Kljub odkritju številnih novih kraških območij v drugačnih geoloških ali klimatskih pogojih ostaja Dinarski kras še vedno svetovno pomembno kraško področje. Dinarski kras je locus tipicus za številne oblike in pojave, je mesto intenzivnega raziskovanja, pa tudi mesto, kjer se srečujejo krasoslovci s celega sveta. Knjiga na poljudnoznanstven način opisuje osnovne karakteristike Dinarskega krasa ter karakteristične primere tipov površja z Dinarskega krasa.
Encyclopedia of Caves, Third Edition, provides detailed background information to anyone with a serious interest in caves. This includes students, both undergraduate and graduate, in the earth, biological and environmental sciences, and consultants, environmental scientists, land managers and government agency staff whose work requires them to know something about caves and the biota that inhabit them. Caves touch on many scientific interests in geology, climate science, biology, hydrology, archaeology, and paleontology, as well as more popular interests in sport caving and cave exploration. Case studies and descriptions of specific caves selected for their special features and public interest are also included. This book will appeal to these audiences by providing in-depth essays written by expert authors chosen for their expertise in their assigned subject. - Features 14 new chapters and 13 completely rewritten chapters - Contains beautifully illustrated content, with more than 500 color images of cave life and features - Provides extensive bibliographies that allow readers to access their subject of interest in greater depth
The third edition of this comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary covers the whole field of physical geography and provides an essential reference for all students and lecturers in this field.