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El siglo XX ha sido testigo del descenso drástico de las tasas de mortalidad, que junto con la disminución de las de natalidad ha llevado al surgimiento de un fenómeno inédito en la historia de la humanidad, como es el proceso de envejecimiento de la población. Es lo que desde Naciones Unidas se ha denominado una revolución silenciosa. El siglo XXI puede ser --lo está siendo desde finales del pasado-- el siglo de la longevidad, al prolongarse cada vez más la esperanza de vida no sólo al nacimiento sino también entre los grupos de edad más elevada, como los octogenarios, nonagenarios y centenarios. Grupos que crecen a mayor ritmo que los de edades más jóvenes. Esta situación plantea interrogantes y temores sobre el futuro de los sistemas de pensiones y de salud y servicios sociales, y urge analizar sus consecuencias con rigor, sin alarmismos, con espíritu solidario y con gozo, por vivir en un momento en que no sólo no se mueren los niños tempranamente, sino que hasta las tasas de mortalidad en los grupos avanzados se ralentizan. Hay que hacer frente a los nuevos desafíos con un espíritu y mente nuevos. En el libro se analizan distintas cuestiones relativas al envejecimiento de la población desde el punto de vista teórico y de la investigación, algunas de sus consecuencias, y estrategias familiares y sociales para afrontar la dependencia en la edad avanzada, ciertas cuestiones socio-sanitarias cuya mejora es imprescindible, y la necesidad de dar voz y poder a las propias personas mayores para que se impliquen decididamente en la resolución de sus propios problemas, el principal de los cuales puede ser la falta de valoración social de los grupos de más edad, y la todavía existencia de estereotipos negativos en las percepciones sociales.
Este manual esta basado en experiencias de compañeros,estudios científicos muy modernos y vivencias del día a día, en hospitales geriátricos y residencias.
The International Handbook of Population Aging examines research on a wide array of the profound implications of population aging. It demonstrates how the world is changing through population aging, and how demography is changing in response to it.
Este libro trata temas enfermeros destacados en la actualidad. La mayor esperanza de vida en los países desarrollados ha provocado un aumento en la cifra de personas centenarias, y a su vez, un mayor número de personas con dependencia o discapacidad, siendo necesaria la realización de técnicas continuadas como la diálisis.
The US healthcare system has many excellent components; strong scientific input, extraordinary technology for diagnosis and treatment, dedicated staff and top-class facilities among them. But the system has evolved haphazardly over time and although it has not failed entirely, the authors argue that like any system where attention, is paid to individual components at the expense of the system as a whole, it can never hope to succeed. Above all, they point out that the US system does not provide high value healthcare; it has the highest costs in the world and yet many other countries have lower infant mortality rates and better life expectancy. --
This book offers an up-to-date review on the principles and practice of multidimensional assessment and management of the older individual, which represents the cornerstone of modern clinical practice in the elderly. The early chapters cover the main elements and scope of the comprehensive geriatric approach and explain the pathways of care from screening and case finding through to in-depth assessment and treatment planning. Subsequent chapters review the evidence of how best to apply the multidimensional assessment and management approach in defined healthcare settings and within specific clinical areas, such as cancer and surgery. Finally, the education and training challenges are reviewed and the prospects for future clinical service and research in this important field are examined. The book is very timely given the recent advances in application of this approach, which reflect the growing international realization that older people are “core business” in many clinical areas where the role of specialist geriatric medicine has hitherto been limited. Accordingly, the book will be relevant to a wide range of clinicians. The authorship comprises many of the best known and widely published experts in their respective fields.
This supplement to the journal, International Psychogeriatrics introduces the Canadian Study of Health and Aging, one of the largest epidemiologic studies of dementia conducted to date. A comprehensive description of the study methods and data sets as well as selected results are discussed.
This volume analyses the most important problems and challenges that health, age and the environment introduce in the labour market, and how these factors affect both the way people work and their rights. The contributions here focus on the main challenges for social security systems, lawmakers and trade unions, and provide important solutions to improve workers’ rights and guarantee the viability of public social security systems. Other topics analysed here include dress-codes and whistleblowing in companies. From the labour point of view, workers’ representatives and trade unions must take action in collective bargaining to deal with these topics and adequately protect the workforce. The authors here are drawn from countries such as Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Poland, Brazil and Colombia, providing a global perspective. The book will appeal to lawyers, legal and human resources experts, economists, judges, academics and staff from trade unions and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (13), English (7) and Portuguese (2).
Cuban Studies is the preeminent journal for scholarly work on Cuba. Each volume includes articles in English and Spanish and a large book review section. In publication since 1970, and under Alejandro de la Fuente’s editorial leadership since 2013, this interdisciplinary journal covers all aspects of Cuban history, politics, culture, diaspora, and more. Issue 52 contains three dossiers: two on urban Habana and one on understandings of the Cuban Revolution in 1960s Latin America.