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Poder Dinero Placer Amor ¿Qué vale más para ti?Justo esa pregunta nos hacemos todos: ¿qué resulta más importante en la vida de una persona?Lamentablemente para Declan, el amor que sentía por Stella, una joven determinada a superarse en la vida dejando atrás todo el dolor de su pasado, siempre siendo fiel a sus principios y quien lo amaba intensamente, simplemente no le bastó; ya que fue consumido y arrastrado por su ambición, escudándose en cumplir uno de sus sueños:Alcanzar una posición privilegiada en la política.Buscando materializar lo que tanto anhelaba, conoció al distinguido e influyente Senador Marshall, un hombre sin escrúpulos, al que no se le amilana el corazón cuando se trata de conseguir lo que desea en la vida. Amante de las mujeres hermosas y el causante de que Declan vea por primera vez a esa hembra de cabello tan rojo como el fuego, la cual podría ser su perdición.Hay ocasiones donde solo una persona es suficiente para conducir a un hombre joven e inteligente por el peor de los caminos, adentrándolo a un mundo de perversión y corrupción... donde el placer y el poder van de la mano.¿Podrá el amor... vencer al poder?¿Lograrán Declan y Stella superar todas las pruebas que se les presentarán en el camino?
In early modern Spain, theater reached the height of its popularity during the same decades in which Spanish monarchs were striving to consolidate their power. Jodi Campbell uses the dramatic production of seventeenth-century Madrid to understand how ordinary Spaniards perceived the political developments of this period. Through a study of thirty-three plays by four of the most popular playwrights of Madrid (Pedro Caldern de la Barca, Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla, Juan de Matos Fragoso, and Juan Bautista Diamante), Campbell analyzes portrayals of kingship during what is traditionally considered to be the age of absolutism and highlights the differences between the image of kingship cultivated by the monarchy and that presented on Spanish stages. A surprising number of plays performed and published in Madrid in the seventeenth century, Campbell shows, featured themes about kingship: debates over the qualities that make a good king, tests of a king's abilities, and stories about the conflicts that could arise between the personal interests of a king and the best interest of his subjects. Rather than supporting the absolutist and centralizing policies of the monarchy, popular theater is shown here to favor the idea of reciprocal obligations between subjects and monarch. This study contributes new evidence to the trend of recent scholarship that revises our views of early modern Spanish absolutism, arguing for the significance of the perspectives of ordinary people to the realm of politics.
In Transcending Textuality, Ariadna García-Bryce provides a fresh look at post-Trent political culture and Francisco de Quevedo’s place within it by examining his works in relation to two potentially rival means of transmitting authority: spectacle and print. Quevedo’s highly theatrical conceptions of power are identified with court ceremony, devotional ritual, monarchical and spiritual imagery, and religious and classical oratory. At the same time, his investment in physical and emotional display is shown to be fraught with concern about the decline of body-centered modes of propagating authority in the increasingly impersonalized world of print. Transcending Textuality shows that Quevedo’s poetics are, in great measure, defined by the attempt to retain in writing the qualities of live physical display.
An assessment of the life, work and reputation of Spain's leading Golden Age dramatist
It would seem unlikely that one could discover tolerant religious attitudes in Spain, Portugal, and the New World colonies during the era of the Inquisition, when enforcement of Catholic orthodoxy was widespread and brutal. Yet this groundbreaking book does exactly that. Drawing on an enormous body of historical evidence—including records of the Inquisition itself—the historian Stuart Schwartz investigates the idea of religious tolerance and its evolution in the Hispanic world from 1500 to 1820. Focusing on the attitudes and beliefs of common people rather than those of intellectual elites, the author finds that no small segment of the population believed in freedom of conscience and rejected the exclusive validity of the Church. The book explores various sources of tolerant attitudes, the challenges that the New World presented to religious orthodoxy, the complex relations between “popular” and “learned” culture, and many related topics. The volume concludes with a discussion of the relativist ideas that were taking hold elsewhere in Europe during this era.
The Sexual History of the Global South explores the gap between sexuality studies and post-colonial cultural critique. Featuring twelve case studies, based on original historical and ethnographic research from countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the book examines the sexual investments underlying the colonial project and the construction of modern nation-states. Covering issues of heteronormativity, post-colonial amnesia regarding non-normative sexualities, women's sexual agency, the policing of the boundaries between the public and the private realm, sexual citizenship, the connections between LGBTQ activism and processes of state formation, and the emergence of sexuality studies in the global South, this collection is of great geographical, historical, and topical significance.
This volume offers a series of essays that explore the significance of visual imagery as a medium for the representation of spiritual and ideological concerns by the Catholic Church in the Spanish Habsburg Empire. Each of these essays provides a valuable contribution to established areas of research such as Velázquez studies, St. Teresa of Avila as spiritual exemplar for the Counter-Reformation in Spain, the iconography of St. Francis of Assisi, or the evolution of Peruvian Christian iconography. A valuable contribution of all these essays is their discussion of new visual and textual sources which are revealing of the diverse modes of representation developed by the Church to ‘Delight, Move and Instruct’ the many and diverse spectators of its artistic message. Together these essays provide a range of critical perspectives on the complex cultural, political and spiritual context that shaped the evolution of Religious Art in cities as distant as Cuzco and Madrid.
El presente libro pretende mapear el planeta de las juventudes iberoamericanas, a modo de pequeña enciclopedia capaz de condensar los pequeños saberes y grandes interrogantes sobre las identidades juveniles actuales, ya sean ocultas, sumergidas, emergentes y visibles, es decir, como una Juvenopedia en construcción. Responde a un trabajo de investigación individual de naturaleza interdisciplinaria, pero parte de un esfuerzo colectivo de distintos investigadores iberoamericanos de las últimas generaciones, que de alguna manera han tenido relación como colegas, discípulos o colaboradores de Carles Feixa y Patricia Oliart (coordinadores). Tras una introducción en la que los coordinadores establecen un marco general sobre los estudios de las juventudes iberoamericanas, el libro se articula en capítulos que responden a intereses teóricos y marcos disciplinarios distintos, aunque todos comparten la misma estructura: una primera sección en base a marcos teóricos y conceptuales, una segunda a partir de esbozos etnográficos, y una tercera en base a un caso de estudio como ilustración de las teorías. En ellos se retratan una diversidad de jóvenes contemporáneos en América Latina y la Península Ibérica: jóvenes indígenas, trendsetters, rurales, urbanos, estudiantes, trabajador@s, en masculino, en femenino, digitales, deportistas, ciudadan@s, transnacionales, altermundialistas e indignad@s.
Essays focus on Baroque as a concept and category of analysis which has been central to an understanding of Hispanic cultures during the last several hundred years