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The English military ascendancy which lasted from the mid-14th to the early 16th century was founded upon defensive tactics based on the use of the longbow. This weapon, distinctive in that it was used by English forces alone, was probably the most effective missile weapon of the Late Middle Ages: its arrow had the same penetrative ability as a modern day bullet and the bow's rate of fire was not equalled by any weapon used by English forces until the adoption of the Lee Enfield rifle at the beginning of the 20th century. The English longbowmen's involvement in wars such as the War of the Roses (1455-1485) and One Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) is discussed.
An iconic medieval missile weapon, the deadly longbow made possible the English victories at Crecy and Poitiers at the height of the Hundred Years' War. The longbow was the weapon at the heart of the English military ascendancy in the century after 1340. Capable of subjecting the enemy to a hail of deadly projectiles, the longbow in the hands of massed archers made possible the extraordinary victories enjoyed by English forces over superior numbers at Crécy and Poitiers, and remained a key battlefield weapon throughout the Wars of the Roses and beyond. It also played a leading role in raiding, siege and naval warfare. Its influence and use spread to the armies of Burgundy, Scotland and other powers, and its reputation as a cost-effective and easily produced weapon led to calls for its widespread adoption among the nascent armies of the American Republic as late as the 1770s.
Takes us through the numerous battles in Wales.
The publication of this volume completes the new edition of the sources and major analogues of all the Canterbury Tales prepared by members of the New Chaucer Society. This collection, the first to appear in over half a century, features such additions as a fresh interpretation of Chaucer's sources for the frame of the work, chapters on the sources of the General Prologue and Retractions, and modern English translations of all foreign language texts, with glosses for the Middle English. Chapters on the individual tales contain an updated survey of the present state of scholarship on their source materials. Several sources and analogues discovered during the past fifty years are found here together for the first time, and some other familiar sources are re-edited from manuscripts closer to Chaucer's copies. Besides the General Prologue and the Retractions, this volume includes chapters on the Miller, Summoner, Merchant, Physician, Shipman, Prioress, Sir Thopas, Canon's Yeoman, Manciple, the Knight and the prologues and tales of the Man of Law and Wife of Bath.Contributors: PETER BEIDLER, KENNETH A. BLEETH, LAUREL BROUGHTON, JOANNE CHARBONNEAU, WILLIAM E. COLEMAN, CAROLYN P. COLLETTE, VINCENT DI MARCO, PETER FIELD, TRAUGOTT LAWLER, ANITA OBERMEIER, ROBERT RAYMO, CHRISTINE RICHARDSON-HEY, JOHN SCATTERGOOD, NIGEL S. THOMPSON, EDWARD WHEATLEY, JOHN WITHRINGTON,
The English bowman was the professional fighting man who during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries dominated Europe. He was the most significant single factor that revolutionized all the mediaeval concepts and old traditions of warfare. This study is a reconstruction in human terms of an age of courage, vitality and endurance.
This book chronicles the overwhelming importance of the military archer in the late medieval period. The longbow played a central role in the English victory at the battles of Crecy and Agincourt. Completely undermining the supremacy of heavy cavalry, the longbow forced a wholesale reassessment of battlefield tactics. Richard Wadge explains what made England's longbow archers so devastating, detailing the process by which their formidable armament was manufactured and the conditions that produced men capable of continually drawing a bow under a tension of 100 pounds. Uniquely, Wadge looks at the economics behind the supply of longbows to the English army and the social history of the military archer. Crucially, what were the advantages of joining the first professional standing army in England since the days of the Roman conquest? Was it the pay, the booty, or the glory? With its painstaking analysis of contemporary records, Arrowstorm paints a vivid portrait of the life of a professional soldier in the war which forged the English national consciousness.
Much myth and fantasy surrounds the events of the Wars of the Roses (1455-1485): a bloody and prolonged dynastic struggle between the houses of York and Lancaster. Terence Wise's fascinating text lays bare the real story, and examines the armies, liveries and badges of the conflict. The author's readable account provides a comprehensive guide as to who fought whom, where, when, why and for what, from the origins of the Wars to such famous battles as Tewkesbury and Bosworth. The accompanying photographs, illustrations and colour plates by Gerry Embleton clearly detail the arms, armor and standards of the time.
As an outline of the tactical maneuver that will be tested in the wargame - simulated battle - of chapter 3, we present the model of the Sicilian Opening, where we will consider a hypothesis (compared to chess) in which Azincourt was a great French attack of opportunity that shocked head-on against a solid - ground and weapons support - English defensive position. It could have been different if Constable Albret and Marshal Boucicault had been heard, and after updating the battle plan - by the terrain and the enemy situation - had taken a more appropriate offensive device. When an Arab or Double Perpendicular battle order would then be employed, that is, simultaneous pressure on two flanks - in this simulation at the northern and southern entrances of the Tramecourt-Azincourt clearing - which would require numerical, geographical, and moral superiority.
Although the information of the prior recognition of the English strong position had not altered the count of Alençon s willingness to attack, King Philip in verifying his blatant failure could have halted this, let s call it, forceful recognition, and taken an offensive device for the attacks in the early hours of the next day. When a typical Byzantine (or Double Perpendicular with forward pressure combined with flank attacks) would then be employed, that is, a force frontally threatened the enemy formation by fixing it, especially if it were a solid infantry block, but without engaging decisively; then other forces sought to flank and / or engage the enemy device.