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This book can help teachers who are beginning to teach English classes either the language or another subject. It focuses on words and phrases for every part of the class. It is not a mere translation from another language but real English, the one that native speakers would use. If you are finding it difficult to communicate with your students and want to sound like a native , do not hesistate and get a copy of this book. It will certainly make a difference.Este libro es de gran utilidad para todos aquellos profesores que se enfrentan por primera vez a dar clases en inglés o quieren mejorar su inglés en las clases. Contiene muchas expresiones idiomáticas, verbos y frases para la diferentes partes y actividades de las que se compone cualquier lección que se da a los alumnos. Si quieres hablar como un profesor nativo este libro puede ser muy útil.
Bringing a fresh and lively approach to language study, Learning about Language is an exciting collection of fun, creative activities and warm-up games that explore the multifaceted nature of the English language. For use in any primary classroom, this book will help develop the pupil’s knowledge of how the English language works and will improve their ability to use language effectively. Throughout the book, the author explains key features of the English language by arranging the volume alphabetically into sections, each of which explores a different linguistic feature. Foster suggests enjoyable activities that will enable students to consolidate their learning and improve their communication skills through word play, and frequently uses rhyme to illustrate and elaborate on points made. Areas covered include: Spelling, punctuation and grammar; Origin, meaning, similarities and differences of words, including homonyms, anagrams and synonyms; The explanation of particular uses of language for specific purposes; Humorous misuse of words, including malapropisms and spoonerisms; The inclusion of numerous opportunities for students to play with words by participating in word games and through their own writing. With its unique and accessible approach to language study, Learning about Language provides teachers of English with a dynamic collection of resources that will be welcomed by educators and students alike.
The strategies in this book - such as using lists of key words and visual aids to using body language and gestures - are adaptable and easy to put into practice.
Bringing together the varied and multifaceted expertise of teachers and linguists in one accessible volume, this book presents practical tools, grounded in cutting-edge research, for teaching about language and language diversity in the ELA classroom. By demonstrating practical ways teachers can implement research-driven linguistic concepts in their own teaching environment, each chapter offers real-world lessons as well as clear methods for instructing students on the diversity of language. Written for pre-service and in-service teachers, this book includes easy-to-use lesson plans, pedagogical strategies and activities, as well as a wealth of resources carefully designed to optimize student comprehension of language variation.
Reach all of your English language learners with the effective and engaging approaches in this book. It's filled with practical tools, strategies, and real-world vignettes that will help you teach reading and writing to a diverse student population. The book features Mental Energizers, aptitudes that will help sustain your commitment as you work in linguistically diverse classrooms. It also highlights Strategic Energizers, teaching approaches that promote student learning and engagement. The classroom vignettes presented along the way show the Energizers in action. These Energizers, which can be used throughout instruction, will have you feeling ready and motivated to bring all of your English language learners to success!
Teaching English Language Variation in the Global Classroom offers researchers and teachers methods for instructing students on the diversity of the English language on a global scale. A complement to Devereaux and Palmer’s Teaching Language Variation in the Classroom, this collection provides real-world, classroom-tested strategies for teaching English language variation in a variety of contexts and countries, and with a variety of language learners. Each chapter balances theory with discussions of curriculum and lesson planning to address how to effectively teach in global classrooms with approaches based on English language variation. With lessons and examples from five continents, the volume covers recent debates on many pedagogical topics, including standardization, stereotyping, code-switching, translanguaging, translation, identity, ideology, empathy, and post-colonial and critical theoretical approaches. The array of pedagogical strategies, accessible linguistic research, clear methods, and resources provided makes it an essential volume for pre-service and in-service teachers, graduate students, and scholars in courses on TESOL, EFL, World/Global Englishes, English as a Medium of Instruction, and Applied Linguistics.
A Book for Every Teacher: Teaching English Language Learners is a unique and compressive text written for mainstream classroom teachers. The passion for writing this book comes from our working experiences with the K–12 teachers in four school districts through our ELL Center professional development program. Through this program, we provide professional training through our federally funded research and service projects. The purpose of our professional training is to prepare general education teachers to work effectively with English language learners (ELLs). While working with the teachers on a daily basis, we know the immediate needs of the teachers. This motivated us to embark this book project. In recent years, the ELL school population has the highest increase among school populations. As the NEA data indicates, providing ELL students with high quality services and programs is an important investment in America’s future (NEA, 2013). This book is our investment in helping teachers to meet their challenges and provide useful information and strategies for teaching ELLs. The book is designed with K–12 teachers in mind. It is best used by teachers who have or will have ELLs in their classrooms and who seek information and strategies to better work with and serve their ELLs to achieve academic success. With this design, teachers can use the book as a text or reference tool. This book can also be adopted as text materials for professional training. Teachers are the most important factor for ELLs’ academic success.
K-12 classroom teachers get practical, ready-to-use strategies for integrating English language development into the content curriculum and achieving content text comprehension for all students. This is the ideal resource for teachers to address today's increased emphasis on integrating content and English language learning in classroom lessons. The authors present practical, ready-to-use strategies to help teachers promote English language development and content achievement for each student in their class. Written specifically for content teachers, Teaching English Language and Content In Mainstream Classes emphasises practical application of research-based second language learning principles in a clear, friendly writing style that clarifies concepts, defines key terms, and offers classroom teachers strategies and tools that help accelerate their students' academic achievement. Techniques for developing reading, writing, and speaking skills in content areas are emphasised.
This all-new edition strengthens your instructional planning and makes it easier to know when to use research-based instructional strategies with ELL students in every grade level.
Reach all of your English language learners with the effective and engaging approaches in this book. It's filled with practical tools, strategies, and real-world vignettes that will help you teach reading and writing to a diverse student population. The book features Mental Energizers, aptitudes that will help sustain your commitment as you work in linguistically diverse classrooms. It also highlights Strategic Energizers, teaching approaches that promote student learning and engagement. The classroom vignettes presented along the way show the Energizers in action. These Energizers, which can be used throughout instruction, will have you feeling ready and motivated to bring all of your English language learners to success!