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Das Buch vereint die Beitrage einer Konferenz polnischer, britischer und deutscher Historiker, die vom 20. bis zum 22. November 1997 in Dresden stattfand. Aus dem Inhalt: Thronbesteigung und Thronwechsel: bestimmende Faktoren bei Grundung und Fortsetzung der Personalunion; Das politische Verhaltnis zwischen den Staaten der Personalunion: Institutionen und ProzedurenDas politische Verhaltnis zwischen den Staaten der Personalunion: Interessen und ZielePersonalunion und Kulturkontakt: der Hof als Schauplatz und Vermittler kultureller WechselwirkungenEin Herrscher - zwei Staaten: die Personalunion als Problem des Monarche
A reappraisal of the links between Hanover and Great Britain, highlighting their previously un-explored importance.
When George I, Elector of Hanover, was crowned King of England in 1714, he established a dynastic union between the two countries that endured until 1837, leaving many cultural and political accomplishments to posterity. The 300th anniversary of this union led the Institute of Landscape Architecture, Technische Universität Dresden, and the Centre of Garden and Landscape Architecture (CGL), Leibniz Universität Hannover, to take a critical look at the gardens that resulted. The symposium “Hanover and England: a union of state and garden / German and British garden culture between 1714 and today” was sponsored by the Lower Saxonian Ministry of Science and Culture. The resulting papers dealt with far more than garden history, addressing as well the background and channels by which ideas on art, agriculture, commerce, technology, literature and politics were exchanged. Given the encyclopedic interests of late 18th century thinkers, it was necessary to invite several academic disciplines to participate, in order to describe and discuss the cultural transfer between Great Britain and Hanover. The transfer of horticultural and artistic ideas very often flourished in the 19th century at different places. For this reason, the conference focused on two key aspects: the Hanoverian-British exchange between 1714 and 1837 (the period of the actual royal union) and the Anglo-German relations that endure to the present day. Als Georg I., Kurfürst von Hannover, 1714 zum König von England gekrönt wurde, begründete dies eine Personalunion zwischen den beiden Ländern, die bis 1837 bestand und der Nachwelt eine Vielzahl kultureller und politischer Errungenschaften hinterließ. Das 300-jährige Jubiläum dieses Zusammenschlusses nahmen das Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur der Technischen Universität Dresden und das Zentrum für Gartenkunst und Landschaftsarchitektur (CGL) der Leibniz Universität Hannover zum Anlass, sich kritisch mit den in dieser Zeit entstandenen Gärten auseinanderzusetzen. Das Symposium „Hanover and England: a union of state and garden / German and British garden culture between 1714 and today“ wurde vom Niedersächsischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur gefördert. Die Beiträge beschäftigten sich nicht nur mit Gartengeschichte, sondern widmeten sich auch dem Austausch von Ideen zu Kunst, Landwirtschaft, Handel, Technologie, Literatur und Politik. So schien es sinnvoll, unterschiedliche akademische Disziplinen zur Teilnahme einzuladen, um den kulturellen Transfer zwischen Großbritannien und Hannover zu untersuchen und zu diskutieren. Die Konferenz konzentrierte sich auf zwei Schlüsselaspekte: den hannoverisch-britischen Austausch zwischen 1714 und 1837 (die Zeit der Personalunion) und die deutsch-englischen Beziehungen, die bis heute andauern.
This study contributes toward re-assessment of the Anglo-Prussian alliance and illuminates the mechanics of the international system of the period. It relies extensively on previously unconsulted official and private papers.
The years between 1744 and 1757 were a testing time for the British government as political unrest at home exploded into armed rebellion, whilst on the continent French armies were repeatedly victorious. Providing an analytical narrative, supported by thematic chapters, this book examines the relationship between Britain’s politics and foreign policy in a period not hitherto treated as a unit. Building upon methods employed in the preceding two books (’Politics and Foreign Policy in the Age of George I, 1714-1727’ and ’Politics and Foreign Policy, 1727-44’), this volume charts the significant political changes of 1744-57. It shows how ministerial change and political fortunes were closely linked to foreign policy, with foreign policy affecting, and being affected by, political developments. In particular, it asks important questions about the politics and foreign policy of these years and thus reconsiders the context of imperial growth, economic development and political stability. Far from being simply a study of individual episodes, the book outlines the structural aspects of the relationship between foreign policy and politics, examining issues of political stability, motivation and effectiveness. In particular, the role of monarch, Court and ministers are considered alongside those of Parliament, parliamentary politics, and the public sphere of discussion, notably, but not only, the press. The book therefore offers a guided narrative that both uses and builds on the analysis offered by contemporary commentators, and provides an informed assessment of the significance of the ideas, terms and language employed in eighteenth-century Britain to discuss foreign policy and politics.
For more than 120 years (1714–1837) Great Britain was linked to the German Electorate, later Kingdom, of Hanover through Personal Union. This made Britain a continental European state in many respects, and diluted her sense of insular apartness. The geopolitical focus of Britain was now as much on Germany, on the Elbe and the Weser as it was on the Channel or overseas. At the same time, the Hanoverian connection was a major and highly controversial factor in British high politics and popular political debate. This volume was the first systematically to explore the subject by a team of experts drawn from the UK, US and Germany. They integrate the burgeoning specialist literature on aspects of the Personal Union into the broader history of eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Britain. Never before had the impact of the Hanoverian connection on British politics, monarchy and the public sphere, been so thoroughly investigated.
In 1714 George Ludwig, the fifty-eight-year-old elector of Brunswick-Luneburg, became, as George I, the first of the Hanoverian dynasty to rule Britain. Until his death in 1727 George served as both elector of Hanover and British monarch. An enigmatic figure whose real character has long been concealed by anti-Hanoverian propaganda, George emerges in this groundbreaking biography as an impressive ruler who welcomed the responsibilities the accession brought him and set out to bring culture to what he considered the unsophisticated English nation. Ragnhild Hatton’s biography is the only comprehensive account of George’s life and reign. It draws on a wide range of archival sources in several languages to illuminate the fascinating details of George’s early life and dynastic crises, his plans and ambitions for the British nation, the impact of his rationalist ideas, and his accomplishments as king. The book also examines the king’s private life, his family relationships in both Prussia and England, his private interest in music and the arts, and the improvement of his British and Hanoverian properties.
In 1783 Britain had lost America and was unstable domestically. By 1793 it had regained its position as the leading global power. Three successive crises are examined during the intervening years in an effort to throw light on the British state in an "Age of Revolutions" and a crucial period of international development.