Download Free Engineering Evaluation Cost Analysis Million Gallon Hill Source Area Of The West Unit Galena Airport Alaska Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Engineering Evaluation Cost Analysis Million Gallon Hill Source Area Of The West Unit Galena Airport Alaska and write the review.

This Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) has been developed by the U.S. Air Force for the Million Gallon Hill source area of the West Unit (IRP Site STOO9) at Galena Airport, Alaska in response to the presence of contaminated soils and the existence of free phase hydrocarbons floating on the groundwater. Four alternate non-time critical removal actions were evaluated for the Million Gallon Hill source area. These were: (1) No action; (2) Product recovery and soil bioventing; (3) Containment; and (4) Product recovery, soil excavation, and treatment. All four alternatives were evaluated on the basis of effectiveness, implementability, and cost. The second alternative, product recovery and soil bioventing, was found to be most feasible in terms of effectiveness, implementability, and cost. (MM).
Engineering evaluation and cost analysis report presents the results of developing and evaluating nontime-critical response action alternative for the Circle Smelting site in Beckemeyer, Ill. The report will be used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in evaluation of response action alternative for the site in accordance with the Superfund Law.