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This work plan was prepared by Engineering-Science, Inc. (ES) and describes the scope of work required for the collection and analysis of data to complete an engineering evaluation/cost analysis (BE/CA) in support of a risk-based remediation decision for soil and ground water contaminated with JP-4 fuel hydrocarbons at Site STl4 at Carswell Air Force Base (AFB), Fort Worth, Texas. Site STl4 consists of two separate sites: Site STl4A, the Fuel Loading Area, and Site STl4B, the petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) tank farm. This work plan is the equivalent of a treatability study test design (TSTD) for the field test of the risk-based approach for the remediation of Site ST 14. This innovative technology demonstration is sponsored by the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) at Brooks AFB, Texas, under contract F41624-93-C-8044, "Risk-Based Approach to Fuel Spill Remediation." The Site STl4 demonstration is a component of a multi-site initiative being sponsored by AFCEE to demonstrate how quantitative fate and transport calculations and risk information based on site-specific data can be integrated to quickly determine the type and magnitude of remedial action required at a site to minimize contaminant migration and receptor risks.