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Buildings allow several kinds of human activity: work, eat, sleep, play, etc., and they have a role in determining quality of life: ugly and uncomfortable buildings can be the worst place to live. The energy performance of buildings has a special role in improving and guaranteeing quality of life because it concerns architectural design, energy cost, consumption and energy poverty, and thermal comfort—both indoor and outdoor. Following a multidisciplinary approach, we present several case studies and articles about the correlation between building and quality of life. The included research highlights the relationship between BEP and quality of life in terms of wellbeing and thermal comfort and household smartness following UE Directive 844/2018, as well as the reduction of energy poverty and the impact of buildings on the environment and global warming. Also in this book is a city-scale study that attempts to evaluate the effect of climate change on building performance and building energy efficiency mapping and, moreover, reports some cases of indoor environment quality as well as thermal comfort in nearly zero energy buildings; finally, detailed scientific literature on energy poverty and outdoor wellbeing quality of life are presented.
Buildings allow several kinds of human activity: work, eat, sleep, play, etc., and they have a role in determining quality of life: ugly and uncomfortable buildings can be the worst place to live. The energy performance of buildings has a special role in improving and guaranteeing quality of life because it concerns architectural design, energy cost, consumption and energy poverty, and thermal comfort--both indoor and outdoor. Following a multidisciplinary approach, we present several case studies and articles about the correlation between building and quality of life. The included research highlights the relationship between BEP and quality of life in terms of wellbeing and thermal comfort and household smartness following UE Directive 844/2018, as well as the reduction of energy poverty and the impact of buildings on the environment and global warming. Also in this book is a city-scale study that attempts to evaluate the effect of climate change on building performance and building energy efficiency mapping and, moreover, reports some cases of indoor environment quality as well as thermal comfort in nearly zero energy buildings; finally, detailed scientific literature on energy poverty and outdoor wellbeing quality of life are presented.
This book analyzes the trends and technologies of green and energy efficient building, identifying strategies for implementing energy savings and enabling the use of renewable resources in residential, commercial, healthcare and educational building sectors. The authors focus on best practices in temperate climates, providing in-depth coverage of urban heat island, climate change and fuel poverty mitigation through architectural optimization, leveraging renewable energy sources and utilization of cutting-edge cooling materials. Pragmatic emphasis is placed on improving the energy performance of existing building stock to meet short and long term objectives of climate and energy conservation strategies. Engineers, architects, designers, students, policy makers and efficiency professionals will all gain valuable insights and ideas from this practical handbook to greening the built environment.
Fundamentals of Building Energy Dynamics assesses how and why buildings use energy, and how energy use and peak demand can be reduced. It provides a basis for integrating energy efficiency and solar approaches in ways that will allow building owners and designers to balance the need to minimize initial costs, operating costs, and life-cycle costs with need to maintain reliable building operations and enhance environmental quality both inside and outside the building. Chapters trace the development of building energy systems and analyze the demand side of solar applications as a means for determining what portion of a building's energy requirements can potentially be met by solar energy. Following the introduction, the book provides an overview of energy usepatterns in the aggregate U.S. building population. Chapter 3 surveys work onthe energy flows in an individual building and shows how these flows interact to influence overall energy use. Chapter 4 presents the analytical methods, techniques, and tools developed to calculate and analyze energy use in buildings, while chapter 5 provides an extensive survey of the energy conservation and management strategies developed in the post-energy crisis period. The approach taken is a commonsensical one, starting with the proposition that the purpose of buildings is to house human activities, and that conservation measures that negatively affect such activities are based on false economies. The goal is to determine rational strategies for the design of new buildings, and the retrofit of existing buildings to bring them up to modern standards of energy use. The energy flows examined are both large scale (heating systems) and small scale (choices among appliances). Solar Heat Technologies: Fundamentals and Applications, Volume 4
The adverse environmental impacts from inefficient building construction increase if measures to reduce energy and resource use, through stringent building policies and efficient technology, are not implemented in developed and developing countries. To illustrate a holistic approach to reducing buildings’ energy and resources, the comparison of energy efficient and green buildings in terms of their technological aspects and their policy context in developed and developing countries, mainly in Europe, the USA and India, is presented together with a policy package recommendation for Nepal. A quality review of multiple literature sources, supported by various expert opinions, were the methods used for this in-depth analysis. It discusses that mandatory building standards, voluntary labels, information instruments and financial incentives are the most effective combination for the shift towards market transformation, that results in a higher share of energy efficient and green buildings. The lesson such as higher compliance with, and enforcement of, building energy standards can be seen in developed countries (e.g. Germany). Looking at a building’s life cycle perspective, it is not sufficient to focus solely on operational energy reduction in higher energy efficient buildings as this is achieved by the increased use of energy intensive materials. Green requirements must be considered in updating building energy standards and labels, particularly for developed countries. Green building certification will also become more effective when the stringency of energy standards is higher and when the whole building life cycle assessment is considered. Due to the increasing scarcity of energy and resources, many developing countries are forced to face up to the need for holistic green buildings. Although baseline standards are not as high as in most developed countries and national financial support is low, the gradual move towards making the standards more stringent and incorporating the wider scope of resource saving are positive developments in developing countries (e.g. India). However, to achieve significant success, strategies must include the establishment of a suitable funding environment, a political commitment and a strong government vision for long term and sustainable building construction. The challenges faced by Nepal are even greater due to the fast pace of urban growth and the absence of energy and resource efficient buildings policies, highlighting the need for an effective policy package. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates how energy efficient and green buildings are interlinked. Green buildings reinforced with higher levels of energy efficiency and energy efficient buildings incorporating green requirements are stepping-stones for achieving greater building energy and resource efficiencies. And a suitable policy package fosters its development. Nachteilige Umweltwirkungen eines ineffizienten Bausektors nehmen zu, wenn Maßnahmen zur Reduktion des Energie- und Ressourcenbedarfs in Form stringenter Gebäudepolitiken und effizienter Technologie in Industrieländer und Entwicklungsländer nicht umgesetzt werden. Um einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zur Reduktion des Energie- und Ressourcenbedarfs von Gebäuden abzubilden, werden energieeffiziente und grüne Gebäude hinsichtlich technologischer Aspekte und ihres Politikkontextes in Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern verglichen. Die Analysen beziehen sich hauptsächlich auf Europa, die USA und Indien und werden ergänzt um Empfehlungen für ein Maßnahmenpaket für Nepal. Ein Review unterschiedlicher Literaturquellen, unterstützt durch diverse Expertenmeinungen, stellt die methodische Grundlage für diese detaillierte Analyse dar. Es diskutiert dass Bauvorschriften und -standards, freiwillige Label, Informationsinstrumente und finanzielle Anreize bilden die effektivste Kombination für die Einleitung einer Markttransformation, die schließlich zu einem höheren Anteil energieeffizienter und grüner Gebäude führt. Gute Beispiele einer höheren Beachtung von Gebäudeenergiestandards und deren Weiterentwicklung existieren in verschiedenen Industrieländern wie Deutschland. Unter Berücksichtigung des Lebenszyklus von Gebäuden ist es nicht ausreichend, nur die Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs in der Nutzungsphase der Gebäude zu beachten, weil diese den Einsatz von Materialien mit hohem Energieverbrauch in der Herstellung bedeuten kann. Grüne Anforderungen muss in der zukünftigen Entwicklung von Gebäudeenergiestandards und -labels berücksichtigt werden, insbesondere in Industrieländern. Die Zertifizierung grüner Gebäude wird auch effektiver werden, wenn Energiestandards verschärft werden und wenn vollständige Gebäude-Ökobilanzen berücksichtigt werden. Auf Grund steigender Knappheit von Energie und Ressourcen sind viele Entwicklungsländer gezwungen, sich der Notwendigkeit grüner Gebäude zu stellen. Obwohl das Niveau von Mindeststandards unterhalb dessen der meisten entwickelten Ländern liegt und die finanzielle Unterstützung gering ist, sind die schrittweise Verschärfung der Standards und die Einbeziehung der weiteren Perspektive der Ressourcenschonung positive Entwicklungen in Entwicklungsländer wie Indien. Um erfolgreich zu sein, müssen bestehende Strategien umfasst werden, an die Schaffung eines geeigneten Förderrahmens, die politische Bekenntnis und eine starke Regierungsvision für einen langfristigen und nachhaltigen Bausektor. Die Herausforderungen, mit denen Nepal konfrontiert wird, sind noch umfangreicher. Sie resultieren aus einem schnellen urbanen Wachstum und dem Fehlen von energie- und ressourceneffizienten Gebäudepolitiken. Die Erforderlichkeit eines effektiven Maßnahmenpakets für Nepal wird hierdurch unterstrichen. Insgesamt wird hierdurch der Zusammenhang zwischen energieeffizienten und grünen Gebäuden aufgezeigt. Die verstärkte Berücksichtigung von Energieeffizienz in grünen Gebäuden sowie von Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen in energieeffizienten Gebäude sind Sprungbretter für die verbesserte Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz von Gebäuden. Eine solche Entwicklung wird durch ein geeignetes Maßnahmenpaket unterstützt.
This study examines how policies to increase energy efficiency in buildings in the European Union and Australia have worked and draws implications for the design of similar public policies for the United States. It appears that effective policies to promote energy efficiency can be devised using information disclosure, building codes, financial incentives, and benchmarking. Insights are presented to help designers of analogous U.S. policies.
Energy performance feedback is an essential tool in addressing the current climate crisis. However, this is not simply another theoretical text about energy performance in buildings. This book is for anyone who wants to better understand how energy is used in buildings, and how to drive down operational energy use – whether you’re an architect, student, client, building services engineer, contractor, building operator or other stakeholder. Focusing on evidence from feedback on buildings in use, it explains what it takes to get them to perform as expected, as well as the reasons why they often fail. Energy, People, Buildings draws extensively on the findings of studies, UK government-funded building performance evaluations and on original research into seven case studies from across the UK and abroad that have achieved exemplary energy use through building performance feedback. Providing a clear roadmap to understanding aspects that impact building users’ comfort and satisfaction, it also outlines the factors behind energy use and how to track it across the life of a project to ensure that your building performs as intended. Case studies include: the Everyman Theatre, Liverpool; Rocky Mountain Institute Innovation Center, Colorado; and Carrowbreck Meadow, Norwich. Featured architects: AHMM, AHR, Architype, Hamson Barron Smith, Haworth Tompkins, Henning Larsen Architects and ZGF Architects.
This book deals with the concerns of everyone involved with the use of energy in buildings. It is written principle for those with a direct professional interest in the energy performance of buildings.
Energy saving in buildings through cost and energy-intensive measures, such as the application of additional building materials and technologies, is only possible with a great consumption of resources and CO2 emissions for their production. For low energy buildings, the investment costs, including user costs and governmental subsidies, are generally high, and construction is not always economically viable in consideration of the national capital in the present economic conditions of most countries. For these reasons, it is first of all necessary to apply cost and resource-efficient measures to save energy in buildings and then make use of additional cost and energy-intensive measures by improving the thermal envelope, the HVAC system or by installing energy generating systems. One of the most cost effective and ecological methods of energy saving in buildings is the reduction of energy requirements through climate responsive architecture. Due to the fact that energy saving through the optimization of architecture is not only cost-neutral, resource-efficient and carbon-neutral but also has a very high energy-saving potential, the first and most important strategy to save energy should be an optimized and climate responsive design. Energy saving through optimized architectural design is economically and ecologically sustainable. The development of building simulation science in the last decades has made it easier to study the energy performance of buildings. Tools have made it possible to predict the complex behavior of buildings regarding the climate. Except for the comparison of different building typologies to find the most efficient, there are no other methods to achieve energy savings through the architectural design, which can be applied by a variety of building types and climates. Therefore, in order to encourage the optimization of architectural design, it is necessary to improve these methods which represent strategies to significantly reduce the energy demand of buildings. Architectural Energy Efficiency is a parametric method which separately studies the effects of various energy-related architectural factors on the energy demand of buildings by using dynamic energy simulations to find the, from an energy efficiency point of view, optimum value for each of these. The architectural factors include orientation, building elongation, building form, opening ratio in different orientations, sun shading, natural ventilation etc. The research process that led to the formulation of the Architectural Energy Efficiency method is based on a series of simulations carried out by a dynamic simulation software tool (DesignBuilder) to calculate the energy demands of a building with different variants for a single architectural feature. The aim of the simulations is to find an optimum set of energy-related variables that result in the best and most efficient energy performance for a specific building type and climate. This method of efficiency illustrates the effects different architectural features have on the various energy demands of buildings. The criteria are derived from the application of this method for a specific building occupation and climate, and can be applied in the design process of buildings, which leads to improvements of the energy performance and a reduction of resource consumption. As the architectural design affects the heating and cooling as well as the lighting energy demands of buildings, the optimum value of each factor must be based on these three aspects. The heating, cooling and lighting energy demands of buildings all behave very differently. Therefore, these three energy demands together (i. e. the sum of heating, cooling and lighting energy) must also be applied as a criterion to study the building energy performance and find the optimum value for each architectural feature. The criteria for selecting the best variant can not only be based on the total energy demand, but should also consider the primary energy demand, the CO2 emissions, energy costs (for heating, cooling and lighting), life cycle costs, etc. The application of these findings to the architectural design of buildings minimizes the energy demand, the CO2 emissions and energy costs of the building, does not, however, affect the initial building costs. The advantages of energy saving through optimizing the architectural design are not only the improvement of the building’s energy performance, but also the fact that the energy saving is cost and resource-efficient. This means that the energy demand of a building will decrease without increasing the investment costs of the building and without consuming any resources and energy for the production of additional building materials. The cost and resource efficiency contributes towards the economic and ecological sustainability of a building during the full life cycle.
Contents: (1) Intro.; (2) What Is Green Building (GB)?: Energy; Water; Materials; Waste; Health; Siting; Serviceability; Disaster Resistance; Integration: Balance Among Elements; Balance Across Stages; Interdependence; Leadership in Energy and Environ. Design (LEED); Other Systems: Performance; Cost; Measurement; Market Penetration; Approach; (3) Legislative and Policy Framework; Energy Policy Act of 1992, and 2005; Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007; ARRA of 2009; Executive Order 13423, and 13514; (4) Programs and Activities of Selected Fed. Agencies; GSA; DoE; EPA; Office of the Fed. Environ. Exec.; NIST; HUD; (7) Issues for Congress: Oversight; Adoption and Implementation of GB. Charts and tables.