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The INRA Feeding System for Ruminants has been renewed to better address emerging challenges for animal nutrition: prevision of productive responses, product quality, animal health and emissions to the environment, in a larger extent of breeding contexts. The new system is mainly built from meta-analyses of large data bases, and modelling. The dietary supply model accounts for digestive interactions and flows of individual nutrients, so that feed values depend on the final ration. Animal requirements account for variability in metabolic efficiency. Various productive and non-productive animal responses to diets are quantified. This book presents the whole system for dairy and meat, large and small ruminant production, including specificities for tropical and Mediterranean areas. The first two sections present biological concepts and equations (with their field of application and statistical accuracy) used to predict intake (including at grazing) and nutrient supply (Section 1), animal’s requirements and multiple responses to diets (Section 2). They apply to net energy, metabolisable protein and amino acids, water, minerals and vitamins. Section 3 presents the use of concepts and equations in rationing with two purposes: (1) diet calculation for a given performance objective; and (2) prediction of the multiple responses of animal to diet changes. Section 4 displays the tables of feed values, and their prevision. All the equations and concepts are embedded in the fifth version of INRAtion® software for practical use.
Deals with feed evaluation systems, the nutrient requirements of ruminant livestock and the feeding value of a wide range of feedstuffs. This book lists about 800 typical forages, 65 crop residues and 120 concentrate and by-product feeds. It is suitable for teachers, specialist scientists and industrialists.
Principles; Food energy; Measurements of metabolisable energy; Metabolisable energy of the ration; Matabolisable energy concentration of rations; Metabolisable energy requirements; Maintenance; Liveweight gain; Milk production; Mobilisation of body reserves; Pregnancy; A net energy system for growing animals; Net energy requirements; Net energy values of foods; Animal production level; Safety margins; Dairy cows; Calculation of metabolisable energy allowances; Liveweight change; Daily ME allowances; Appetite Limits for dairy cows; Checking a ration; Ration formulation; Rapid method; Linear programming; Feeding the dairy cow; Significance of liveweight changes; Ration formulation for stages of lactation; Feeding according to yield; Energy requirements of grazing cows; Growing and fattening cattle; Prediction of performance; Ration calculations; Predicted liveweight gain; Calculation of metabolisable energy allowances; Ration formulation; Rapid method; Linear programming; Net energy system for ration formulation; Animal production level; Net energy values of foods; Net energy allowances; Ration formulation; Replacement values of foods; Linear programming; Sheep; Pregnant and lactating ewes; Maintenance allowances; Pregnancy allowances; Ration formulation; Growing and fattening sheep; Performance prediction; Prediction of liveweight gain; Calculation of metabolisable energy allowances; Net energy system for ration formulation; Net energy allowances; Animal prodution level; Net energy values of foods; Replacement values of foods; Metabolisable energies of foods; Energy values of foods; Digestibility measurements of foods; Metabolisable energy values of foods; Prediction of the ME of forages; Estimation of the ME of compound foods; Tables of food composition.
"This publication represents a revision of the report entitled 'Feeding standards for Australian livestock. Ruminants' that was issued in 1990 by CSIRO Publishing in conjunction with the Standing Committee on Agriculture"--Introduction.
This comprehensive volume examines the interrelationships of nitrogen and energy nutrition of ruminants. It provides exhaustive coverage of basic concepts, applications, and new research developments.Rumen microbial activity is emphasized. The author, an expert in animal nutrition, discusses new systems of determining dietary energy requirements, the effect of processing feedstuffs, and stress factors. He reviews the availability of nutrients in grains, distillers' grain residues, oilseed meals, molasses, silages, pastures, crop residues, and aquatic plants. Growth stimulants, nutritional management of ruminants in feedlots and pastures, and the value of feed additives are also among the topics considered.The scope of coverage provided by this volume will make it the leading reference for teachers, researchers, consultants, livestock producers, feed manufacturers, and all others who are involved in ruminant feeding and nutrition.From the Preface: This volume covers research on various nitrogen and energy feedstuffs and defines terminology commonly utilized in nitrogen and energy nutrition. The utilization of nitrogen and energy in oilseed meals, fish meals, cereal grains, distillers' residues, molasses, silages, grasses, hays, crop residues, animal waste, and nonprotein nitrogen sources is discussed. Details are given on development and utilization of net energy systems, systems for balancing total nitrogen, and nonprotein nitrogen with total digestible nutrients (TDN) or energy components of ruminant diets. Discussions are presented on metabolism, feedlot, milking, and grazing trials. Growth stimulants, processing of feedstuffs, type of animal, and environmental and management factors that affect feed intake, growth, feed efficiency, and quality of product are reviewed.Emphasis is given to the contributions of ruminal microbes in upgrading forage and nonprotein nitrogen sources to higher-quality bacterial protein, as well as their ability to downgrade high-quality protein and waste nitrogen when protein is fed in excess of microbial needs. Research is presented on means to increase bypassing of the rumen to prevent nitrogen wastage when ruminants are fed concentrate diets. Contributions of ruminal microbes in utilizing cellulosic materials as lignocellulose and hemicellulose as well as starch and other carbohydrates are discussed.
This work discusses the nutrient requirements of all forms of ruminant livestock.