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End Zones and Border Wars is the story of the CFL's ill-fated period of expansion into the United States during the early to mid- 1990s. It was a time filled with intriguing characters, from John Candy to Nick Mileti to Pepper Rodgers, the coach who loved everything about the Canadian game except the rules and the teams. With a cast of investors who are hopeful but unfamiliar with the game, bizarre stories emerge, from the Las Vegas Posse practising in the parking lot of the Riviera to the Shreveport Pirates camping out above a barn full of circus animals. The CFL's attempts to push the Canadian game into expanded territory brought both heartbreak and victory, with the 1994 Grey Cup victory of the BC Lions coming alongside the quick decline of every American club under low sales and resistance to new rules. The CFL survived these turbulent times to the harsh realization that it is a game for Canada alone, breaking through to a promising new era for the venerable institution.
An in-depth look at the players, games, and moments that have shaped the first half-century of ACC football, this compendium covers every detail from its five national Championship teams to the scandals that have rocked programs at Clemson and Florida State. The book also includes the coaching records and season standings of ACC football teams from 1953 to 2002.
An enlightening look at contemporary border tensions—from the Gaza Strip to the space race—by one of the world’s leading experts in geopolitics. Border expert Klaus Dodds journeys into the geopolitical clashes of tomorrow in an eye-opening tour of border walls both literal and figurative. In the Himalayas, the Mediterranean, and elsewhere, the tension inherent to trying to divide the world into separate parcels has not gone away. And with climate change shifting our natural borders, from mountains to glaciers to rivers, the question of how we live in a world that’s becoming warmer and wetter and growing in population looms large. With wide-ranging insight and provocative analysis, Dodds shows why we are more likely to see more walls, barriers, and securitization in our daily lives. The New Border Wars examines just what borders truly mean in the modern world: How are they built; what do they signify for citizens and governments; and how do they help us understand our political past and, most importantly, our diplomatic future?
With its many tribal, political, religious, and cultural divisions, Africa has long been a continent at war – both with itself and with others. For much of the 20th century, there has been a near-constant state of military unrest, from Cold War proxy wars with Soviet and Western powers supporting their African allies in live-fire incarnations of this ideological struggle, and revolutions against established regimes, to foreign interventions under the banners of peacekeeping and mercenary operations alike. Bush Wars, the latest Force on Force companion, brings this hotbed of unrest to the wargaming table with scenarios, orders of battle and background information.
New profile book. Whether you like Arab vehicles, you make models or not, you should take a look at this super-book with lots of inspirational profiles, with information, anecdotes, etc. You can buy this book as a sole volume or to complete the collection with other volumes of the Arab Wars. This book covers the vehicles from last 30 years in different armies. Regular Arab Armies as Moroccan Army, Algerian Army, Lybian Army, Sudan Army and SLPA Vehicles, Egyptian Modern Army, Syrian Army, Iraq Army, Yemen Army,Turkey Army and the interesting and rare vehicles from Arab Rebel Armies as Peshmerga Vehicles, Kurds Vehicles, Daesh Vehicles and other surprises. Language: English 148 pages. Volume 3
An in-depth look at the past, present, and future of China’s military. When Mao Zedong proclaimed the People’s Republic of China in 1949, China was a poor and wrecked society after years of continuous wars. For centuries, in fact, China had been seen as a sort of plunder-zone to be invaded, and then a backwater until the late 1980s—when domestic policy brought about monumental changes. The result is that China has grown to be the second largest economy in the world, and its military has grown proportionately. Successive decades of economic growth have transformed China—in addition to the weapons revolution during the computer age—so that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has become a modern fighting force. No longer having to rely on massed infantry attacks, it now features a formidable arsenal, including nuclear submarines, ICBMs, stealth fighters, and modern battle tanks. Perhaps ominously for other maritime powers, the Chinese have also focused on beyond-the-horizon missile technology, as well as antiaircraft systems, and have explored the possibilities of cyber-warfare. What is today’s PLA really like? What are its traditions and histories, and how is it armed and equipped? How does it recruit and train? This book describes some of the lesser-known battles and wars the Chinese have undertaken and the development of their key weapons systems. The United States, having opened the door to drone warfare, has had an attentive audience for such technologies in Beijing. The last chapter provides thoughts on how the Chinese view matters of security. It is not yet known whether foreign powers can still enforce their territorial wills on China—but future attempts will meet an increased challenge.
Following the publication of Al Venter’s successful Portugal’s Guerrilla Wars in Africa - shortlisted by the New York Military Affairs Symposium’s 'Arthur Goodzeit Book Award for 2013' - his Battle for Angola delves still further into the troubled history of this former Portuguese African colony. This is a completely fresh work running to almost 600 pages including 32 pages of color photos, with the main thrust on events before and after the civil war that followed Lisbon’s over-hasty departure back to the metrópole. There are also several sections that detail the role of South African mercenaries in defeating the rebel leader Dr Jonas Savimbi (considered by some as the most accomplished guerrilla leader to emerge in Africa in the past century). There are many chapters that deal with Pretoria’s reaction to the deteriorating political and military situation in Angola, the role of the Soviets and mercenaries in the political transition, as well as the civil war that followed. With the assistance of several notable military authorities he elaborates in considerable detail on South Africa’s 23-year Border War, from the first guerrilla incursions to the last. In this regard he received solid help from the former the head of 4 Reconnaissance Regiment, Colonel Douw Steyn, who details several cross-border Recce strikes, including the sinking by frogmen of two Soviet ships and a Cuban freighter in an Angolan deepwater port. Throughout, the author was helped by a variety of notable authorities, including the French historian Dr René Pélissier and the American academic and former naval aviator Dr John (Jack) Cann. With their assistance, he covers several ancillary uprisings and invasions, including the Herero revolt of the early 20th century; the equally troubled Ovambo insurrection, as well as the invasion of Angola by the Imperial German Army in the First World War. Former deputy head of the South African Army Major General Roland de Vries played a seminal role. It was he - dubbed ‘South Africa’s Rommel’ by his fellow commanders - who successfully nurtured the concept of ‘mobile warfare’ where, in a succession of armored onslaughts ‘thin-skinned’ Ratel Infantry Fighting Vehicles tackled Soviet main battle tanks and thrashed them. There is a major section on South African Airborne – the ‘Parabats’ –by Brigadier-General McGill Alexander, one of the architects of that kind of warfare under Third World conditions. Finally, the role of Cuban Revolutionary Army receives the attention it deserves: officially there were almost 50,000 Cuban troops deployed in the Angolan war, though subsequent disclosures in Havana suggest that the final total was much higher.
This thirteen-year work of journalism finally settles one of the nation’s most controversial and politically powerful ideas about the American southern border: that Islamic jihadists might infiltrate it and commit terrorist acts. Perhaps no other idea about the border has sown more conflict, claims, counterclaims, rebuttals, and false narratives on all sides. This book provides a first comprehensive neutral baseline of truth about the threat, goring oxen on both sides of the partisan divide. It documents an ambitious and intrigue-laden covert American war on terror effort that stretches from the Mexican border to the tip of South America. Its existence to protect the homeland from terrorist infiltration was often regarded as entirely imagined—until migrating jihadists recently started killing and wounding hundreds in Europe. Americans concerned by unchecked global migration, porous borders, and national security also may feel surprised to learn that thousands of long-haul migrants from the Islamic world similarly breach the US-Mexican border each year—among them hardened jihadists—despite media insistence that none of this traffic exists. It does. The secret American campaign has prevented land border infiltration attack on US soil, safeguarding an unknowing nation—so far—from Europe’s bloody ongoing experience. But this geographically sprawling effort is suffering from denialism and neglect at America’s peril…just as Europe was before its calamity. How much longer can these programs keep America safe without the public recognition that they exist and the needed care and attention that acknowledgment would bring? This book is much more than revelation and complaint; it provides solutions to better protect the homeland from this chronically misunderstood border threat.