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The Encyclopedia of Fundamentalism provides a comprehensive picture of a widespread, populist, socioreligious movement that emerged in twentieth-century Christian Protestantism, generally known as Fundamentalism. For Fundamentalists, the only viable faith was one organized around a literal interpretation of the Bible. They identified it as the sole, supreme inerrant conveyor of divine truth, and adhered to the hermeneutical principle that its religious truth must not pass through a filter of human interpretation but was unambiguously communicated by a transcendent power, and must be understood as such, and claimed.While some Fundamentalist-like assumptions can be found in most, if not all, religious traditions, Fundamentalists advanced an absolutist claim to religious truth that starkly demarcated them from other religiously inspired actors of their era. Fervent, exclusive, religious clarity achieved via an erasure of doubt (justified by the claim that the Bible was the inerrant Word of God) was the hallmark trait of religious Fundamentalism.Historically, Fundamentalism was closely correlated with the rise of modernism and the accompanying rationalization of public life. In the realm of religion, the Fundamentalist movement was a popular means of revolt against modernism by traditional Christians at serious odds with the dominant values of a rapidly developing modern, technological, capitalistic society, and often squeezed out of meaningful participation in it as well. Religious Fundamentalists resisted the tolerance of religious pluralism intrinsic to the civil society that modernity brought, and maintained that the compromises of religious truth necessary for the modern state to exist were blasphemous, and must be rejected. The encyclopedia's emphasis is on Protestant fundamentalism in the United States, but, in a more international sense, the volume also covers conservative religious, social, and political movements in Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism. This volume is a companion to another volume in the Religion & Society series, the Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity edited by Stanely M. Burgess. Although the two movements separated early in the twentieth century, they are often confused. Side by side, these two volumes explain the differences between these two major religious movements of the contemporary world.
This thought-provoking study examines the clash between traditional religious beliefs and modern secular values in the early 20th century. Vanderlaan argues that the rise of fundamentalism and the rejection of modernism has had a profound impact on American culture and politics that continues to this day. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Old-Time Religion Embracing Modernist Culture focuses on the founding generation of American fundamentalism in the 1920s and 1930s and their interactions with modernity. While there were culture wars, there was also an embrace. Through a book culture, fostered by liberal Protestants, and thriving periodicals, they strengthened their place in American culture and their adaptation helps explain their resilience in the decades to come. The most significant adaptation to modernist culture was the embrace of the modern, secular university as a model for evangelical higher education. After political battles along sectarian lines in the twenties, fundamentalists learned to compete in a pluralist society. By the thirties they were among the strongest supporters of Jews and began working with Catholics to fight communism. In politics and higher education they encountered issues of race, gender, and class. While opposing higher critics of the Bible, their approaches to texts were in some cases similar: a focus on the original languages, commitment to scholarship, ambiguities about both the role of reason and the interpretation of key doctrines. Several had graduate training, some even in European universities. With their views of end times, they continued innovative approaches to prophetic texts from nineteenth-century dispensationalists. In response to evolution and prophetic texts, in a time-conscious age, they also had innovative ideas about biblical time. Fundamentalists engaged in debate with Freud and, while rejecting his ideas, absorbed elements of psychology. Some understood William James’ effort to accommodate religion and modern ideas. Although rejecting John Dewey’s pragmatism, fundamentalists found value in studying modern philosophy. They tapped a secular, Enlightenment philosophy to defend their supernatural Christianity. Between the wars they even participated in the interest in Nietzsche. Usually dismissed as fractious, they rose above core differences and cooperated among themselves across denominational lines in building organizations. In doing so, they reflected both the ecumenism of the liberal Protestants and the organizational impulse in modern urban, industrial society. This study, the first to focus on the founding generation, also covers a broad spectrum of fundamentalists, from the Northeast, Midwest, the South, and the West Coast, including some often overlooked by other historians
Fundamentalism is widely feared and its influence is growing in many of the major world faiths. Arising in reaction against modernism, fundamentalism affirms a pre-Enlightenment paradigm in a post-Enlightenment era. The author supports a prediction that fundamentalists will continue to have power in a variety of religions. But their characteristic ahistorical, absolutistic, view will limit their outreach.
The Encyclopedia of Fundamentalism is the third volume of the acclaimed Religion & Society series. The Encyclopedia of Fundamentalism follows a broad definition of fundamentalism and covers fundamentalism across time and place, although the emphasis remains on its primary manifestation: Protestant fundamentalism in the United States. It draws upon the work of historians, sociologists, religious scholars, anthropologists, political scientists, and others.
"Christian Fundamentalism in America: The Story of the Rest from 1857 to 2020" is a fascinating account of the Christian Fundamentalist movement in America. The first section unfolds the story of great men and women who were song writers, Christian businessmen, great scholars, and much more, who experienced great Prayer Meeting Revivals, Prophetic Bible Conferences, the first Scofield Reference Bible, the famous 12-volume set, known as The Fundamentals, and finally the World's Christian Fundamentals Association of 1919. The Grace Brethren story transitions into the turbulent twenties between Fundamentalism and Modernists. For another section, beginning in the 1920s, the author dug far beyond the surface to bring to us the "story of the rest" within the Presbyterian and Baptist denominations struggling between truth and error. The reader will learn what really happened secretly when Des Moines University was shut down by riotous students and everything got out of hand. The reader follows down pathways of well-researched aspects of the fascinating Dr. J. Frank Norris and life trials. In the detailed story of Billy Graham, John R. Rice, Bob Jones Sr., and Bob Jones Jr. the reader will discover how the lines of separation were drawn. Most importantly, however, the author knows without doubt that a true Fundamentalist: (1) believes and defends the whole Bible as the absolute, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God; (2) seeks fully to obey His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and (3) desires to reach out in sacrificial love and compassion to all people. By far, most in this "story of the rest" are godly believers who will bring joy for each of us. David Beale taught courses on Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism for some thirty years at Bob Jones University and Seminary. In 1986, he wrote a book (now out of print) titled In Pursuit of Purity. Our new book, Christian Fundamentalism in America, replaces the old, out-of-date one. He has written several other books, including Historical Theology In-depth (2 vols.); Baptist History in England and America; A Pictorial History of Our English Bible; and The Mayflower Pilgrims. For teaching History of Fundamentalism, Beale created an enormous set of lectures with photos on PowerPoint. David and his wife Mary enjoy their local church. Since Dr. Beale retired from the classroom in 2010, he has taught and preached in schools and churches. He can be contacted at 2 Plum Orchard Ct. Simpsonville, SC 29681 [email protected]
By the end of the 1920s, fundamentalism in America was intellectually bankrupt and publicly disgraced. Bitterly humiliated by the famous Scopes "monkey trial," this once respected movement retreated from the public forum and seemed doomed to extinction. Yet fundamentalism not only survived, but in the 1940s it reemerged as a thriving and influential public movement. And today it is impossible to read a newspaper or watch cable TV without seeing the presence of fundamentalism in American society. In Revive Us Again, Joel A. Carpenter illuminates this remarkable transformation, exploring the history of American fundamentalism from 1925 to 1950, the years when, to non-fundamentalists, the movement seemed invisible. Skillfully blending painstaking research, telling anecdotes, and astute analysis, Carpenter--a scholar who has spent twenty years studying American evangelicalism--brings this era into focus for the first time. He reveals that, contrary to the popular opinion of the day, fundamentalism was alive and well in America in the late 1920s, and used its isolation over the next two decades to build new strength from within. The book describes how fundamentalists developed a pervasive network of organizations outside of the church setting and quietly strengthened the movement by creating their own schools and organizations, many of which are prominent today, including Fuller Theological Seminary and the publishing and radio enterprises of the Moody Bible Institute. Fundamentalists also used youth movements and missionary work and, perhaps most significantly, exploited the burgeoning mass media industry to spread their message, especially through the powerful new medium of radio. Indeed, starting locally and growing to national broadcasts, evangelical preachers reached millions of listeners over the airwaves, in much the same way evangelists preach through television today. All this activity received no publicity outside of fundamentalist channels until Billy Graham burst on the scene in 1949. Carpenter vividly recounts how the charismatic preacher began packing stadiums with tens of thousands of listeners daily, drawing fundamentalism firmly back into the American consciousness after twenty years of public indifference. Alongside this vibrant history, Carpenter also offers many insights into fundamentalism during this period, and he describes many of the heated internal debates over issues of scholarship, separatism, and the role of women in leadership. Perhaps most important, he shows that the movement has never been stagnant or purely reactionary. It is based on an evolving ideology subject to debate, and dissension: a theology that adapts to changing times. Revive Us Again is more than an enlightening history of fundamentalism. Through his reasoned, objective approach to a topic that is all too often reduced to caricature, Carpenter brings fresh insight into the continuing influence of the fundamentalist movement in modern America,and its role in shaping the popular evangelical movements of today.
Many American's today are taking note of the surprisingly strong political force that is the religious right. Controversial decisions by the government are met with hundreds of lobbyists, millions of dollars of advertising spending, and a powerful grassroots response. How has the fundamentalist movement managed to resist the pressures of the scientific community and the draw of modern popular culture to hold on to their ultra-conservative Christian views? Understanding the movement's history is key to answering this question. Fundamentalism and American Culture has long been considered a classic in religious history, and to this day remains unsurpassed. Now available in a new edition, this highly regarded analysis takes us through the full history of the origin and direction of one of America's most influential religious movements. For Marsden, fundamentalists are not just religious conservatives; they are conservatives who are willing to take a stand and to fight. In Marsden's words (borrowed by Jerry Falwell), "a fundamentalist is an evangelical who is angry about something." In the late nineteenth century American Protestantism was gradually dividing between liberals who were accepting new scientific and higher critical views that contradicted the Bible and defenders of the more traditional evangelicalism. By the 1920s a full-fledged "fundamentalist" movement had developed in protest against theological changes in the churches and changing mores in the culture. Building on networks of evangelists, Bible conferences, Bible institutes, and missions agencies, fundamentalists coalesced into a major protest movement that proved to have remarkable staying power. For this new edition, a major new chapter compares fundamentalism since the 1970s to the fundamentalism of the 1920s, looking particularly at the extraordinary growth in political emphasis and power of the more recent movement. Never has it been more important to understand the history of fundamentalism in our rapidly polarizing nation. Marsen's carefully researched and engrossing work remains the best way to do just that.