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This book presents a survey of past and recent developments on human walking in virtual environments with an emphasis on human self-motion perception, the multisensory nature of experiences of walking, conceptual design approaches, current technologies, and applications. The use of Virtual Reality and movement simulation systems is becoming increasingly popular and more accessible to a wide variety of research fields and applications. While, in the past, simulation technologies have focused on developing realistic, interactive visual environments, it is becoming increasingly obvious that our everyday interactions are highly multisensory. Therefore, investigators are beginning to understand the critical importance of developing and validating locomotor interfaces that can allow for realistic, natural behaviours. The book aims to present an overview of what is currently understood about human perception and performance when moving in virtual environments and to situate it relative to the broader scientific and engineering literature on human locomotion and locomotion interfaces. The contents include scientific background and recent empirical findings related to biomechanics, self-motion perception, and physical interactions. The book also discusses conceptual approaches to multimodal sensing, display systems, and interaction for walking in real and virtual environments. Finally, it will present current and emerging applications in areas such as gait and posture rehabilitation, gaming, sports, and architectural design.
Humans always wanted to go faster and higher than their own legs could carry them. This led them to invent numerous types of vehicles to move fast over land, water and air. As training how to handle such vehicles and testing new developments can be dangerous and costly, vehicle motion simulators were invented. Motion-based simulators in particular, combine visual and physical motion cues to provide occupants with a feeling of being in the real vehicle. While visual cues are generally not limited in amplitude, physical cues certainly are, due to the limited simulator motion space. A motion cueing algorithm (MCA) is used to map the vehicle motions onto the simulator motion space. This mapping inherently creates mismatches between the visual and physical motion cues. Due to imperfections in the human perceptual system, not all visual/physical cueing mismatches are perceived. However, if a mismatch is perceived, it can impair the simulation realism and even cause simulator sickness. For MCA design, a good understanding of when mismatches are perceived, and ways to prevent these from occurring, are therefore essential. In this thesis a data-driven approach, using continuous subjective measures of the time-varying Perceived Motion Incongruence (PMI), is adopted. PMI in this case refers to the effect that perceived mismatches between visual and physical motion cues have on the resulting simulator realism. The main goal of this thesis was to develop an MCA-independent off-line prediction method for time-varying PMI during vehicle motion simulation, with the aim of improving motion cueing quality. To this end, a complete roadmap, describing how to measure and model PMI and how to apply such models to predict and minimize PMI in motion simulations is presented. Results from several human-in-the-loop experiments are used to demonstrate the potential of this novel approach.
Everyday life requires humans to move through the environment, while completing crucial tasks such as retrieving nourishment, avoiding perils or controlling motor vehicles. Success in these tasks largely relies in a correct perception of self-motion, i.e. the continuous estimation of one's body position and its derivatives with respect to the world. The processes underlying self-motion perception have fascinated neuroscientists for more than a century and large bodies of neural, behavioural and physiological studies have been conducted to discover how the central nervous system integrates available sensory information to create an internal representation of the physical motion. The goal of this PhD thesis is to extend current knowledge on self-motion perception by focusing on conditions that closely resemble typical aspects of everyday life. In the works conducted within this thesis, I isolate different components typical of everyday life motion and employ psychophysical methodologies to systematically investigate their effect on human self-motion sensitivity. Particular attention is dedicated to the human ability to discriminate between motions of different intensity. How this is achieved has been a fundamental question in the study of perception since the seminal works of Weber and Fechner. When tested over wide ranges of rotations and translations, participants' sensitivity (i.e. their ability to detect motion changes) is found to decrease with increasing motion intensities, revealing a nonlinearity in the perception of self-motion that is not present at the level of ocular reflexes or in neural responses of sensory afferents. The relationship between the stimulus intensity and the smallest intensity change perceivable by the participants can be mathematically described by a power law, regardless on the sensory modality investigated (visual or inertial) and on whether visual and inertial cues were presented alone or congruently combined, such as during natural movements. Individual perceptual law parameters were fit based on experimental data for upward and downward translations and yaw rotations based on visual-only, inertial-only and combined visual-inertial motion cues. Besides wide ranges of motion intensities, everyday life scenarios also provide complex motion patterns involving combinations of rotational and translational motion, visual and inertial sensory cues and physical and mental workload. The question of how different combinations of these factors affect motion sensitivity was experimentally addressed within the framework of driving simulation and revealed that sensitivity might strongly decrease in more realistic conditions, where participants do not only focus on perceiving a 'simple' motion stimulus (e.g. a sinusoidal profile at a specific frequency) but are, instead, actively engaged in a dynamic driving simulation. Applied benefits of the present thesis include advances in the field of vehicle motion simulation, where knowledge on human self-motion perception supports the development of state-of-the-art algorithms to control simulator motion. This allows for reproducing, within a safe and controlled environment, driving or flying experiences that are perceptually realistic to the user. Furthermore, the present work will guide future research into the neural basis of perception and action.
The neuroscientist Alain Berthoz experimented on Russian astronauts in space to answer these questions: How does weightlessness affect motion? How are motion and three-dimensional space perceived? In this erudite and witty book, Berthoz describes how human beings on earth perceive and control bodily movement. Reviewing a wealth of research in neurophysiology and experimental psychology, he argues for a rethinking of the traditional separation between action and perception, and for the division of perception into five senses. In Berthoz’s view, perception and cognition are inherently predictive, functioning to allow us to anticipate the consequences of current or potential actions. The brain acts like a simulator that is constantly inventing models to project onto the changing world, models that are corrected by steady, minute feedback from the world. We move in the direction we are looking, anticipate the trajectory of a falling ball, recover when we stumble, and continually update our own physical position, all thanks to this sense of movement. This interpretation of perception and action allows Berthoz, in The Brain’s Sense of Movement, to focus on psychological phenomena largely ignored in standard texts: proprioception and kinaesthesis, the mechanisms that maintain balance and coordinate actions, and basic perceptual and memory processes involved in navigation.
Dealing with visual perception in robots and its applications to manipulation and imitation, this monograph focuses on stereo-based methods and systems for object recognition and 6 DoF pose estimation as well as for marker-less human motion capture.