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Considers the effects of employment security on labour market dynamics and productivity.
Since the oil crisis of the 1970s, increased labor market flexibility seems to have become an indispensable ingredient of economic success. This book examines the critical issues that affect labor market flexibility and job security in the main industrialized economies of the United States, Japan, West Germany, the United Kingdom, and Europe, in an attempt to more fully understand the complex forces at work within such labor markets. Employment Security and Labor Market Flexibility originated from The International Symposium on Labor Market Flexibility in Yokohama, Japan, in 1986, in which scholars in economics, industrial relations, and labor law scholars scrutinized the similarities and differences of the labor markets in these countries. They focused on three main topics: wage flexibility in response to changing economic conditions, the legal and institutional framework for employment security, and international comparison of employment adjustment. Comparison of wage flexibility as well as numerical and functional flexibility among these countries were examined by both qualitative and quantitative analyses. The labor market cannot be treated in the same way as other markets because it deals directly with human beings who are less likely to obey the immutable laws of the market mechanism. Nevertheless, Kazutoshi Koshiro asserts that it is still important to build a framework on which to understand and assess the role of labor flexibility in the competitive process, and it is with this framework in mind that these chapters have been assembled into one volume. Individual chapters compare the relative flexibility of compensation and employment over the business cycle in the United States with that of Japan; analyze the relative flexibility of Japanese wages; unravel some of the underlying forces that comprise the employment security situation in the United States; study the important relationship between economic conditions and the labor market and explain the difference between the employment protection legislation of the United States on the one hand, and Europe and Japan, on the other; and compare the nature of labor markets and employment adjustment techniques of the United States, Europe, and Japan.
This volume examines the impact that the financing and administration systems of labor market policy have on the design of national policies concerning the unemployed. The authors investigated labor market policy in six countries--Austria, France, Federal Republic of Germany. Great Britain, Sweden, and the United States--and determined that the distribution of responsibility for labor market programs, the financing of these programs, and the procedures for determining issues and expenditures differ markedly from country to country. The authors explore how the same economic causes--price changes, technological rationalization, new products--can have very different labor market effects because of institutional factors, such as the job-search behavior of the unemployed, the mobility of the employed, the hiring practices of firms, wage negotiations between trade unions and employers, and the employment policies of different levels of government and their impact on the behavior of labor market forces. Unemployment Insurance and Active Labor Market Policy answers the questions: how much public funding do the unemployed receive in wage-replacement benefits and for how long; how much public funding is devoted for manpower programs and invested in "active" labor market policy; and finally, how are the necessary financial resources made available? In summary, the book investigates the relationship between the financing system and revenues and expenditures for labor market policy, the role played by market policy in employment policy as a whole, and the impact of the financing system for labor market policy on the classical goals of the welfare state. The findings of this comprehensive study should contribute to the redeployment of financial resources from those funds currently being used to finance unemployment (unemployment benefits, unemployment assistance, and public assistance) to financing employment.
Most countries implement social protection programs to help individuals manage risks such as unemployment, disability, illness, longevity or death. In many middle income countries, these are often based on a 'Bismarckian model' (named after Otto von Bismarck), where benefits are financed by contributions levied on salaried employment. In countries with a large informal sector, however, only a fraction of the population is covered by this system and non-contributory programs have been added or are planned to increase coverage. This can create distortions in the labor market, and the book is about policies to expand the coverage of social insurance programs to all workers, without reducing incentives to job creation and formal work. While few would argue against the need and social merits of social insurance and social assistance programs there are growing concerns about their unintended consequences on labor markets because of poor design. The programs can distort incentives and individual behaviors in ways that either reduce employment levels and/or promote informality, ultimately affecting productivity and economic performance. For instance, high social security contribution rates can reduce formal employment; badly designed unemployment benefits can reduce incentives to keep, search, and take jobs; and fragmented social assistance programs can become a tax on formal labor and encourage informality. The book reviews the evidence regarding the effects of social insurance and social assistance programs on labor market outcomes and discusses options to improve their design and implementation. The book focuses particularly on middle income countries in Latin America and Asia with a large informal sector and suggests ways to reduce these distortions and better manage and finance the subsidies to make coverage universal, while creating good jobs. The book compiles expert papers from the joint conferences of the World Bank (WB), the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on Employment and Development.
Originally published in 1979, this reader presents an industrialist view of the labour market and economics as they stood at the time in the United States. The essays collated aim to answer macroeconomic questions on this topic as well as exploring issues related closely to employment and inflation. This title will be of interest to students of business and economics.
With the onset of the recession in 1990, job security has moved to the forefront of labor market concerns in the United States. During economic downturns, American employers rely heavily on layoffs to cut their work force, much more than do their counterparts in other industrialized nations. The hardships imposed by these layoffs have led many to question whether the U.S. workers can be offered more secure employment without burdening the companies that employ them. In this book, Katharine Abraham and Susan Houseman address this question by comparing labor adjustment practices in the United States, whether existing policies arguably encourage layoffs, with those in Germany, a county with much stronger job protection for workers. From their assessment of the German experience, the authors recommend new public policies that promote alternatives to layoffs and help reduce unemployment. Beginning with an overview of the labor markets in Germany and the United States, Abraham and Houseman emphasize the interaction of various labor market policies. Stronger job security in Germany has been accomplished by an unemployment insurance system that deters layoffs. In the U.S., the unemployment insurance system has encouraged layoffs while discouraging the use of work-sharing schemes. The authors examine the effects of job security on the efficiency and equity of labor market adjustment and review trends in U.S. policy. Finally, the authors recommend reforms of the U.S. unemployment insurance system that include stronger experience rating and an expansion of short-term compensation programs. They also point to the critical link between job security and the system of worker training in Germany, and advocate policies that would encourage more training by U.S. companies.
Despite prospering post-war industries, Americans are still uncertain of their economic future. This book claims the reason for this is the lack of stable, full-time jobs and steadily rising incomes. It outlines plans for new economic institutions to secure a more stable future.
In this broad-ranging book, Daniel Hamermesh provides the first comprehensive picture of the disparate field of labor demand. The author reviews both the static and dynamic theories of labor demand, and provides evaluative summaries of the available empirical research in these two subject areas. Moreover, he uses both theory and evidence to establish a generalized framework for analyzing the impact of policies such as minimum wages, payroll taxes, job-security measures, unemployment insurance, and others. Covering every aspect of labor demand, this book uses material from a wide range of countries. Hamermesh also includes chapters on flows of employment through job creation and destruction in new and existing plants, the implications of labor demand for macroeconomics and the distribution of earnings, and the effects of heterogeneous labor for labor-market behavior in developing countries. For all labor economists, for graduate students specializing in the field of labor economics, for macroeconomists interested in public policy, and for public policy analysts interested in employment and pay, Labor Demand will be essential reading.