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The thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 contains a survey of the three most in‡fluential models on fi…rm heterogeneity and of the most important empirical work on firrm heterogeneity. The chapter starts with a brief review of the homogeneous productivity imperfect competition literature. Chapter 2 …finishes with a comparison of the three most in‡fluential models of fi…rm heterogeneity and the oligopoly model put forward in the thesis. Chapter 3 addresses exporting uncertainty under heterogeneous popularity. Chapter 4 contains the chapter on …firm heterogeneity under oligopoly. Chapter 5 constitutes the models on …firm heterogeneity and endogenous quality. Chapter 6 points out the within-sector specialization model. Chapter 7 addresses the effect of importer characteristics on unit values and the role of markups and quality to explain this effect. Chapter 8 concludes.
This dissertation consists of three essays in international trade. The first chapter analyzes integration strategies of Korean firms that involve producing final products and providing post-production services for serving geographically separate foreign markets: high-income and low-income countries. I present a model in which heterogeneous firms must provide services for products through their subsidiaries in host countries, but can produce output in different locations. The model shows that the firm's equilibrium decision depends on its own productivity level and economic variables that affect production location and providing services. Using plant- and firm-level data of Korean firms, the empirical analysis provides the results that support the model's predictions.
Essays by leading scholars suggest that insights from international business could enrich firm heterogeneity research in international economics. Despite their common roots, international economics (IE) and international business (IB) have developed into two distinct fields of study. Economists have directed their efforts at formalizing the workings of international trade and investment at the macroeconomic level; business scholars have relied more on data-driven conceptual narratives than mathematical tools. But the recent focus of IE literature on firm heterogeneity suggests that IE would benefit from IB analyses of the behavior and organization of the internationalizing firm. The contributions to this volume investigate ways that insights from IB can enrich IE research in firm heterogeneity. The contributors discuss firm-specific advantages in international trade and investment, considering the firm as the unit of analysis and managerial inputs as a variable in market entry decisions; analyze interactions between a firm and its external environment, including local corporate philanthropy and institutional settings; examine the boundaries of the firm and organizational choices such as the make-or-buy decision; and investigate technology transfer and innovation offshoring, discussing the role of subsidiaries, inventor employment, and other related topics. Although IE and IB look at international firms from different perspectives, these contributions make it clear that there is a potential for a productive exchange of insights and information between the two disciplines. Contributors Laura Abramovsky, Carlo Altomonte, Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Bruce Blonigen, Pamela Bombarda, Steven Brakman, Julia Darby, Rodolphe Desbordes, Filippo Di Mauro, María García-Vega, Harry Garretsen, Elena Huergo, Florian Mayneris, Quyen T. K. Nguyen, Verena Nowak, Cheyney O'Fallon, Gianmarco Ottaviano, Michael Pflüger, Filomena Pietrovito, Sandra Poncet, Alberto Franco Pozzolo, Alan M. Rugman, Armando Rungi, Stephan Russek, Davide Sala, Luca Salvatici, Christian Schwarz, Roger Smeets, Jens Suedekum, Hans van Ees, Vincent Vicard, Ian Wooton, Erdal Yalcin
This thesis comprises of three empirical essays. The first essay studies the effect of NAFTA on US-Mexico productivity evolution. Introducing refinements on the previous literature in several fronts, it finds no clear evidence for NAFTA's contribution to the TFP convergence, which is in a sharp contrast with the previous literature. The second and third essays relate to the Heterogeneous Firms Trade models. Using NAFTA's case, the second essay shows a positive effect of NAFTA on export diversification of Mexico as both models predict. However, the study supports neither model in terms of its prediction on unit prices of export goods. The third essay classifies export goods into price-competition goods and quality-competition goods. It finds EU countries' high proportion of quality-competition goods and China's high proportion of price-competition goods, but leaves some open questions to be further explored.
Recent empirical firm level studies reveal the structural heterogeneity of firms in process and product innovation, as well as the central role of product quality in determining world trade patterns and intensities. This calls for a better understanding of the link between firm heterogeneity and the innovation and export decisions of firms which are at the base of productivity growth and, hence, economic growth and development. My dissertation contributes to this debate focusing on the supply side. I propose a novel way to model the production technology of firms by introducing two attributes of firm heterogeneity: cost efficiency and product quality. The goal of the first thesis chapter is to study the effects of process and product innovation on firm dynamics, productivity and endogenous long run growth. In the second chapter an open economy framework with trade between symmetric countries is analyzed. Here the focus is on quantifying the impact of trade as well as trade liberalization on firm innovation dynamics and productivity- and aggregate growth. The third chapter abstracts from endogenous growth and examines the role of the two attributes of firm heterogeneity in shaping the trade patterns and intensities within and across developed and developing countries.