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In this book, author has tried to share her experiences, thoughts, emotions & fantasies & also their change with time. This book contains poems about minute details as well as major events in one’s life. The poems depict a rainbow of emotions. They provide an evidence on how the mind likes to wander, nostalgize about the past, fantasize the future and stay binded in the strings of emotions. She hopes you find them relevant, relatable and heart touching.
The stories presented in this book help readers connect to the love and unifying power of the KNOWING HEART. This book shows how the author used poem-meditations to navigate life's emotional passages to find the golden keys of peace and tranquility in his heart. Each poem-meditation reflects a way to get closer to this powerful, loving state of being. Readers will find this a worthy path to ease the pain caused by separation of heart and mind. These stories show us the need to acknowledge both as partners on our voyage through life.
This book is a poetic flow of emotions going beyond combatting emotional pain and heartache. It is an experience for a larger platform that is bigger than just the concept of grief. Tragedy is discussed poetically in its rawest form and how the aftermath can impact love, despair, and hope, the emotions that people are hesitant to share but carefully keep hidden within themselves. Hope is capsuled within a few hollowed moments, combined with the cries of a soul, using an interesting play of words to help others feel as though they are not alone during the healing process or change the persons perspective on many things as they move forward with their life. It is a collection of free verse pieces that reflect the depths of a broken heart and how love is defined and remains behind when life is impacted by an unforeseen tragedy.
A poem should make you feel. It should take you on a journey into the words written. It should be as though the words you are reading were written in a sense, for you. Have you ever had something you felt you wanted to say but could never find the words yourself? Every passage in this book was taken from life’s events. Whether happy, sad, heartbreaking, or tragic, it’s written with the raw emotion that everyone feels in their real day to day lives. I have had my share of ups and downs myself. I have been to the darkest parts within me, but in the end, I was able to find the light. That is what I want these poems to do for my readers. Have you ever slipped into a dark time in your life? Ever thought that no one would ever be able to understand? Do you dream of happiness amongst that heartache? A truth amongst all the lies? Then let my words help take you out of your darkness and into your light.
Cult bestseller The Invitation is more than just a poem. It is a profound invitation to a life that is more fulfilling and passionate, with greater integrity. This book is a word-of-mouth sensation, whose truths have resonated with people all over the world, and is now reissued with a beautiful new cover design.
Embark on a poetic odyssey through the vivid landscape of human emotion with "Emotional Echoes." In this soul-stirring collection, D.A (DeepAnshu) unveils a tapestry of feelings, each verse a brushstroke on the canvas of the heart. Immerse yourself in the tender melodies of Love, dance in the jubilant rhythm of Joy, and explore the quiet corridors of Hope. Traverse the profound valleys of Sorrow, confront the gripping tendrils of Fear, and witness the fiery dance of Anger. Loneliness finds solace in poetic whispers, while Gratitude, excitement, and desire unveil their secrets in verses that resonate with the very core of existence. This collection is a symphony of emotions, with each of the 10 distinct feelings echoed in three unique poems, resulting in 30 poignant reflections. The verses within are not just words; they are windows into the human soul, capturing the essence of shared experiences and the myriad hues of our emotional landscape. "Emotional Echoes" invites you to connect with the universal threads that bind us together, providing a lyrical sanctuary where emotions are laid bare. These poems are not just read; they are felt, experienced, and remembered. Join DeepAnshu on this poetic exploration — a journey into the heart of what it means to be human.
This study presents a contextual and intertextual reading of James Thomson's (1700--1748) poem »The Seasons«, taking into consideration some of the presuppositions and habitus of the text's cultural community and the function of the poem's many intertextual allusions. Contemporary assumptions about processes of perception, reading and the practice of virtue call for an approach to the poem that takes literary pre-texts into account. An intertextual reading reveals »The Seasons«, though heterogeneous on its surface, as coherent in its cultural functionality: It aims to train readers into virtuous habits and asserts the powers of poetic discourse as a culturally relevant force especially in relation to the discourse of natural philosophy. With the emergence of natural philosophy as a cultural activity of considerable market value, poetry had to legitimise itself as a culturally relevant pursuit. An analysis of the poem's intertext, in particular allusions to Virgil, Ovid and Milton, but also to genre conventions such as pastoral, romance, sermon and panegyric, uncovers textual strategies that attempt to re-legitimise poetry on the one hand by transposing scientific method into a poetic environment. On the other hand, the text demonstrates, using its intertext, that poetry has powers which reach beyond the rational and empirical agenda of natural philosophy and that poetry has a distinctive cultural function as a provider of vision, insight and moral knowledge. Diese Studie legt eine historisch kontextualisierte Interpretation von James Thomson's (1700--1748) Gedicht »The Seasons« vor, die Präsuppositionen und Habitus zeitgenössischer Leserschaft sowie dieFunktion seiner zahlreichen intertextuellen Anspielungen mit einbezieht. Diese Lesart erhellt »The Seasons« als einen, trotz heterogener Textoberfläche, in seiner kulturellen Funktionalität kohärenten Text. Die Analyse des Intertexts deckt Textstrategien auf, die den dichterischen Diskurs insbesondere in Relation zum neu privilegierten Diskurs der Naturphilosophie als kulturell relevante Kraft relegitimieren.
Like water pours from rivers in life, the words poured from my mind, and onto the pages. Life is an open book, and you alone hold the pen. You can play the hero or the villain. Life comes alive through my poetry. I have written of my friend's abroad, and their hardships and trials. The strength of my heart not to walk away when a close friend had cancer. He pushed everyone away but me. I hate to say, I've become emotional while writing the description, because a lot of these poems are from my heart. I haven't exactly met the love of my life, but I thought I had. There is nothing worse than someone marrying you for a gain, and I will be writing a book in detail about that. I'm afraid my life has become a Bollywood story, and coincidentally enough one of my Poem's is entitled, "Like a Bollywood story." I somehow run into things in my life that people have always looked at me incredulously. I have always walked a different path than others, and I have this emotional world in my heart. I have not created any of my emotional experiences within the poetry, and they are very real. I have poured my heart within these pages. There is as much magic as there is emotion. I have brought the emotions of others within too. I have been to India, and I am a US citizen that was born abroad. So for me, life takes on so many meanings, and I can see from more than a singular perspective. I have even wrote a tribute to Thomas Jeffery Hanks. I followed him on Twitter, and he would take pictures of shoes without the match. These were abandoned "soles." Yeah, a play on words there. A lonely shoe in the middle of a road. I couldn't help it but bring it to life. I have also written of adventures of dinner in bed gone horribly wrong. Being this is my first book, I am not going to state that this description will be perfect, but at the urging of my mother, my aunt, and numerous friends in other countries I finally decided to publish. This is in fact, upon my bucket list of dreams. Now, like other authors, such as the famous Stephen King, I listen to music, but mine falls to Bollywood music and even Celtic for my tastes, and of course I love the eighties. I was also following Stephen on twitter for a bit, and one day he wrote of his character,"Holly." I ha the weirdest inspiration to write a perspective from her mind of being a character. I even wrote it under his twitter, but as you know, he is a busy author, and I'm sure he didn't see it. I hope he catches it, and gets a chuckle. My mind simply can be on another track, and it is simply hilarious. Anyways, life is a gamble, and so are books. I have read my fair share, and I am a science fiction nerd, and I think you'll find a mix of my personality within. Well, I hope you enjoy.
Selected Heart Poems accompanies Love Chronicles (my first poetry collection) as a selection of poems about love, spirituality, and journeys. The verse that has been collected here communicates more experiences of romance and the web of emotions that stem from complex feelings for another person. It also explores how we feel love for our children and our unconditional bond with them. On a spiritual level, there is a relationship between the self and the recognition that our lives are constantly changing yet finding reassurance that we can come to terms with this through understanding several Buddhist concepts. The key, perhaps most profoundly, is that of the connection between our happiness and the happiness of everyone else. There are collected poems that are connected with past travels across Europe and the Middle East and throughout my time in South America. The attempt here is to paint a vast canvas with my encounters of cultures and people, their customs and beliefs, backdrops to unbelievable meteorology and breathtaking scenery. With this in mind, it is possible to recall the excitement of the past and still move forward with extended belief and profound faith. Simplified, my poems are illustrations of my perceptions toward the world according to my personal experiences of love. This includes my fondness of travel, my interest in people, my love of the arts and also the magic language of dreams and how they interpret into daily life. Primarily, my love poems are passionate and filled with intrigue and sensuality; they themselves narrate stories rich in romance and emotions connected with the heart.