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Plasma-based acceleration (PBA) is being considered as the basis for a future linear collider,where electrons and positron bunches must collide with extremely small spot sizes. In order to be focused to such spot sizes the beams must have extremely small emittances. Thus one challenge to a PBA collider is preserving the emittance of the accelerated beams. In this dissertation, the evolution and preservation of the witness beam emittance in aplasma-based accelerator in the nonlinear blowout regime is investigated using theory and particle-in-cell simulations. It it found that the use of plasma density ramps as matching sections are beneficial for emittance emittance growth mitigation and preservation even when the witness beam is focused so tightly within the plasma that its space charge force pulls ions inwards within the beam. In order to study the evolution of a beam in the wakefield, details of the motion ofa single beam particle in the accelerating and focusing fields of a nonlinear wakefield are presented. The exact solution to the transverse equation of motion of a single beam particle under the assumption of adiabatic acceleration is derived. Approximate and thus simpler solutions are provided under the assumptions that plasma density also changes adiabatically. Some important concepts, including the beam's envelope equation, geometric emittance, normalized emittance, single and beam C-S parameters, transport matrices, and matching are reviewed and elaborated upon. Emittance evolution and the importance of matching are discussed in the context of a uniform plasma. Using the approximate solution (WKB solution) of a single particle's motion, analyticalexpressions for the evolution of the beam emittance and the C-S parameters in an arbitrary adiabatic plasma profile are provided neglecting the acceleration of the beam inside the plasma. It is shown that the beam emittance can be preserved when the beams C-S parameters are matched to the entrance of the density profile even when the beam has an initial energy spread. It is also shown that the emittance growth for an unmatched beam is minimized when it is focused to the same vacuum plane as for a matched beam. The emittance evolution without ion motion is studied using 3D particle-in-cell QuickPIC simulation and the results agree well with the theoretical predictions. In some of the proposed experiments for the recently commissioned FACET II facility,the matching condition may not be perfectly satisfied and the wake may not be perfectly symmetric. It is shown that for a given set of beam parameters that are consistent with FACET II capabilities, the emittance growth can still be minimized by choosing the optimal focal plane even when the assumptions of the theory are not satisfied. Additional considerations for FACET II experiments were investigated. The plasma source is a lithium plasma confined by a helium buffer gas. The plasma is formed from field ionization which can lead to a nonlinear focusing force inside the helium buffer gas due to its high ionization potential leading to a nonuniform transverse profile for the plasma. It is found in simulations that for an initial beam emittance of 20 [mu]m, the helium ionization is found to be small and the witness beam's emittance can still be preserved. Emittance evolution for beam and plasma parameters relevant to a single stage of amulti-staged plasma-based linear collider (LC) is investigated. In some plasma-based LC designs the transverse space charge forces for extreme accelerating beam parameters are expected to pull background ions into the beam which can lead to longitudinally varying nonlinear focusing forces and result in emittance growth of the beam. To mitigate this, the use of an adiabatic plasma density ramp as a matching section is proposed and examined using theory and PIC simulations. The witness beam is matched to the low density plasma entrance, where the beam initially has a large matched spot size so the ion motion effects are relatively small. As the beam propagates in the plasma density upramp (downramp), it is adiabatically focused (defocused) and its phase space distribution evolves slowly towards an equilibrium distribution including the effects of the adiabatically changing ion motion. Simulation results from QPAD, a new quasi-3D, quasi-static PIC code, show that within a single acceleration stage, this concept can limit the projected emittance growth to only ∼2% for a 25 GeV, 100 nm emittance witness beam and ∼20% for a 100 GeV, 100 nm emittance witness beam. The trade-off between the adiabaticity of the plasma density ramp and the initial ion motion at the entrance for a given length of the plasma density ramp is also discussed. Additional issues for building a plasma based linear collider are discussed. Preliminaryparticle-in-cell simulation results which examine and illustrate problems like staging, shaped witness beam (for improved beam loading), emittance growth and hosing of a witness beam with an initial offset, ion motion triggered by the driver, and asymmetric witness beams are presented. The implications of these issues on a plasma based linear collider are discussed. Simulation results for witness beams with initial energy of 500 GeV such as would exist in a final stage of a PBA linear collider or an afterburner are presented.
In recent experiments plasma electrons became trapped in a plasma wakefield accelerator (PWFA). The transverse size of these trapped electrons on a downstream diagnostic yields an upper limit measurement of transverse normalized emittance divided by peak current, {var_epsilon}{sub N, x}/I. The lowest upper limit for {var_epsilon}{sub N, x}/I measured in the experiment is 1.3 · 10−1° m/A.
The preservation of emittance of the accelerating beam is the next challenge for plasma-based accelerators envisioned for future light sources and colliders. The field structure of a highly nonlinear plasma wake is potentially suitable for this purpose but has not been yet measured. Here we show that the longitudinal variation of the fields in a nonlinear plasma wakefield accelerator cavity produced by a relativistic electron bunch can be mapped using the bunch itself as a probe. We find that, for much of the cavity that is devoid of plasma electrons, the transverse force is constant longitudinally to within ±3% (r.m.s.). Moreover, comparison of experimental data and simulations has resulted in mapping of the longitudinal electric field of the unloaded wake up to 83 GV m-1 to a similar degree of accuracy. Lastly, these results bode well for high-gradient, high-efficiency acceleration of electron bunches while preserving their emittance in such a cavity.
Plasma-based accelerators use the propagation of a drive bunch through plasma to create large electric fields. Recent plasma wakefield accelerator (PWFA) experiments, carried out at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), successfully doubled the energy for some of the 42 GeV drive bunch electrons in less than a meter; this feat would have required 3 km in the SLAC linac. This dissertation covers one phenomenon associated with the PWFA, electron trapping. Recently it was shown that PWFAs, operated in the nonlinear bubble regime, can trap electrons that are released by ionization inside the plasma wake and accelerate them to high energies. These trapped electrons occupy and can degrade the accelerating portion of the plasma wake, so it is important to understand their origins and how to remove them. Here, the onset of electron trapping is connected to the drive bunch properties. Additionally, the trapped electron bunches are observed with normalized transverse emittance divided by peak current, [epsilon]{sub N, x}/I{sub t}, below the level of 0.2 [mu]m/kA. A theoretical model of the trapped electron emittance, developed here, indicates that the emittance scales inversely with the square root of the plasma density in the non-linear 'bubble' regime of the PWFA. This model and simulations indicate that the observed values of [epsilon]{sub N, x}/I{sub t} result from multi-GeV trapped electron bunches with emittances of a few [mu]m and multi-kA peak currents. These properties make the trapped electrons a possible particle source for next generation light sources. This dissertation is organized as follows. The first chapter is an overview of the PWFA, which includes a review of the accelerating and focusing fields and a survey of the remaining issues for a plasma-based particle collider. Then, the second chapter examines the physics of electron trapping in the PWFA. The third chapter uses theory and simulations to analyze the properties of the trapped electron bunches. Chapters four and five present the experimental diagnostics and measurements for the trapped electrons. Next, the sixth chapter introduces suggestions for future trapped electron experiments. Then, Chapter seven contains the conclusions. In addition, there is an appendix chapter that covers a topic which is extraneous to electron trapping, but relevant to the PWFA. This chapter explores the feasibility of one idea for the production of a hollow channel plasma, which if produced could solve some of the remaining issues for a plasma-based collider.
A plasma wakefield accelerator is a device that converts the energy of a relativistic particle beam into a large-amplitude wave in a plasma. The plasma wave, or wakefield, supports an enormous electricfield that is used to accelerate a trailing particle beam. The plasma wakefield accelerator can therefore be used as a transformer, transferring energy from a high-charge, low-energy particle beam into a high-energy, low-charge particle beam. This technique may lead to a new generation of ultra-compact, high-energy particle accelerators. The past decade has seen enormous progress in the field of plasma wakefield acceleration with experimental demonstrations of the acceleration of electron beams by several gigaelectron-volts. The acceleration of positron beams in plasma is more challenging, but also necessary for the creation of a high-energy electron-positron collider. Part of the challenge is that the plasma responds asymmetrically to electrons and positrons, leading to increased disruption of the positron beam. One solution to this problem, first proposed over twenty years ago, is to use a hollow channel plasma which symmetrizes the response of the plasma to beams of positive and negative charge, making it possible to accelerate positrons in plasma without disruption. In this thesis, we describe the theory relevant to our experiment and derive new results when needed. We discuss the development and implementation of special optical devices used to create long plasma channels. We demonstrate for the first time the generation of meter-scale plasma channels and the acceleration of positron beams therein.
Since its invention in the 1920s, particle accelerators have made tremendous progress in accelerator science, technology and applications. However, the fundamental acceleration principle, namely, to apply an external radiofrequency (RF) electric field to accelerate charged particles, remains unchanged. As this method (either room temperature RF or superconducting RF) is approaching its intrinsic limitation in acceleration gradient (measured in MeV/m), it becomes apparent that new methods with much higher acceleration gradient (measured in GeV/m) must be found for future very high energy accelerators as well as future compact (table-top or room-size) accelerators. This volume introduces a number of advanced accelerator concepts (AAC) — their principles, technologies and potential applications. For the time being, none of them stands out as a definitive direction in which to go. But these novel ideas are in hot pursuit and look promising. Furthermore, some AAC requires a high power laser system. This has the implication of bringing two different communities — accelerator and laser — to join forces and work together. It will have profound impact on the future of our field.Also included are two special articles, one on 'Particle Accelerators in China' which gives a comprehensive overview of the rapidly growing accelerator community in China. The other features the person-of-the-issue who was well-known nuclear physicist Jerome Lewis Duggan, a pioneer and founder of a huge community of industrial and medical accelerators in the US.
The plasma wakefield accelerator (PWFA) is an accelerator concept based on utilizing a large amplitude plasma wave to accelerate relativistic electrons to ultra-high energy. The plasma wave represents the wave produced by a relativistic beam as it passes through a cold plasma. As the beam enters the plasma its space charge polarizes the background. When the beam tail passes the plasma is left with a large oscillating induced charge. The wakefields are derived assuming that the charge and current profiles of the driving bunch remain fixed. An estimate is made of the condition necessary for maintaining the profile of the driving bunch. The current required to result in an accelerating field approaching the wavebreaking limit is estimated. The beam dynamics for a small beam are simulated based on these estimates. The results of the studies reported indicate that the self-consistent transverse motion of the driving bunch makes pulse tailoring impossible to maintain. 4 refs., 5 figs. (LEW).
Recent experiments at SLAC have shown that high gradient acceleration of electrons is achievable in meter scale plasmas. Results from these experiments show that the wakefield is sensitive to parameters in the electron beam which drives it. In the experiment the bunch lengths were varied systematically at constant charge. The effort to extract a measurement of the decelerating wake from the maximum energy loss of the electron beam is discussed.
Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma introduces the physics of accelerators, lasers and plasma in tandem with the industrial methodology of inventiveness, a technique that teaches that similar problems and solutions appear again and again in seemingly dissimilar disciplines. This unique approach builds bridges and enhances connections between the three aforementioned areas of physics that are essential for developing the next generation of accelerators. A Breakthrough by Design approach, introduced in the book as an amalgam of TRIZ inventive principles and laws of technical system evolution with the art of back-of-the-envelope estimations, via numerous examples and exercises discussed in the solution manual, will make you destined to invent. Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma outlines a path from idea to practical implementation of scientific and technological innovation. This second edition has been updated throughout, with new content on superconducting technology, energy recovery, polarization, various topics of advanced technology, etc., making it relevant for the Electron-Ion Collider project, as well as for advanced lights sources, including Free Electron Lasers with energy recovery. The book is suitable for students at the senior undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as for scientists and engineers interested in enhancing their abilities to work successfully on the development of the next generation of facilities, devices and scientific instruments manufactured from the synergy of accelerators, lasers and plasma. Key Features: Introduces the physics of accelerators, lasers, and plasma in tandem with the industrial methodology of inventiveness. Outlines a path from idea to practical implementation of scientific and technological innovation. Contains more than 380 illustrations and numerous end-of-chapter exercises. Solutions manual is included into the book. Boasting more than 380 illustrations, this highly visual text: Employs TRIZ to amalgamate and link different areas of science Avoids heavy mathematics, using back-of-the-envelope calculations to convey key principles Introduces the Innovation by Design approach based an amalgam of TRIZ inventive principles and laws of technical system evolution with the art of back-of-the-envelope estimations – developing and applying this methodology, you will be destined to invent Includes updated materials for all eleven chapters of the first edition, e.g., the FEL invention path analysis, etc. The second edition includes new chapters: Beam Cooling and Final Focusing, Beam Stability and Energy Recovery, Advanced Technologies The new chapters add topics such as superconducting magnets and accelerating cavities, polarized beams, energy recovery – themes relevant for new projects such as Electron-Ion Collider, or Free Electron Laser based on energy recovery for science or industry The second edition also includes a new chapter with illustrations of 40 inventive principles of TRIZ based on the areas of accelerator, laser and plasma technology Every chapter includes invention case studies, often making important connections to adjacent areas of technologies, illustrated by the case of EUV light generation invention for semiconductor lithography, etc. Includes end-of-chapter exercises focusing on physics and on applications of the inventiveness method, on reinventing technical systems and on practicing back-of-the-envelope estimations; and also includes mini-projects, suitable for exercises by teams of students Includes a detailed Guide to solutions of the exercises, discussing the inventions and highlighting the relevant inventive principles, as well as directions of mini-projects Includes discussion of the TRIZ laws of evolution of technical systems and makes bold predictions for the Year 2050 for accelerator, laser and plasma technology Praise for the first edition "...Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma is a must-have for every student and practitioner of accelerator science. It is a quick reference guide and provides solid, intuitive discussions of what are often quite erudite concepts. I enthusiastically applaud this outstanding book." Sekazi Mtingwa in Physics Today, August 2016