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The issue of the so-called Elohistic Psalter has intrigued biblical scholars since the rise of the historical-critical enterprise. Scholars have attempted to discover why the name Elohim is used almost exclusively within Pss 42–83, and in particular they have attempted to identify the historical circumstances which explain this phenomenon. Traditionally, an original Yhwh was understood to have been replaced by Elohim. Frank-Lothar Hossfeld and the late Erich Zenger propose that the use of the title Elohim is theologically motivated, and they account for this phenomenon in their redaction-historical work. Wardlaw here builds upon their work (1) by integrating insights from Dell Hymes, William Miles Foley, and Susan Niditch with regard to oral-traditional cultures, and (2) by following the text-linguistic approach of Eep Talstra and Christof Hardmeier and listening to canonical texture as a faithful witness to Israel's religious traditions. Wardlaw proposes that the name Elohim within the Psalms is a theologically-laden term, and that its usage is related to pentateuchal traditions.
An investigation by O. Palmer Robertson that uncovers the mystery of the arrangement and structure of the Psalms and shows that there is a redemptive flow through its five books.
The ideas and emotions that make the book of Psalms such a powerful text for Judaism and Christianity alike are brilliantly captured in this deft translation by a scholar of Judaism. Aaron Lichtenstein offers the English translation in verse, just as the original Hebrew text is in poetry, in the various poetic modes required by the myriad moods and messages. Readers will be moved by the inspiring words of the Psalms in this essential resource.
Let Us Attend! A Journey Through the Orthodox Christian Liturgy is a guide to understanding the Divine Liturgy, and a vibrant reminder of the centrality of the Eucharist in living the Christian life. Every Sunday morning we are literally taken on a journey into the Kingdom of God. Fr. Lawrence guides everyday believers in a devotional and historical walk through the Orthodox liturgy. Examining the Liturgy section by section, he proves both historical explanations of how the liturgy evolved, and devotional insights aimed at helping us pray the liturgy in the way the Fathers intended. In better understanding the depth of the Liturgy's meaning and purpose, we can pray it properly. If you would like a deeper understanding of your Sunday morning experience so that you can draw closer to God, then this book is for you.
In The Unseen Realm, Dr. Michael Heiser examines the ancient context of Scripture, explaining how its supernatural worldview can help us grow in our understanding of God. He illuminates intriguing and amazing passages of the Bible that have been hiding in plain sight. You'll find yourself engaged in an enthusiastic pursuit of the truth, resulting in a new appreciation for God's Word. Why wasn't Eve surprised when the serpent spoke to her? How did descendants of the Nephilim survive the flood? Why did Jacob fuse Yahweh and his Angel together in his prayer? Who are the assembly of divine beings that God presides over? In what way do those beings participate in God's decisions? Why do Peter and Jude promote belief in imprisoned spirits? Why does Paul describe evil spirits in terms of geographical rulership? Who are the "glorious ones" that even angels dare not rebuke? After reading this book, you may never read your Bible the same way again. Endorsements "There is a world referred to in the Scripture that is quite unseen, but also quite present and active. Michael Heiser's The Unseen Realm seeks to unmask this world. Heiser shows how important it is to understand this world and appreciate how its contribution helps to make sense of Scripture. The book is clear and well done, treating many ideas and themes that often go unseen themselves. With this book, such themes will no longer be neglected, so read it and discover a new realm for reflection about what Scripture teaches." --Darrell L. Bock, Executive Director for Cultural Engagement, Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership and Cultural Engagement "'How was it possible that I had never seen that before?' Dr. Heiser's survey of the complex reality of the supernatural world as the Scriptures portray it covers a subject that is strangely sidestepped. No one is going to agree with everything in his book, but the subject deserves careful study, and so does this book." --John Goldingay, David Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament, School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary "This is a 'big' book in the best sense of the term. It is big in its scope and in its depth of analysis. Michael Heiser is a scholar who knows Scripture intimately in its ancient cultural context. All--scholars, clergy, and laypeople--who read this profound and accessible book will grow in their understanding of both the Old and New Testaments, particularly as their eyes are opened to the Bible's 'unseen world.'" --Tremper Longman III, Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, Westmont College
This book is written to reawaken awareness of both the beauty of the psalms and their ability to speak with relevance to our contemporary culture--a generation in danger of losing the psalmist’s voice. It is written for those who may have felt marginalized by church or society, whether from loss, tragedy, illness, or misuse of power. May this generation hear the voice of the psalmist pointing them to a God who desires honest expression, who comes close to listen to their cries, and points them to a deeper understanding of who he is and how he loves. May the words of the psalmist lead them out of isolation and into authentic community. The author’s approach to the psalms begins with recognition of the intertwining of imagery with the literary structure of the poetry found in the psalms. The imagery in the psalms comes from an earthy connection of the psalmist with the land of scripture. Understanding the imagery allows the reader to “see” the psalms and receive the message. It deepens the relevance of the psalms to speak into the myriad contexts in our present day multi-cultural world. Recognition of the religious and social dynamics of ancient Israelite life--such as kingship, Zion as a place of God’s presence, and the covenant relationship of a people with their God--provide further clues to understanding the message of the psalms. Along with the rich imagery present in the psalms, this book explores the literary structure of the poetry in the psalms. Recognition of key characteristics of Hebrew poetry allows the words to “sing.” In every psalm a vivid echo of ancient voices resounds, building century upon century of expression, reaching into the present. If one reads carefully, the melodies and message can be heard. The music of the psalms breathe with life and relevance. Psalms are filled with movement to hope and praise. Yet, they address the reality that life at times hurts. The psalmist gives honest voice to pain and affirms God’s presence in the darkest moments of life. This book explores the importance of lament both individually and in community as a vehicle to healing and a deeper understanding of God’s care. The book closes with an examination of five select psalms that are representative of different types of psalms found in the psalter. They were chosen because of personal relevance. Through imagery, structure, and voice the psalms convey movement from honest expression to hope. Hope leads to thanksgiving. Praise resounds because of who God is and how he cares.
The Book of Proverbs has nine concomitants (related mysteries bundled together in a group). The tenth is found in the Book of Psalms [77:19-22]. Below are the four verses proverbialized:There are three things the Lord has given us-no four-The Way hidden within the expanse of the sea,His Path made smooth through mighty waters,Footprints showing He always was and always will be there with us,and finally a Shepherd for His flock. It is the author's hope, that the increased understanding of the psalms imparted by this book will enhance your sanctification for "the tasks God has set before you" so you can preach the Kingdom of God and teach the glories of His Messiah. On the front cover, David is shown revering the "glorious things prophesied of the City of God" (Ps 87:3), which is the New Jerusalem as the heart of the Kingdom of God.
The Psalms are wonderful. They have been read, repeated, chanted, sung, studied, wept over, rejoiced in, expounded, loved and praised by God's people for thousands of years. The most ancient of these productions is now [1866] three thousand three hundred and twenty-six years old. The least ancient of them is two thousand four hundred and fifty-three years old. The difference in date between the most ancient and the most modern of them is eight hundred and seventy-three years. They were all written in Asia, so that we in this Western world can have no national pride respecting them. Yet pious people here and all over the earth have found and can find no compositions more suitable for delineating their devout emotions, and for expressing their pious sensibilities than those of inspired Psalmists. If to any man these songs are unsavory, the reason is found in the blindness and depravity of the human heart. Hengstenberg: "The Psalms are expressions of holy feeling, which can be understood by those only, who have become alive to such feeling." Other things being equal, he who has the most heavenly mind, will be the most successful student of the Psalms. - Introduction
Walter Moberly is a top Old Testament theologian known for his creative, accessible, and provocative writing. His Old Testament Theology has been well received. This book, written in a similar vein, combines biblical criticism with constructive theology and engages both Jewish and Christian interpretations. Moberly offers robust readings of eight pivotal Old Testament passages that unpack the nature of God in Christian Scripture, demonstrating a Christian approach to reading the Old Testament that holds together the priorities of both scholarship and faith.
This volume studies the seven psalms that were performed at the fundamental daily ritual of the Jerusalem Temple in the late Second Temple period (Psalms 24, 48, 82, 94, 81, 93, 92). It is the first comprehensive and detailed study of this richly-relevant liturgical collection. The work centers around a literary poetic analysis of the collection as a whole, focussing on unifying features such as connections between psalms, overall structure, theme and plot. A review of the Tamid service and exegetical studies of each psalm are included. Three innovative sections illustrate the importance of the Tamid Psalms in Second Temple studies; topics include the formation of the Psalter, the structure of liturgical texts, and the performance of Temple worship.