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Una de las tres colecciones fundacionales de Critica, se inicio en 1976 con el gran libro de Marcel Bataillon Erasmo y el erasmismo y han aparecido en ella textos hoy fundamentales en los estudios de filologia espanola, como son los debidos a Mauricio Molho, Walter Mignolo, Leo Spitzer, Fernando Lazaro Carreter, Claudio Guillen, Aurora Egido, Jose-Carlos Mainer, Rafael Lapesa o Jaime Gil de Biedma. « Filologia fue la primera aportacion de Francisco Rico a una larga serie que daria lugar, entre otras obras de gran calado, a la famosa Historia y critica de la literatura espanola, en nueve volumenes, y a sus correspondientes « Suplementos. El texto literario se hace en un proceso de semiotizacion que Mignolo define lucidamente e ilustra con significativos ejemplos espanoles y latinoamericanos, para tender puentes entre la teoria, la investigacion y la ensenanza de la literatura.
Text and Discourse Constitution: Empirical Aspects, Theoretical Approaches (Research in Text Theory.
El análisis del texto literario permite una mayor comprensión de la estructura de la obra, justificando los criterios de interpretación y estableciendo pautas objetivables para la valoración de la obra. Como se sabe, la interpretación y la valoración de una obra se definen por su subjetividad, pero mediante el análisis se pretende establecer los parámetros que determinan dicha interpretación y valoración. De ahí la importancia y la necesidad que motivan un manual de análisis como el que aquí se propone.
Meets the needs of today's teachers and students Gathered to meet the upsurge of interest in Latin America, this collection features major critical articles dealing with the authors and texts customarily taught in colleges and universities in the United States. The articles are in English and Spanish, with a predominance of the former. Surveys a dynamic and exciting area of research Four Latin American writers have won the Nobel Prize for Literature: Guatemalan Miquel Angel Asturias, Chilean Gabriela Mistral, Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Chilean Pablo Neruda. Also internationally recognized are the Argentine Jorge Luis Borges, the Mexican Carlos Fuentes, and the Chilean Isabel Allende, to name only a few. Moreover, the sociopolitical circumstances of the past four decades of Latin American history, and the growing importance of the region have resulted in the creation of Latin American studies programs in numerous American universities. All of this literary activity hasinspired innumerable dissertations, theses, books, and journal articles. Explores contemporary Latin Americanissues and concerns In the face of such an enormous proliferation of commentary, students of Latin America and its literature need a body of basic texts that will provide them an orientation in the various research areas and new schools of thought that have emerged in the field. Particularly important are the essays and articles that have appeared in periodicals and other sources that Anglo American readers often find difficult to obtain. Individual volumes available: Vol. 1 Theoretical Debates in Spanish American Literature 448 pages, 0-8153-2676-9 Vol. 2 Writers of the Spanish Colonial Period 456 pages, 0-8153-2678-5 Vol. 3 From Romanticism to Modernismo in Latin American Literture 352 pages, 0-8153-2680-7 Vol. 5 Twentieth-Century Spanish American Literature Since 1960 416 pages, 0-8153-2681-5
History and Classics of Modern Semiotics -- Sign and Meaning -- Semiotics, Code, and the Semiotic Field -- Language and Language-Based Codes -- From Structuralism to Text Semiotics: Schools and Major Figures -- Text Semiotics: The Field -- Nonverbal Communication -- Aesthetics and Visual Communication.
This edited volume offers new perspectives from leading scholars on the important work of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (1539-1616), one of the first Latin American writers to present an intellectual analysis of pre-Columbian history and culture and the ensuing colonial period. To the contributors, Inca Garcilaso's Royal Commentaries of the Incas presented an early counter-hegemonic discourse and a reframing of the history of native non-alphabetic cultures that undermined the colonial rhetoric of his time and the geopolitical divisions it purported. Through his research in both Andean and Renaissance archives, Inca Garcilaso sought to connect these divergent cultures into one world. This collection offers five classical studies of Royal Commentaries previously unavailable in English, along with seven new essays that cover topics including Andean memory, historiography, translation, philosophy, trauma, and ethnic identity. This cross-disciplinary volume will be of interest to students and scholars of Latin American history, culture, comparative literature, subaltern studies, and works in translation.
Essays by intellectuals and specialists in Latin American cultural studies that provide a comprehensive view of the specific problems, topics, and methodologies of the field vis-a-vis British and U.S. cultural studies.
This volume of essays focuses on the configuration and the crisis of national and cultural identities in modern and contemporary Europe. Renowned contributors address the question of identity from various theoretical frames (Eagleton, Honneth, Bourdieu). The essays collected in the first and second part of the book study the relation between literature and culture as well as the decisive, yet ambiguous role that literature has played in the identitary processes of nations. The last part of the volume examines the history and the present relevance of specific identitary processes. Dieser Sammelband thematisiert die Entstehung und Entwicklung kultureller und nationaler Identitäten in Europa und die damit einhergehenden Krisen. Renommierte Forscher reflektieren das Thema Identität im Lichte verschiedener theoretischer Ansätze (Eagleton, Honneth, Bourdieu). In den Beiträgen der ersten beiden Teile erörtern sie die Wechselwirkungen von Literatur und Kultur sowie die Rolle, die der Literatur in nationalen Identitätsprozessen zukommt. Im letzten Teil werden Geschichte und Gegenwart einzelner Identitätsprozesse analysiert.