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Fundamental interactions are mediated by bosonic fields, quanta of which are realized as particles. The properties of these fields typically obey certain symmetry rules. In this book we discuss the symmetry between two types of interactions — electromagnetic, which are familiar to anyone who turned on the electric lights, and weak, which govern the nuclear reactions that fuel the Sun. While there is a symmetry between these two types of interactions, it is broken. The unified theory of electroweak interactions was developed over 50 years ago. The Higgs scalar field named after one of the theorists that proposed it, is believed to be responsible for the breaking of the electroweak symmetry. Yet, it is only now after the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 by the LHC experiments, that we can study the mechanism of the electroweak symmetry breaking. This book discusses the theoretical developments that led to the construction of this theory, the discovery and the experimental observations that need to come to fully establish the validity of the model.
This is an expanded version of the report by the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Beyond the Standard Model Working Group which was contributed to Particle Physics — Perspectives and Opportunities, a report of the Division of Particles and Fields Committee for Long Term Planning. One of the Working Group's primary goals was to study the phenomenology of electroweak symmetry breaking and attempt to quantify the “physics reach” of present and future colliders. Their investigations encompassed the Standard Model — with one doublet of Higgs scalars — and approaches to physics beyond the Standard Model. These include models of low-energy supersymmetry, dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking, and a variety of extensions of the Standard Model with new particles and interactions. The Working Group also considered signals of new physics in precision measurements arising from virtual processes and examined experimental issues associated with the study of electroweak symmetry breaking and the search for new physics at present and future hadron and lepton colliders.This volume represents an important contribution to the efforts being made to advance the frontiers of particle physics.
The systematic bottom-up approach provides the appropriate framework for interpreting measurements that will be performed to better understand the physics of mass generation in the universe. No knowledge of quantum field theory is required other than familiarity with effective Lagrangians and Feynmann diagrams.
This volume contains the talks given at the above workshop which was devoted to discussing the newest developments in various models of electroweak symmetry breaking forming the basis of modern particle physics. It includes various aspects of Higgs physics and condensate models embodying dynamical symmetry breaking.
With this thesis the author contributes to the development of a non-mainstream but long-standing approach to electroweak symmetry breaking based on an analogy with superconductivity. Electroweak symmetry breaking is assumed to be caused by dynamically generated masses of typical fermions, i.e., of quarks and leptons, which in turn assumes a new dynamics between quarks and leptons. Primarily it is designed to generate fermion masses and electroweak symmetry breaking is an automatic consequence. After the summary of the topic, the first main part of the thesis addresses the question as to whether the masses of known quarks and leptons provide sufficiently strong sources of electroweak symmetry breaking. It is demonstrated that neutrino masses subject to the seesaw mechanism are indispensable ingredients. The other two parts of the thesis are dedicated to the presentation of two particular models: The first model is based on the new strong Yukawa dynamics and serves as a platform for studying the ability to reproduce fermion masses. The second, more realistic model introduces a flavor gauge dynamics and its phenomenological consequences are studied. Even though, in the past, this type of models has already been of some interest, following the discovery of the Standard-Model-like Higgs particle, it is regaining its relevance.
In this dissertation, we revisit the prospects of a strongly interacting theory for the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector of the Standard Model, after the discovery of a Higgs-like boson at 125GeV. As the LHC constrains new phenomena near the Higgs mass, it is natural to assume that the new scale is of order 1TeV. This mass gap might indicate strongly interacting new physics. This work is of quite general validity and model independence. With only a few parameters at the Lagrangian level, multiple channels (possibly with new physics resonances) are describable, and many BSM theories can be treated. It will be of interest to postgraduate students and researchers, and is accessible to newcomers in the field. Many calculations are given in full detail and there are ample graphical illustrations.
The papers presented here focus on new developments in both theoretical and phenomenological aspects of standard theory, with an emphasis on understanding of the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking. This workshop covers the formal aspects and the related new models of electroweak symmetry breaking and the present status of the Standard Model.
The phenomenon of dynamical symmetry breaking (DSB) in quantum field theory is discussed in a detailed and comprehensive way. The deep connection between this phenomenon in condensed matter physics and particle physics is emphasized. The realizations of DSB in such realistic theories as quantum chromodynamics and electroweak theory are considered. Issues intimately connected with DSB such as critical phenomenona and effective lagrangian approach are also discussed.