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This volume advances the archaeological study of social organisation in Prehistory, and more specifically the rise of social complexity in European Prehistory. Within the wider context of world Prehistory, in the last 30 years the subject of early social stratification and state formation has been a key subject on interest in Iberian Prehistory. This book illustrates the differing forms of resistances, the interplay between change and continuity, the multiple paths to and from social complexity, and the 'failures' of states to form in Prehistory. Focusing on Iberia, but with a permanent connection to the wider geographical framework, this book presents, for the first time, a chronologically comprehensive, up-to-date approach to the issue of state formation in prehistoric Europe.
"Land Reform" presents articles that touch on problems related to access to land resources in various countries and regions, and contains notes on experiences in various FAO member countries. This volume comprises eight articles that examine a range of areas central to land tenure. They provide a stimulating and, in some cases, critical set of perspectives on how best tackle some of these issues. - "R�forme agraire" propose des articles qui touchent essentiellement � la probl�matique de l'acc�s aux ressources fonci�res en divers pays et r�gions, et pr�sente des notes sur des exp�riences dans plusieurs pays membres de la FAO. Le pr�sent num�ro est compos� de huit articles portant sur divers domaines essentiels pour les activit�s li�es aux r�gimes fonciers. Ces articles font �tat de perspectives stimulantes, voir d�cisives, concernant le meilleur angle d'attaque pour faire face � certains de ces probl�mes.- "Reforma agraria" ofrece art�culos que se refieren sobre todo a los problemas relacionados con el acceso a los recursos de tierras en varios pa�ses y regiones, e incluye notas sobre experiencias en diversos pa�ses miembros de la FAO. Este n�mero comprende ocho art�culos en los que se examinan diversas cuestiones de gran importancia en materia de tenencia de la tierra. Esos art�culos aportan un conjunto estimulante y, en algunos casos, fundamental de perspectivas sobre la mejor manera de abordar algunas de estas cuestiones.