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La necesidad de comunicarse eficazmente se configura de modo particular en las Universidades Pedagógicas a partir del criterio de que en este marco, la lengua además de ser el vehículo principal de aprendizaje de todas las asignaturas, es el instrumento profesional que utilizarán los futuros maestros durante el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en su desempeño profesional. Ello tiene mayor trascendencia en los estudiantes de la licenciatura en Educación Especial quienes deben formarse con un enfoque clínicopsicopedagógico para la prevención, educación, reeducación y rehabilitación del lenguaje y comunicarse con eficiencia con personas que presentan necesidades educativas especiales; sin embargo no constituye este un tema que se ha sistematizado en la teoría y la práctica pedagógica. Para solucionar esta problemática, la autora de la presente tesis propone una estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje interdisciplinar dirigida al desarrollo de la comunicación oral de los estudiantes, teniendo en cuenta aportes de diferentes ciencias. Los efectos positivos causados en el grupo de profesores y estudiantes tomados como muestra argumentan la pertinencia de la estrategia que se les propone.
La preparacion de tutores para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa del maestro primario en formacion requiere de una estrategia metodologica que se sustente en el enfoque cognitivo, comunicativo y sociocultural que ofrece la Dra. C. Angelina Romeu Escobar para la ensenanza-aprendizaje de la lengua y la literatura y en el enfoque historico-cultural concebido en el modelo de Vigotsky, L. S. y sus seguidores.La competencia comunicativa, a partir del significado, implica tener en cuenta determinadas estrategias que tienen que ver con el procesamiento de la informacion y se lograra en medida en que el estudiante llegue a convertirse en un comunicador eficiente. El objetivo de lograr el desarrollo de la competencia cognitiva, comunicativa y sociocultural es interdisciplinario, o sea, se alcanza con el concurso de todas las disciplinas escolares.La preparacion del personal docente, en especial la de los tutores, debe constituir un objetivo estrategico para logro de este proposito.
• El Dr. Ribeiro analiza y expone de manera asequible y práctica las claves de la comunicación. • Proporciona consejos y técnicas para que cualquier persona pueda convertirse en un excelente comunicador. • La comunicación es una de nuestras necesidades más básicas. En términos de comunicación, cuando el mensaje no produce un resultado, cuando no hay respuesta, puede afirmarse que se despilfarra energía. ¿Cuánto dinero se pierde en una empresa cuando una orden no ha sido bien interpretada? ¿Cuántos malentendidos se crean cuando lo que los demás perciben no coincide con lo que uno expresa? ¿Cuántos problemas genera la incapacidad de decir lo que uno siente, piensa o sabe? En estos tiempos resulta ya imprescindible saber comunicarse. Aprender a hacerlo no es difícil; tampoco sencillo. Este libro te proporciona las claves para que tu comunicación con los demás mejore de una manera espectacular. _AUTOR Ribeiro, Lair El doctor Lair Ribeiro es un médico brasileño afincado en Estados Unidos desde 1976. Además de ampliar sus estudios en la Universidad de Harvard, ha llevado a cabo investigaciones en diversas áreas de la psicología y ha adquirido una gran experiencia en los campos educativo y empresarial. Graduado por el Instituto de Tecnología del Cerebro de Colorado, sus cursos de expansión de la inteligencia y desarrollo personal han tenido mucho éxito en diferentes países, tanto entre el gran público como entre ejecutivos empresariales. Goza de una envidiable capacidad para hacer comprensibles para todos aquellos temas que, por su complejidad, sólo estaban destinados a unos pocos.
Self-directed learning seeks to provide students with the greatest possible control over the content of their courses and the methods used to deliver them. This fits with counselling process, where the intention is to increase the client's power and autonomy. This book gives practical examples of ways in which this method has been carried out and considers some of the dilemmas facing both students and trainers. Self-directed Learning in Counsellor Training provides a developmental model of self-directed learning together with exercises and methods of facilitating. It looks at ways of managing entry into this form of learning and demonstrates methods of designing courses which reinforce the principles. There is a discussion of the underlying philosophy, the possible outcomes and examples of ways to self and peer assess.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) expresses a fundamental morality in the way a company behaves toward society. It follows ethical behavior toward stakeholders and recognizes the spirit of the legal and regulatory environment. The idea of CSR gained momentum in the late 1950s and 1960s with the expansion of large conglomerate corporations and became a popular subject in the 1980s with R. Edward Freeman's Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach and the many key works of Archie B. Carroll, Peter F. Drucker, and others. In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008–2010, CSR has again become a focus for evaluating corporate behavior. First published in 1953, Howard R. Bowen’s Social Responsibilities of the Businessman was the first comprehensive discussion of business ethics and social responsibility. It created a foundation by which business executives and academics could consider the subjects as part of strategic planning and managerial decision-making. Though written in another era, it is regularly and increasingly cited because of its relevance to the current ethical issues of business operations in the United States. Many experts believe it to be the seminal book on corporate social responsibility. This new edition of the book includes an introduction by Jean-Pascal Gond, Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility at Cass Business School, City University of London, and a foreword by Peter Geoffrey Bowen, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver, who is Howard R. Bowen's eldest son.
The Taste of Transcendence is the perfect introduction to mankind's collective spiritual wisdom. You will find carefully selected foundational songs, stories, and scripture to give you the world's greatest insights into the human condition, the nature of ultimate reality, and the path to the transcendent sacred. Readings from the world's most influential religious texts have been chosen to provide you with a taste of this transcendence. Included are excerpts from the following spiritual paths: Vedic Traditions Hinduism (Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita), Buddhism (Dhammapada, Jātaka Tales) Chinese Traditions Confucianism (Analects of Confucius), Taoism (Tao Te Ching) Abrahamic Traditions Judaism (Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, Proverbs), Christianity (Four Canonical Gospels, Hebrews), Islam (Holy Qur'an, Rumi Poetry, Sufi Tales) Indigenous Traditions People of the Pacific (Australian Aborigines, Maori, Native Filipinos), People of the Americas (Lakota Oglala People, Cherokee People, Aztecs, and Eskimos) From the Introduction: The word "religion" is rooted in the Latin term that refers to things that bind. In many ways, what we often think of as being religious are those ...that we use to keep us together. They are things that bind us to one another and keep us from personally falling apart in the face of the inherent adversities of life....this is a book about religion in the most basic sense of the term. In this book are words that have been used to bind people together through their ability to express an experience of a transcendent life.
The Government and authorities in Brazil were faced with a tragic accident in Goiânia resulting from the misuse of a strongly radioactive medical teletherapy source not under radiation protection surveillance. The present report is divided into four parts: a chronology of destruction of the source, discovery of the accident and initial response; a description of the human consequences and the dosimetry and treatment of seriously exposed and contaminated persons; an account of the assessment of the environmental contamination and the remedial actions taken; and observations and recommendations. Appendices and annexes give an assessment of the effectiveness of international co-operation in the emergency response, and provide further information on: public communications; radiological survey equipment; guidelines for the discharge of patients; radiological protection; chemical decontamination; and the lessons learned.
CanMEDS is an educational framework identifying and describing seven Roles that lead to optimal physician performance, care delivery and health care outcomes: Medical Expert (central Role), Communicator, Collaborator, Leader (formerly Manager), Health Advocate, Scholar and Professional. The overarching goal of CanMEDS is to improve patient care. The CanMEDS model has been adopted in Canada and internationally, both in and outside the health professions, making it the most recognized and widely applied health profession competency framework in the world. In Canada, the framework is used by residents in all medical specialties as part of their postgraduate training, and it provides the foundation for the exam and accreditation processes. Since its adoption, the CanMEDS Framework has been updated twice; most recently in 2015. The CanMEDS 2015 Framework has been endorsed by 12 Canadian medical organizations who will work to adapt and integrate CanMEDS for their specific context. What areas has the Framework changed from the previous version (2005)? The addition of complementary milestones is arguably the largest change between the 2005 and 2015 versions of the CanMEDS 2015 Framework. The milestones will be available in an online companion document, the CanMEDS Milestones Guide, and unlike the Framework they will undergo continual revision as educators modify the milestones for their specific specialty. New themes have been introduced, such as patient safety, quality improvement, handovers, and eHealth. A renewed emphasis on the overall coherence of the framework and on its practical application. Role descriptions and definitions are expressed in simpler, more direct language. Overlapping areas between Roles have been minimized. Competencies and milestones describe the abilities to be demonstrated in practice, as distinct from the information or content related to aspects of a Role."