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La Cábala, término hebreo que significa "recibir", representa una tradición ancestral que se ha perpetuado a lo largo de los tiempos, manteniendo su relevancia para todas las culturas y épocas. Esta perpetuidad se asegura a través de sus estructuras fundamentales, como el Árbol de la Vida y la Escalera de Jacob, que salvaguardan su esencia contra la distorsión. Históricamente, el estudio de la Cábala se mantuvo en secreto, un hecho que subraya su nombre, relacionado con lo oculto y el misterio. Sin embargo, con la llegada del siglo XXI, esta sabiduría es ahora accesible a nivel global, atrayendo a una variedad de grupos con distintas interpretaciones. A pesar de las diferencias, es esencial reconocer que la diversidad de enfoques forma parte de la riqueza de la Cábala, permitiendo a cada individuo encontrar el camino que más resuene con su ser. La presencia del Árbol de la Vida en estas enseñanzas actúa como un pilar fundamental, indicativo de una comprensión auténtica de la Cábala. La estructura de la Cábala, similar a un esqueleto en el reino animal, subraya la unidad subyacente de toda la creación. Esta enseñanza enfatiza la igualdad fundamental de todos los seres, independientemente de diferencias superficiales, pues en su núcleo, todos compartimos la misma esencia divina. La Cábala, en su esencia, busca la revelación del alma y el espíritu, aspectos de nuestro ser que trascienden las divisiones terrenales. Esta obra no solo comparte conocimientos, sino que también refleja aprendizajes obtenidos a través de vivencias intensas, desde desafíos personales hasta superación de adversidades, demostrando el poder curativo de la Cábala. "Incurable" se interpreta aquí como una invitación a encontrar la curación desde dentro. En este recorrido, dejaremos de lado aspectos más dogmáticos o exclusivos de ciertas tradiciones, concentrándonos en cómo la estructura milenaria de la Cábala puede adaptarse a las necesidades contemporáneas, independientemente de las creencias o culturas individuales. La Cábala se presenta como un recurso inclusivo, diseñado para beneficiar a todos los que se acerquen a ella con apertura. Neville Jung
In this book, Rabbi Aaron Shlezinger talks about the Kabbalah's curative power at a somatic, psychological, and spiritual level. He proposes remedies from the ancient texts, as well as therapeutic prescriptions and advice in order to enjoy longevity.
Según las enseñanzas de los cabalistas, las enfermedades son mensajes que proceden de lo Alto y tienen solución cuando éstos son interpretados correctamente. Si logramos comprender dichos mensajes y corregimos aquello que ha provocado la enfermedad, podremos alcanzar la curación. En este libro, el rabino Aharón Shlezinger se refiere al poder curativo de la Cábala a nivel somático, psicológico y espiritual, siempre interrelacionados. Tras repasar los principios talmúdicos y las enseñanzas de los sabios, el autor nos propone una serie de remedios extraídos de los textos cabalísticos antiguos así como prescripciones curativas generales y consejos para disfrutar de la longevidad.
More than a decade after the runaway bestseller The Rules advised women on how to land "Mr. Right," it’s time for a new set of rules that takes a more spiritual approach. These rules are based on the timeless wisdom of Kabbalah and the very nature of the Universe itself. The Spiritual Rules of Engagement describes how Kabbalah views relationships and what makes them work (or not work); and reveals that it is the woman who holds the power to determine the outcome. The book explains the spiritual reasons behind the way in which men and women think and act differently. Although not a book of dating tips, its rules do work. They have to work: They are the Laws of the Universe. You’ll learn the true meaning of the term "soul mate;" and why it is that your soul mate has to find you, not the other way around. Written by a kabbalistic teacher who regularly provides counsel to hundreds of individuals and couples, and who is happily married himself, the book will resonate with people of all backgrounds. These are more than just rules of engagement; they’re rules for creating a happier, more fulfilling life.
This work explores a new development paradigm whose central focus is on human well-being. Increase in income is treated as an essential means, but not as the end of development, and certainly not as the sum of human life. Development policies and strategies are discussed which link economic growth with human lives in various societies. The book also analyzes the evolution of a new Human Development Index which is a far more comprehensive measure of socio-economic progress of nations than the traditional measure of Gross National Product. For the first time, a Political Freedom Index is also presented. The book offers a new vision of human security for the twenty-first century where real security is equated with security of people in their homes, their jobs, their communities, and their environment. The book discusses many concrete proposals in this context, including a global compact to overcome the worst aspects of global poverty within a decade, key reforms in the Bretton Woods institutions of World Bank and IMF, and establishment of a new Economic Security Council within the United Nations.
Readers learn about early goddess religions and how the Divine Feminine principle relates to modern life.
Why are scholars so prone to fabricate a new Jesus? Why is the public so eager to accept such claims without question? What methods and assumptions predispose scholars to distort the record? Is there a more sober approach to finding the real Jesus? Craig Evans offers a sane approach to examining the sources for understanding the historical Jesus.
In this evocative and emotional work, the poet, novelist, and human rights activist Marjorie Agosin pays homage to her great-grandmother, Helena Broder. As a young woman, Helena escaped Vienna to seek refuge in Chile, leaving shortly after the Night of Broken Glass in 1938 when the Nazi regime unleashed a campaign of violence, terror and destruction against the Jewish population. This book takes readers on Marjorie's journey through time and space, and across thresholds between life, death and dreams, to discover Helena's lost voice. This is not a linear journey, but one that braids together the past, the present, and the future, allowing Marjorie to give Helena, an exiled woman, a third home in the liminal space of memory and literature; a safe haven where she can be complete rather than fragmented, a place where her "exhausted suitcase" can finally rest. This touching collection of poems, in Marjorie Agosin's native Spanish together with Alison Ridley's delicate English translation, is accompanied by evocative images from the Chilean photographer Samuel Shats, as well as poignant memorabilia of Helena herself.
The four canonical gospels are long set in established sequence as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This book is about four other gospels, the Gospel of Thomas, the Secret Gospel of Mark; the Gospel of Peter, and Egerton Papyrus 2. These four other gospels have generally been regarded as mere digests or collages of the canonical gospels, whereas in fact, as Professor Crossan persuasively shows, the four others hold within their mutilated fragments independent or earlier traditions than those tradition has canonized. Four Other Gospels proposes a spectrum of relations between the canonical gospels and these others. This spectrum ranges from the Gospel of Thomas, which is a parallel and independent tradition, to Egerton Papyrus 2, on which both John and Mark are dependent, to the Secret Gospel of Mark, on which Mark directly and John indirectly are dependent, and on to the Gospel of Peter, which contains an original Passion-Resurrection source used by all four of the canonical gospels, but which submitted to their eventual ascendancy by attempting a harmonization between it and them, and placed the new complex under the authority and authorship of Simon Peter. Four Other Gospels does not propose a new or alternative canon. The canon is a fact both of history and of theology. But the thesis of this book is that anyone who takes the four other gospels seriously and thoughtfully will never again be able to read the four canonical gospels in quite the same way. A new light has been shed.