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Historias, frases, fotografías, poemas, reflexiones, experiencias cotidianas e invitaciones a imaginar. Este libro refleja la forma en que el protagonista Mario observaba y vivía la vida dando importancia a los pequeños detalles que solemos pasar por alto.
Collection of 5 books for children of 6 to 10 years with illustrations on each page, which can be purchased individually. A story based on the real life of the ants and the major problems faced in the nest. In book No.3 the nurse ant Moli reveals how important her antennae are, and teaches children about how her olfactory and tactile communication organs work. And, an unexpected event will bring a world of imagination into play. A book with beautiful illustrations and very informative where a bit of fantasy enters to entertain and enjoy the child.
Collection of 5 books for children with illustrations on each page, which can be purchased individually. A story based on the real life of the ants and the major problems faced in the nest. This book No. 4 describes a very real event which also takes place in our society. Usually there are little rascals who want to take advantage of others everywhere, and the Tiny World it is not an exception. The Harvesters suffer an invasion by undesirable bugs. A fun, educational and instructive book. The child will enjoy a lot.
Collection of 5 books for children of 6 to 10 years old with illustrations on each page, which can be purchased individually. A story based on the real life of the ants and the major problems faced in the nest. In book No. 2 children will discover the difficult times the Queen-Mother went through to establish her colony. These are difficult times that also occur in any MOM of our society. Moli will also discuss the ancestry of her mother and how she became the universal Queen Mother of her anthill. A very enlightening book and useful learning.
5 THE HARVESTERS SAVE THEIR PEDIGREE Collection of 5 books for children with illustrations on each page, which can be purchased individually. A story based on the real life of the ants and the major problems faced in the nest. The book No. 5 describes what happens when the Queen Mother falls very ill and endangers her community. It is the desire of a mother who wants to save her race. In the nest drastic measures must be taken to save the pedigree. This book teaches children what kind of solutions the ants take in its real life. A very instructive book with beautiful illustrations.
Collection of 5 books for children of 6 to 10 years old with illustrations on each page, which can be purchased individually. A story based on the real life of the ants and the major problems faced in the nest. In book No.1 the children will learn that the ants also have their big problems to solve and they will at the same time enjoy their occurrences. The sympathetic Moli is a nurse ant who will lead children through her tiny world. She will introduce the Seed Harvesting family and will describe the daily activities that take place in her home. An entertaining and educational book.
"La Madriguera de Tommy" es una pequeñita aldea en el bosque, llena de animalitos amables y cariñosos, que están ocupados en vivir la vida y en aprender a llevarse bien entre ellos. Creado por Nan Conta y su nieto, Max Steencken, "La Madriguera de Tommy" es la versión en español del libro que publicaron en inglés en 2021, titulado “The NestleBurrow Chronicles: Welcome to the Burrow”. Únete a Tommy, un mapache amigable y escritor, y a sus amigos y amigas de la aldea, y comparte con ellos sus vivencias, en este librito que narra diferentes aspectos de lo que es vivir entre personas que conoces y amas. En la aldea saben hacer amigos y mantener amistades. Son amables casi siempre, y se ayudan a hacer planes y a llevar a cabo los grandes proyectos que idean. Saben apoyarse entre sí, porque eso es lo que hacen los buenos amigos. Y si uno de ellos se encuentra en un problema, allí están todos para darle solución. Hay vecinos de todos lados, pájaros incluidos, que han venido de diferentes países, a hacer sus nidos y nichos en esta aldea. Nos han dicho que encontraron algo muy especial en La Madriguera, y creemos que tú, querido lector, entenderás por qué piensan así.
Finalmente a Esfinge fala sobre a mensagem secreta da Grande Pirmide do Egito. Isso permitir queles que procuram por respostas encontrar o verdadeiro sentido da existncia humana. Uma viso do que poder ocorrer aps 2012 est claramente indicado. Tudo isso est entrelaado nas medidas e formas da misteriosa Pirmide de maneira esclarecedora, aproximando entre si a cincia e a religio. Argumentos convincentes revelaro que a Pirmide de fato um grande livro de pedras. Cada um poder conferir passo a passo as vrias evidncias e concluses de forma que plena convico ir prevalecer.
Early Greek philosophy John Burnet - When traditional view of the world & the customary rules of life had broken down, the Greeks began to feel the needs which philosophies of nature & of conduct seek to satisfy.Note on the 4th EditionPreface to 3rd EditionIntroductionNote on the SourcesTHE MILESIAN SCHOOLSCIENCE & RELIGIONHERAKLEITOS OF EPHESOSPARMENIDES OF ELEAEMPEDOKLES OF AKRAGASANAXAGORAS OF KLAZOMENAITHE PYTHAGOREANSTHE YOUNGER ELEATICSLEUKIPPOS OF MILETOSECLECTICISM & REACTION