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El Mapa de tu Talento es el libro que asegura el éxito en la adaptación profesional al siglo XX, fruto de más de diez años analizando talento, puntos de inflexión de carrera y elementos críticos para la gestión exitosa de la trayectoria profesional. “Vivimos en un mundo complejo y acelerado, cada día más y libros como este se convierten en herramientas imprescindibles para sobrevivir y destacar en esta carrera hacia el éxito personal y colectivo”. Eduard Punset
La Intuicin es un Don que todos tenemos por igual pero igual que tantos talentos en la vida, si no lo usamos, lo perdemos. El Toque de la sanacin tambin lo tenemos todos pero solo aquellos que lo usan pueden hacer grandes cambios en su vida y las vidas que tocan. Ahora t o cualquiera persona puede aprender a utilizar estos dos regalos maravillosos para sanarte a ti mismo o los dems con esta tcnica de sanacin sagrada y energtica llamada InTuiTouch o toque intuitivo. Desarrollada en mas de 30 aos de experiencia clnica de sanacin y quiroprctica, combinando la filosofa de la sanacin cuntica con el extra sentido de la intuicin para guiarte a la fuente de cualquier enfermedad o reto de salud. Pginas de inspiracin e historias de sanaciones espontneas, que le darn al lector herramientas para aplicar inmediatamente en su vida. Incluida en la seccin final de este libro una sinopsis del manual tcnico para comenzar a utilizar la tcnica inmediatamente y ser un sanador del mtodo InTuiTouch, aunque se recomienda tomar los cursos Bsico e intermedio para profundizar, perfeccionar y adquirir la experiencia y sabidura completa.
Este libro es una guía para descubrir tus talentos en tres pasos fundamentales. Es sencillo y practico, nos permite aplicar sus principios en el mismo momento en que estamos leyendo. Es un viaje al interior de nuestro ser, donde se encuentran nuestros talentos esperando ser descubiertos.En el libro se nos habla de los condicionamientos psicológicos a los cuales ha sido sometida la humanidad. Esto ha llevado al hombre a vivir una vida sin propósito al no poder descubrir sus talentos. Aquí planteamos la confusión en la cual ha vivido la humanidad durante siglos. ha buscado por todos lados la plenitud de vida, la felicidad, la autorrealización que trae encontrar sus talentos. Pero ha sido un viaje infructuoso porque ha buscado en el lugar equivocado sus talentos.Planteamos también las más grandes excusas del hombre para descubrir sus talentos. Damos respuesta a las preguntas que se hacen millones de personas: ¿Necesito tiempo para cambiar y encontrar mis talentos? ¿Puedo encontrar mis talentos hoy mismo? Déjame hacerte una promesa: si afrontas con la debida seriedad y con la máxima intención de comprender y analizar cada punto del libro tu vida será diferente. No pretendo que aceptes lo que digo, quiero que formes tu propio juicio y analices sin ningún condicionamiento. Limítate a leer, analizar y tratar de comprender.Solo de la comprensión de las cosas puede darse la acción creativa que impulsa al individuo al descubrimiento de su verdadero tesoro: "Él mismo".
A world-bending, lyrically rich poetry collection that reimagines the U.S.-Mexico border as both a real place and a living simulation—and tells the story of a pair of siblings trapped between the two “Word coyote Gabriel Dozal is crossing borders with this story. It’s his job: narrative poetry discovering a new language.”—Sandra Cisneros, author of Woman Without Shame “This crosser is a possession that someone wants but we’re not sure who and the crosser must often possess themselves. In perpetuity” In Gabriel Dozal’s debut collection, the U.S.-Mexico border is redefined as a place of invention; crossing it becomes a matter of simulation. The poems accompany Primitivo, who attempts to cross the border, an imaginary boundary that becomes more real and challenging as his journey progresses; and his sister, Primitiva, who lives an alternate, static life as an exploited migrant worker in la fabrica. The tech world and bureaucracy collide, with humanity falling by the wayside, as Primitiva endures drudgery in la fabrica. “In the past our ID cards were decorative. Now we switch off with someone else, another worker who will wipe the serenade from our eyes.” With no way to escape the simulation, Primitivo and Primitiva must participate in it, scheming to gain its favor. To win, you must be the best performer in the factory, the best imitation of a citizen, the best machine. Featuring a bilingual format for English and Spanish readers, The Border Simulator explores physical and metaphysical borders, as well as the digital divide of our modern era. With inventive imagery, spirited wordplay, and thrilling movement, these energetic poems oscillate between the harrowing and the joyful, interrogating, innovating, and ultimately redefining binaries and divisions.
Decade II: an Anniversary Anthology is a select collection from Revista Chicano-Rique–a/The Americas Review during the decade of 1983-1992, and a celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the founding in 1973 of the most important U.S. Hispanic literary magazine. For twenty years RCR/TAR has been a vanguard literary review. In its pages first appeared writers who would develop into our major writers. Those interested in the history and excitement of Latino literature of the past decade would do well to savor the selections of this Anniversary Anthology. An introduction by Juli‡n Olivares provides the historical and cultural context in which these works were created. Appearing alongside those writers whose works also appeared in the first anniversary Decade, are twenty-seven new and younger voices which speak of new experiences and from fresh perspectives, enriching and enlarging the horizon of U.S. Hispanic literature.
Immerse yourself in the serene and evocative world of ""The Mountain Pool"" by Guy De Maupassant. This captivating short story centers on a picturesque mountain pool and the experiences of those who visit it. Maupassant’s narrative explores themes of nature, solitude, and reflection, capturing the tranquility and emotional resonance of the setting. De Maupassant masterfully evokes the beauty and stillness of the mountain pool, using it as a backdrop for deeper reflections on life and the human condition. The story invites readers to contemplate the connection between nature and personal introspection. ""The Mountain Pool"" is ideal for readers who enjoy stories that blend natural beauty with introspective themes. Perfect for those who appreciate Guy De Maupassant’s ability to create vivid and contemplative settings.
A revised edition of this major writer's complete poetical work And I who was walking with the earth at my waist, saw two snowy eagles and a naked girl. The one was the other and the girl was neither. -from "Qasida of the Dark Doves" Federico García Lorca was the most beloved poet of twentieth-century Spain and one of the world's most influential modernist writers. His work has long been admired for its passionate urgency and haunting evocation of sorrow and loss. Perhaps more persistently than any writer of his time, he sought to understand and accommodate the numinous sources of his inspiration. Though he died at age thirty-eight, he left behind a generous body of poetry, drama, musical arrangements, and drawings, which continue to surprise and inspire. Christopher Maurer, a leading García Lorca scholar and editor, has brought together new and substantially revised translations by twelve poets and translators, placed side by side with the Spanish originals. The seminal volume Poet in New York is also included here in its entirety. This is the most comprehensive collection in English of a poet who—as Maurer writes in his illuminating introduction—"spoke unforgettably of all that most interests us: the otherness of nature, the demons of personal identity and artistic creation, sex, childhood, and death."