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Caliente o frío, lleno o vacío, oscuro o claro. Los opuestos estás por todos lados. Explora los opuestos donde quiera que vayas con un toque de color Crayola. ¿Cuáles son los opuestos que están a tu alrededor? Las fotos vibrantes y las ilustraciones animan a los lectores a pensar acerca de los opuestos y a crear arte inspirado en lo que aprenden. Hot or cold, full or empty, dark or light--opposites are all around us! Explore opposites wherever you go, with a splash of Crayola color. What opposites are in your world? What can you create with opposites? Vibrant photos and illustrations encourage readers to think about opposites and create art inspired by what they learn.
Hot or cold, full or empty, dark or light—opposites are all around us! Explore opposites wherever you go, with a splash of Crayola color. What opposites are in your world? What can you create with opposites? Vibrant photos and illustrations encourage readers to think about opposites and create art inspired by what they learn.
TRANSLATOR' S INTRODUCTION We would like to begin by thanking Doshu Ueshiba Kisshomaru and the Aikikai Foundation for making this family treasure available for publication. We also wish to express our appreciation to those teachers who gave their invaluable help in explaining difficult passages. Due to the historical nature of this work certain difficulties arose, especially in deciding to what degree we should try to produce clear and precise English. Any precise translation could easily become a personal translation, limiting the contents and range of the translator's individual understanding at this particular point in his or her training. Therefore, after consulting some of the highest Sensei in Aikido and other arts it was decided to strive for a translation that would both preserve the simplicity of the original expression and at the same time leave open to the reader at least the possibility of coming up with the broad set of ideas and associations indicated in the Japanese. This book appeared in 1933 and is the first published account of O-Sensei's art. Although not actually written down by him, it is a transcription of lectures and explanations which was later reviewed by the founder and approved as a teacher's manual. The political and historical context of the times should be kept in mind. No attempt has been made to edit the text. The original copy has O-Sensei's title which was simply "Budo Renshu", i.e. "Budo Training". Later the second Doshu annotated this with the word "Aikido". The Dojo decided on using the original name here despite the fact that most Japanese copies are entitled Aikijujutsu Ogi", or "The Secrets of Aikijujutsu". The latter is actually an interpretive heading used by the copyists. The original was hand-written and illustrated. Later this was copied out several times, using tracing paper to reproduce the illustrations. During this process errors easily crept in. By comparing various copies, most of the poems could be deciphered despite their flowerly writing style. However only a few of the tracing mistakes have been corrected here. In other cases the terms 'left' and 'right' had been reversed. This seems to be the result of confusing Nage's point of view Uke's. In this edition these obvious errors have been corrected to match the illustrations. The poems presented the biggest problems. Much effort was spent to offer the reader a translation which presents as closely as possible the same degree of lee- ay for interpretation, insight and error, as appears in the original. Two versions are offered. One reflects the 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic structure of five line, Japanese Waka poetry. Each line in English contains the same groups of words found in the corresponding line of Japanese. The second attempt is to put the poem into a somewhat clearer English syntax. Another interesting point about the poems is that not all of them are original compositions of O-Sensei. At least a few can be traced to other martial traditions. Please note that the parentheses indicate the insertion, for your reference, of a Japanese word used in the text for the preceding English word (except for a few cases in the technique section where O-Sensei used parentheses in the original). Square brackets are the translator's insertions for the sake of the English. By simply deleting the sections enclosed by them, they allow readers to refer to O-Sensei's exact words, if they choose to do so. Although not for the beginner, it is hoped that access to this historically important text will be useful in understanding Aikido and its origins for those who have taken Budo as their 'Way'. Larry E. Bieri Seiko Mabuchi
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