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Descubra los conceptos arquitectónicos clave que hay detrás de los edificios y estructuras más increíbles del mundo. 'El libro de la arquitectura' va más allá de otros libros de arquitectura para analizar no solo los edificios en sí mismos, sino también las ideas y principios que hacen que cada una de estas estructuras sea tan importante para la historia y la evolución de nuestro entorno. Desde la arquitectura antigua y clásica a través de edificios medievales, góticos y renacentistas, la explosión de Barroco y Rococó y la "batalla de los estilos" del siglo XIX, hasta el surgimiento del modernismo, la posmodernidad y los listones brillantes de los rascacielos de los siglos XX y XXI, el libro traza la evolución de los edificios que nos rodean. Utilizando impresionantes infografías y "mapas mentales", nos muestra cómo los arquitectos han superado los límites y han creado edificios innovadores a lo largo de la historia. Se extraen ejemplos de movimientos y estilos arquitectónicos de todo el mundo: edificios célebres de Europa y América del Norte y del Sur aparecen junto a ejemplos clave de China, Japón e India e impresionantes estructuras religiosas: mezquitas, iglesias, estupas, pagodas y templos. Al ofrecer una nueva perspectiva sobre las construcciones de nuestro entorno, 'El libro de la arquitectura' es la guía esencial para todos los apasionados de los edificios y las ideas detrás de los mismos. Discover the key architectural concepts behind the world's most incredible buildings and structures. 'El libro de la arquitectura' goes beyond other architecture books to analyze not just buildings themselves, but the ideas and principles that make each of the featured structures so important to the history and evolution of our built environment. From ancient and classical architecture through medieval, Gothic, and Renaissance buildings, the explosion of Baroque and Rococo, and the 19th-century "battle of the styles," to the emergence of modernism, postmodernism, and the glittering skyscrapers of the 20th and 21st centuries, the book traces the evolution of construction. Using stunning infographics and mind-maps, it shows how architects throughout history have pushed boundaries and created innovative buildings. Examples of architectural movements and styles are drawn from all over the world. Celebrated buildings from Europe and North and South America feature alongside key examples from China, Japan, and India, and stunning religious structures from mosques to churches, and from stupas to pagodas and temples. Offering a fresh perspective on our manmade environment, The Architecture Book is the essential guide for everyone who is passionate about buildings and the ideas behind them.
José Antonio Coderch de Sentmenat was born in 1913 and died en Barcelona in 1984. These years delimit his life and work. But the great internal coherence of his thinking, distilled within his architecture, goes beyond these temporal limits, his own idiosyncrasy and the reduced geographical framework where it developed, to provide a reflection on architecture from an ethical standpoint. Although, recognised as the most important catalan architect after World War II, this implicit depth is perhaps one of the reasons his work has not been widely disseminated. This new edition in hardcover book format of 2G issue devoted to José Antonio Coderch presents a collection of houses constructed by the Catalan architect. It includes 11 houses, starting with the Ugalde House, the great work that marks the initiation of his mature phase. In it, not only does Coderch definitely embrace the language of modern architecture, nuanced by his respect for context, but also hones his own spatial conception of the house in nature. It is the experimental prototype for the following houses. In ordering these intuitions, the free lines of the first are not repeated.
In the 20th century, modern architecture thrived in Cuba and a wealth of buildings was realized prior to the revolution 1959 and in its wake. The designs comprise luxurious nightclubs and stylish hotels, sports facilities, elegant private homes and apartment complexes. Drawing on the vernacular, their architects defined a way to be modern and Cuban at the same time – creating an architecture oscillating between tradition and avantgarde. Audacious concrete shells, curving ramps, elegant brises-soleils and a fluidity of interior and exterior spaces are characteristic of an airy, often colorful architecture well-suited to life in the tropics. New photographs and drawings were specially prepared for this publication. A biographical survey portraits the 40 most important Cuban architects of the era.
This book includes hundreds of works by architects raised in Madrid, which have been built in Madrid and in the rest of Spain or throughout the world. The book is part of a traveling exhibition launched by the Official College of Architects of Madrid for the dissemination of Madrid’s excellent architecture.
La exposición está dedicada a la faceta de Le Corbusier como productor de libros: 35 publicaciones que constituyen proyectos tanto intelectuales como materiales, cuya elaboración estuvo íntegramente dirigida por el propio Le Corbusier, sin contar entre ellos libros sobre su propia obra con contribuciones propias, numerosos artículos y proyectos editoriales inacabados. La concepción gráfica de los libros de Le Corbusier se basa en los movimientos que transformaron la tipografía, el grafismo y el libro en el siglo XX. Le Corbusier se inscribe en la continuación de una cultura clásica que relaciona el libro con la arquitectura, reflejando su estrecha relación con las prácticas artísticas de sus contemporáneos, pero resistiendo en ocasiones a las corrientes de la época, especialmente las aportaciones de las vanguardias.
As San Juan nears the 500th anniversary of its founding, Arleen Pabón-Charneco explores the urban and architectural developments that have taken place over the last five centuries, transforming the site from a small Caribbean enclave to a sprawling modern capital. As the oldest European settlement in the United States and second oldest in the Western Hemisphere, San Juan is an example of the experimentation that took place in the American "borderland" from 1519 to 1898, when Spanish sovereignty ended. The author also investigates post-1898 examples to explore how architectural ideas were exported from the mainland United States. Pabón-Charneco covers the varied architectural periods and styles, aesthetic theories and conservation practices of the region and explains how the development of the architectural and urban artifacts reflect the political, cultural, social and religious aspects that metamorphosed a small military garrison into a urban center of international significance.
This book reports on several advances in architectural graphics, with a special emphasis on education, training and research. It gathers a selection of contributions to the 19th International Conference on Graphic Design in Architecture, EGA 2022, held on June 2–4, 2022, in Cartagena, Spain, with the motto: "Beyond drawings. The use of architectural graphics".
MCHAP: The Americas' brings together leading architects and academics in a dialogue exploring the current state of architecture throughout the Americas and explores themes raised by the seven finalist projects (designed by Herzog & de Meuron, Álvaro Siza, Steven Holl Architects, OMA/ LMN? Rem Koolhaas and Joshua Prince-Ramus, Smiljan Radic, Cristián Undurraga, Rafael Iglesia) from the inaugural Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize cycle recognizing the best built work in the Amercas from 2000 through 2013. 0As part of the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MHCAP) program, established by Dean Wiel Arets at IIT Architecture Chicago, recognizing the best built work in the Americas from 2000 through 2013, MCHAP is publishing 'MCHAP BOOK ONE', as well as publications by the authors of MCHAP 2000-2008 winner, Álvaro Siza, the MCHAP 2009-2013 winner, Herzog & de Meuron, and the MCHAP.emerge 2000-2013 winner, Pezo von Ellrichshausen.