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Como sucede con los otros Evangelios, el cuarto no lleva el nombre de su autor, pero las pruebas internas y externas corroboran el testimonio tradicional que atribuye este Evangelio al apóstol Juan.Pruebas internas. (1) El autor es uno de los apóstoles. El empleo que hace de la 1.a persona del plural lo demuestra (1:14 y quizá 21:24). La pertenencia del escritor al grupo de los apóstoles se constata asimismo en una gran cantidad de detalles, sobre todo en lo relativo a la impresión causada a los discípulos por los acontecimientos relativos a la vida de Cristo, etc. (1:37; 2:11, 17; 4:27, 54; 9:2; 11:8-16; 12:4-6, 21, 22; 13:23-26; 18:15; 19:26, 27, 35; 20:8). Hay además la clara afirmación de 21:24. (2) El discípulo al cual amaba Jesús es mencionado con frecuencia (13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20, 21), y el pasaje de 21:20-24 afirma que este discípulo es el autor. El libro cita los nombres de los apóstoles, con excepción de los de Mateo, Jacobo hijo de Alfeo, Simón el Zelote y los hijos de Zebedeo. Siendo que Mateo, Jacobo hijo de Alfeo y Simón el Zelote no se hallaban en el círculo íntimo, ninguno de ellos puede recibir el apelativo de «el discípulo al cual amaba Jesús». En cuanto a Jacobo el hijo de Zebedeo, había muerto mucho antes de la redacción del cuarto Evangelio (Hch. 12:2), y no puede ser identificado con el autor. «El discípulo al cual amaba Jesús» es innegablemente el apóstol Juan. (3) El griego del cuarto Evangelio está muy teñido de arameísmos, lo cual es una indicación clara de que el redactor era judío. (4) El redactor conoce a fondo la geografía de Palestina, y la historia y las costumbres de la época de Jesús (p. ej., 1:21, 28, 46; 2:6; 3:23; 4:5, 27; 5:2, 3; 7:40-52; 9:7; 10:22, 23; 11:18; 18:28; 19:31). Este libro presenta aún más rasgos personales que los otros Evangelios. Todas estas pruebas internas confirman de una manera notable la atribución del cuarto Evangelio al apóstol Juan.
De la mano de un reputado especialista, analiza el texto de forma detallada, deteniéndose a considerar el sentido general y todos sus detalles y exegéticos. Forma parte del New International Commentary of the N.T., considerado en el mundo anglófono como lo más serio y recomendable.
This volume contains forty-eight essays, presented by friends, colleagues and students from many countries, in honour of Florentino García Martínez, director of the Groningen Qumran Institute, editor-in-chief of the Journal for the Study of Judaism, and professor in Leuven. The majority of the essays are in the areas of the honoree’s own scholarship and interests, including primarily Qumranica, but also many other fields of Second Temple Judaism, from late biblical texts and Septuagint up to early rabbinic writings. Florentino’s own polyglottism, evident from his bibliography, and his close relations with many scholars from Southern Europe, is reflected in the inclusion of a few French, Spanish and Italian articles in this volume.
The goal of this commentary is to bring the theological themes of the gospel of John into focus and apply them to the lives of present day disciples, that they may be sanctified in the Word of Jesus. Unlike other commentaries, this one was written originally in Spanish and interpreted in a Hispanic context. It includes pertinent information about the historical, geographical, anthropological, sociological, and literary framework in which the book was written. It also offers references to rabbinic and apocryphal literature, helping the student to better understand the background of the first century world. "Dr. Blank prepared this commentary as a tool for pastors and leaders of the Hispanic church, both in the United States and in Latin America. It is useful for the preparation of sermons, Bible studies, and for Christian education. This wide variety of uses does not take anything away from its academic depth. For instance, the Greek terms are analyzed with care, and a variety of scholarly opinions on the texts are offered. The author's experience as a missionary in Latin America adds a unique perspective, creating a dynamic mix of historical, exegetical, and practical theologies."
De la mano de un reputado especialista, analiza el texto de forma detallada, deteniéndose a considerar el sentido general y todos sus detalles y exegéticos. Forma parte del New International Commentary of the N.T., considerado en el mundo anglófono como lo más serio y recomendable.
Every parish wants to provide parishioners with rich and inspiring catechesis in attractive formats during Lent and Easter Time. Now you can do so economically with the beautifully illustrated and versatile reproducibles on the resource's website.

The core of the resource is the 19 handouts, in English and in Spanish, for Ash Wednesday and for each week of Lent and Easter Time. On the front of each handout is a prayer, illustration, and a reflection on the Sunday Scripture. On the back is catechesis for each weekday—about the day's Scripture, saint, or Catholic practices, along with a smaller illustration. Citations for Scripture readings are included with each day. The handouts may be printed in color or in black and white as PDF files. But even more helpful, the individual illustrations and sections of text are provided as separate JPG and Word files that may be reproduced as you wish—placed on your website, added to your parish bulletin, to worship aids, or to handouts of your own making. Finally, you have permission to make as many reproductions as you wish for as long as you wish!