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Esta es la historia de Homero, que es el hombre más rico del mundo después de pasar muchas calamidades en su país adoptivo de Colombia y el mundo. Todo empieza cuando el nace en un eclipse del sol, aunque el recuerda llegando al mundo entre las hormigas del jardín, cuando el tío Hugo lo vino a visitar de Nueva York. Homero tuvo muchas aventuras antes de que todo se acabara en un juego de luces.
Es una novela meramente ficticia, trata lo que me gustaría como buen aficionado al box, fuera en realidad este deporte. Doy vida al personaje "Toni" me inspiro en él y a su equipo, para aventurarme y volar al igual que ustedes con mi imaginación...Toni quiere destacar en cualquier deporte para sobresalir y darle comodidad a sus padres, buscando con esto, su cualidad la cual así la encontraría en el box, no sin antes pasar por bastantes tropiezos, tales como, el haber usado vendaje inapropiado en una de sus peleas, conllevando a un escándalo mundial. Los invito que se adentren y resuelvan conmigo este final, asegurándoles una emoción total...doy paso... disfruten de estos personajes llenos de colorido.
In Tworki, a village just southwest of Warsaw, there is a psychiatric hospital and in that hospital, the patients and their caretakers are hidden from the war just outside their iron gates. Our hero, Jurek, answers an ad in the paper for a job there and finds himself keeping the books alongside a knockout strawberry blonde named Sonia. They and their group of friends—vital young people like Marcel, an initial rival for Jurek; Olek, Sonia’s chosen love; and Janka, with whom Jurek becomes involved—do their jobs, picnic on the weekends, and dance in the gardens on the grounds of the hospital. Jurek speaks often of, and even in, verse, whether he is talking to his friends or in letters to a distant and admiring cousin. He and his friends live lives that defy the discord and destruction of the war in Europe, striving to rediscover or save whatever beauty they can. Much of this beauty is embodied by Sonia, who is beloved of all the friends and patients at the asylum. But the revitalizing spring they all hope will come for Poland is not to arrive this year. Despite the relative safety of their odd surroundings, the world and the war soon come for the friends. Olek’s absences are longer and unexplained. Marcel is not what he seems, and he and his wife mysteriously disappear, she says, to the gas. And the perfection that Sonia embodies cannot ultimately be kept, by the friends, by the nation, or even by Sonia herself.
This book addresses contemporary discourses on a wide variety of topics related to the ideological and epistemological changes of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, and the ways in which they have shaped the Spanish language and cultural manifestations in both Spain and Hispanic America. The majority of the chapters are concerned with ‘otherness’ in its various dimensions; the alien Other – foreign, immigrant, ethnically different, disempowered, female or minor – as well as the Other of different sexual orientation and/or ideology. Following Octavio Paz, otherness is expressed as the attempt to find the lost object of desire, the frustrating endeavour of the androgynous Plato wishing to embrace the other half of Zeus, who in his wrath, tore off from him. Otherness compels human beings to search for the complement from which they were severed. Thus a male joins a female, his other half, the only half that not only fills him but which allows him to return to the unity and reconciliation which is restored in its own perfection, formerly altered by divine will. As a result of this transformation, one can annul the distance that keeps us away from that which, not being our own, turns into a source of anguish. The clashing diversity of all things requires the human predisposition to accept that which is different. Such a predisposition is an expression of epistemological, ethical and political aperture. The disposition to co-exist with the different is imagined in the de-anthropocentricization of the bonds with all living realms. And otherness is, in some way, the reflection of sameness (mismidad). The other is closely related to the self, because the vision of the other implies a reflection about the self; it implies, consciously or not, a relationship with the self. These topics are addressed in this book from an interdisciplinary perspective, encompassing arts, humanities and social sciences.
We Are the Crisis of Capital collects articles and excerpts written by radical academic, theorist, and activist John Holloway over a period of forty years. This collection asks, “Is there a way out?” How do we break capital, a form of social organisation that dehumanises us and threatens to annihilate us completely? How do we create a world based on the mutual recognition of human dignity? Holloway’s work answers loudly, “By screaming NO!” By thinking from our own anger and creativity. By trying to recover the “we” buried under the categories of capitalist thought. By opening those categories and discovering the antagonism they conceal and by discovering that behind the concepts of money, state, capital, crisis, and so on, there moves our resistance-and-rebellion. An approach sometimes referred to as Open Marxism, it is an attempt to rethink Marxism as daily struggle. The articles move forward, influenced by the German state derivation debates of the 1970s, by the CSE debates in Britain, and the group around the Edinburgh journal Common Sense, and then moving on to Mexico and the wonderful stimulus of the Zapatista uprising, and now the continuing whirl of discussion with colleagues and students in the Posgrado de Sociología of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
The politics of international debt have received increasing attention in recent years. However, discussion of the politics of money has focused on Latin American and 'third' world countries. So far there has been little treatment of the politics of scarce money and of money as a political category in relation to 'advanced' countries. The central theme of the book is the limitations and constraints on state action which arise from the relation between the (nation) state and the global flow of money.
Winner of the 2021 Donald E. Osterbrock Book Prize for Historical Astronomy In Decoding the Stars, Ileana Chinnici offers an account of the life of the Jesuit scientist Angelo Secchi (1818-1878). In addition to providing an invaluable account of Secchi’s life and work—something that has been sorely lacking in the English-language scholarship—this biography will be especially stimulating for those interested in the evolution of astrophysics as a discipline from the nineteenth century onward. Despite his eclecticism, reminiscent of the natural philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Secchi was in many ways a very modern scientist: open to innovation and cooperation, and a promoter of popularization and citizen science. Secchi also appears fully inserted in the cultural context of his time: he participated in philosophical and scientific debates, spread new theories and ideas, but also suffered the consequences of political events that marked those years and impacted on his life and activities.
Hay situaciones, que están destinadas a pasar. No puedes esconderte del destino, porque este siempre te encuentra. Puede un amor del pasado, volver y desmoronarte toda tu vida, en una sola décima de segundo. Dónde hubo fuego... ¿Quedan cenizas? No esperes más, sumérgete en el mundo de Emma y vive sus aventuras.
El verano de 2013 ha sido testigo del avance inquietante de los herederos del Nazismo en Europa, especialmente en Grecia, donde finalmente las autoridades del Estado se han decidido a actuar antes de llegar a un escenario cercano a la guerra civil, y en España, donde tras una violenta puesta en escena contra el nacionalismo Catalan, precedido por una vergonzosa y diaria exhibición de simbología Fascista y Nazi por todo el país, con muchos de sus implicados ligados presuntamente al Partido gobernante, o a sus juventudes. Incidentes que a fecha de hoy no han supuesto tramites de expulsión, y se calificaron de "chiquilladas". En este libro se aborda el proceso que les llevo al poder, desde un germen abonado con el racismo, y una religión pagana basada en los mitos nórdicos, el apoyo de los sectores industriales y militares Alemanes, pasando por su intención de extenderse a USA mediante un golpe de estado.