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Based on the recovery of the three key words: professionalism, professionals, professions, the narration is organised in the form of a voyage of reconnaissance in discovery, which attempts to recompose a puzzle that is today completely dispersed. A professional is a technician with civic values. Practical knowledge and civic-mindedness are its foundations. Part One (primarily aimed at the professional institutions or college environment) With the conviction that "he who loses his origins loses his identity", the first part recalls the history of the professional fact, from Hippocrates to the present day, passing through Cicero, the Middle Ages, the European University of the 19th century, Max Weber, to Richard Sennett, Victoria Camps and Donald Schön. This is followed by a recognition of the professional fact common to all professions, pointing out its seven non-expendable or structuring elements, among which the six public missions of the professions stand out in particular: health, habitability, legal security, education, communication and economic and environmental sustainability, as well as their link with civic ethics, human rights and global challenges. Next, an interval dedicated to Architecture is proposed, in which, together with Fine Arts and Technology, a plus of professionalism oriented towards people's habitability is postulated. Second part (aimed primarily at the municipal environment and schools) In Spain and in Europe today there are forty regulated professions, which only have six missions (health, education, habitability, legal security, communication and economic and environmental sustainability), which are substantiated in a single shared city. In other words: 40 professions, 6 missions, 1 city. The current interdisciplinary and cross-cutting nature of the professions is embodied in specific cities and neighbourhoods. And since cities and professions share missions, the relationship of professions and professionals with the urban fact is analysed in detail: with the urbs, the civitas and the polis. The description of this relationship reveals itself to be strategic and with an enormous potential for articulation and improvement: the public space is a professional space. In this way, the City of Professions appears
Nueva edición de El Imperio Final. El primer volumen de «Nacidos de la Bruma (Mistborn)», con 8 ilustraciones a color. Brandon Sanderson es el gran renovador de la fantasía del siglo XXI, con veinte millones de lectores en todo el mundo. La saga Nacidos de la Bruma (Mistborn) es una obra imprescindible del Cosmere, el universo destinado a dar forma a la serie más extensa y fascinante jamás escrita en el ámbito de la fantasía épica. Durante mil años han caído cenizas del cielo. Durante mil años nada ha florecido. Durante mil años los skaa han sido esclavizados y viven en la miseria, sumidos en un miedo inevitable. Durante mil años el Lord Legislador ha reinado con poder absoluto, dominando gracias al terror, a sus poderes y a su inmortalidad, ayudado por «obligadores» e «inquisidores», junto a la poderosa magia de la alomancia. Pero los nobles a menudo han tenido trato sexual con jóvenes skaa y, aunque la ley lo prohíbe, algunos de sus bastardos han sobrevivido y heredado los poderes alománticos: son los «Nacidos de la Bruma» (Mistborn). Ahora, Kelsier, el «superviviente», el único que ha logrado huir de los Pozos de Hathsin, ha encontrado a Vin, una pobre chica skaa con mucha suerte... Tal vez los dos, con el mejor equipo criminal jamás reunido, unidos a la rebelión que los skaa intentan desde hace mil años, logren cambiar el mundo y acabar con la atroz mano de hierro del Lord Legislador.
L’origen d’aquesta Miscel·lània és sens dubte motiu d’alegria. La iniciativa sorgeix d’un grup d’amics, a finals de l’any 2010. El llibre vol ser un sentit homenatge a Salvador Tarragó, arquitecte, historiador i professor d’història de l’Enginyeria Civil a l’Escola d’Enginyers de Camins de la UPC, amb motiu de la seva jubilació. Ens referim a la trajectòria de tots aquests anys, com a investigador i professor, però, també, home d’acció, amb la iniciativa i el coratge que ha demostrat en diversos àmbits culturals i socials de Catalunya, Galícia, Andalusia, Madrid i de manera indirecta d’Amèrica Llatina. El llibre es divideix en tres apartats: Biogràfics, on es recullen els diversos reconeixements d’amics, estudiants i persones properes a Salvador al llarg de la seva trajectòria; Aportacions, articles de treballs de recerca o reflexió més personals, i finalment, Antologia de textos de Salvador Tarragó ordenats cronològicament.
Detailed guide to the architecture and public parks that are part of the urban revitalization project of the downtown district of the city of Bogotá. Most of the buildings featured were built during the 20th century.