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Based on the recovery of the three key words: professionalism, professionals, professions, the narration is organised in the form of a voyage of reconnaissance in discovery, which attempts to recompose a puzzle that is today completely dispersed. A professional is a technician with civic values. Practical knowledge and civic-mindedness are its foundations. Part One (primarily aimed at the professional institutions or college environment) With the conviction that "he who loses his origins loses his identity", the first part recalls the history of the professional fact, from Hippocrates to the present day, passing through Cicero, the Middle Ages, the European University of the 19th century, Max Weber, to Richard Sennett, Victoria Camps and Donald Schön. This is followed by a recognition of the professional fact common to all professions, pointing out its seven non-expendable or structuring elements, among which the six public missions of the professions stand out in particular: health, habitability, legal security, education, communication and economic and environmental sustainability, as well as their link with civic ethics, human rights and global challenges. Next, an interval dedicated to Architecture is proposed, in which, together with Fine Arts and Technology, a plus of professionalism oriented towards people's habitability is postulated. Second part (aimed primarily at the municipal environment and schools) In Spain and in Europe today there are forty regulated professions, which only have six missions (health, education, habitability, legal security, communication and economic and environmental sustainability), which are substantiated in a single shared city. In other words: 40 professions, 6 missions, 1 city. The current interdisciplinary and cross-cutting nature of the professions is embodied in specific cities and neighbourhoods. And since cities and professions share missions, the relationship of professions and professionals with the urban fact is analysed in detail: with the urbs, the civitas and the polis. The description of this relationship reveals itself to be strategic and with an enormous potential for articulation and improvement: the public space is a professional space. In this way, the City of Professions appears
UNCHARTED / New Landscapes of Tourism has a two-fold objective: to explore new avenues of thought in design teaching, and to do so through research that deals with new architectural landscapes that are linked to tourism. Publishing the Undergraduate Final Projects from IE University’s Undergraduate Architecture program responds to the desire to highlight the importance of design strategies in the process of reformulating the tourist offering within the framework of an open debate about new models for development. The infrastructural nature of architectural design imbues the architect’s creative capacity with the healthy ambition of transforming the territory into new landscapes for touristic opportunities. These new landscapes have been categorized here as productive, urban, industrial, extreme and reversible. UNCHARTED includes additional contributions on architecture, tourism and teaching by José Miguel Iribas, Elia Zenghelis and Eleni Gigantes.
“This book looks to cover the differences the new professional will encounter as he takes on his new position overseas”. The book not only covers the basic technical translations of the items likely to be encountered during your work, but also covers what I would call the “unspoken word” These are cultural differences, such as technical phrases, modern work concepts terminology, standard practices. The book takes the student through all stages of construction and explains in detail the principal phases that the student is expected to understand & know in the new Hi tech and fast changing environment. It will be a good reference book which will enable the student to rapidly adapt to their new environment by helping them understand the basic principles, working practices, descriptions etc which some countries will take for granted. A great aid for the aspiring foreign professional, I only wish it was available when I first came to Spain some 23 years ago! Peter Wilkey FCIOB CIOB Ambassador for Spain & Gibraltar … Este excelente libro es una guía fundamental para los arquitectos españoles u otros profesionales que quieran conocer o desarrollar su labor en un entorno anglosajón… Luis M. Sendra Mengual, Presidente (CTAV) Colegio Territorial de Arquitectos de Valencia … La vocación de internacionalización se ha convertido ahora en una exigencia que debemos atender… este libro es un importante primer paso… Rafael Sánchez Grandía, Director ESTIE UPV … Una herramienta útil y una guía eficaz para el profesional de la construcción… José Ramón Roca Rivera, Presidente del Colegio de Aparejadores, Arquitectos Técnicos e Ingenieros de Edificación de Valencia.
Uziel no sabe qué carrera profesional estudiar. Se toma un tiempo para pensar y busca un empleo. Se involucra en prácticas de corrupción y termina en la cárcel; viviendo la peor pesadilla de su vida, reflexiona en los errores que cometió y va descubriendo terribles secretos de su pasado. Rodeado de ratas, a punto de morir, sabe que debe tomar una decisión urgente. Ésta es una novela hipnótica, de enigmas y acelerado suspenso. Los protagonistas son jóvenes que planean su futuro y se encuentran con dilemas de importancia vital. Contiene también un análisis de profesiones, indispensable para elegir una carrera o cambiar de empleo, así como diez pruebas fundamentales que nos ayudarán a descubrir nuestras habilidades y talentos. Leer este libro es una decisión crucial que puede cambiar la vida de cualquier JOVEN o adulto.
"The book follows the work of architect Rosen (b. Mexico) for over 40 years of architectural practice in Mexico, the US and other countries, including significant academic work as a professor of design. He is responsible for many projects in Baja California and southern California, including MOLA, the Latin American Art Museum, Student housing at UCSD, the Children's Hospital in Mexico City. The only major reference on his work"--Provided by vendor.