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Reflexiones que te harán decir, "¡Que así sea señor!" Necesitamos que la Palabra de Dios guíe nuestras vidas cada día. Conociendo esta verdad, la autora Noemí Rivera, desde hace muchos años, separa cada día un tiempo para estar a solas con Dios. Esta disciplina ha sido de gran ayuda en su crecimiento espiritual y quiere compartirla contigo. En este devocional encontrarás 365 reflexiones que te llevarán a tener un crecimiento en tu relación con Dios, contigo mismo y con los demás. Vamos, no esperes más, disfruta "El Amén de cada día". Sobre la autora Noemí Rivera posee una maestría en Educación Elemental y trabaja como maestra. Pertenece a la Iglesia Torre Fuerte de Juncos, P.R. Allí imparte clases de Biblia a los adultos y a los nuevos convertidos. Es capellana y pertenece a la Federal Police Chaplain, International. Es la autora del libro ¡Amén! ¡Amén!, ¡Amén! Aprende a declarar las cosas que no son como si fueran. Colabora con la aplicación YouVersion, escribiendo planes de lectura en español.
El Señor es mi fuerza y mi escudo; mi corazón en él confía; de él recibo ayuda. Salmos 28:7 nvI Los hombres enfrentan desafíos a su fe en el trabajo y en el hogar. Fuerzas para cada día para el hombre ofrece una dosis diaria de sabiduría para los hombres que buscan obtener fuerzas de la Palabra de Dios. Cada devoción cubre dos días, ofreciendo flexibilidad y libertad para contemplar el mensaje en profundidad. Este devocionario contiene: • una lectura que se aplica a la vida diaria • versículos bíblicos inspiradores del Antiguo Testamento • pasajes bíblicos contextuales y pasajes bíblicos relacionados • preguntas para reflexión y aplicación, y • una oración edificante. Fuerzas para cada día para el hombre lo preparará para caminar fielmente con Dios, quien es la fuente de su fortaleza.
Faith at home. Faith at work. Faith—in every area of life. These are just a few of the timely topics included in this refreshing volume designed to lighten your day and lift your spirit. Each reading will speak to your heart as you experience a faith that flourishes while grounded in God’s Word. The more than 200 faith-themed devotions are short and power packed, perfect to fit into even your busiest day. All wrapped up in a beautiful package, you’ll want to buy two—one for yourself and one to bless a friend. Fe en el hogar. Fe en el trabajo. Fe... en todos los ámbitos de la vida. Se han incluido solo unos cuantos de los temas pertinentes en este refrescante volumen diseñado para aliviar el día y levantar el espíritu de la mujer de hoy. Cada lectura hablará a su corazón mientras experimenta una fe que florece basada en la Palabra de Dios. Los más de doscientos devocionales sobre temas de fe son breves y llenos de poder, perfectos para encajar incluso en tu día más ocupado. Todo en una presentación tan hermosa, que querrás comprar dos, uno para ti y otro para bendecir a una amiga.
Team Love God has brought to the world a reminder that our health (mind, body, and spirit) is our wealth. God never intended medicine to be complicated or messy. Together, we will blaze a trail for the Creator model of health care powered by the five pillars of wellness to build a healthy, vibrant, and resilient nation as witnesses to the healing power of God's love. We echo Lakota chief Red Cloud, "We do not want riches but we do want to train our children right. Riches would do us no good. We could not take them to the other world. We do not want riches. All we want is peace and love." We are inspired by how "God loves the children." God is gentle, kind, and passionate about protecting them from harm. Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me." (Matthew 18:1-5 NIV) Lead with love, as the power of love is God!
En su obra Gran día Cada Día, Max Lucado nos exhorta a regocijarnos aún en los días difíciles y nos comparte el secreto para hacerlo. Cuando descubrimos la promesa divina de cada día, no importa lo que tengamos que enfrentar, podemos tener un gran día todos los días. Los días malos representan una oportunidad. Una sazón. Un experimento. Una audición. Un tiro de larga distancia. ¿Acaso cada día no merece una oportunidad para ser un buen día? Al fin de cuentas, «Este es el día que hizo Jehová; nos gozaremos y alegraremos en él». La parte «Este es el día» incluye todos los días. Los días de divorcio, los días de exámenes finales, los días de cirugía, los días de pagar impuestos. Los días de mandar a la universidad a tu hija mayor. Nuestro Dios no está de vacaciones. Todavía tiene la batuta, está sentado en la cabina y ocupa el único trono del universo. Cada día sale directamente del taller de diseño de Dios. Incluido este. Acerca del libro: El plan de Jesús para afrontar días difíciles. Receta para llenar tu día del propósito De Dios. Promesa divina para cada día. Guía para convertir un día difícil en uno maravilloso. Great Day Every Day In his work Great Day Every Day, Max Lucado exhorts us to rejoice even in difficult days and shares with us the secret to do so. When we discover the divine promise of each day, no matter what we have to face, we can have a great day every day. Bad days represent an opportunity. A seasoning. An experiment. An audition. A long distance shot. Doesn't every day deserve a chance to be a good day? After all, “This is the day that Jehovah has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it ». The "This is the day" part includes all the days. The days of divorce, the days of final exams, the days of surgery, the days of paying taxes. The days of sending your oldest daughter to college. Our God is not on vacation. He still has the baton, is sitting in the cockpit, and occupies the only throne in the universe. Every day it comes straight out of God's design workshop. Including this one. About the book: ? Jesus' plan to deal with difficult days. ? Recipe to fill your day with God's purpose. ? Divine promise for each day. ? Guide to turn a difficult day into a wonderful one.
Hear Christ speak to you like never before. My Daily Bread is a series of short, daily reflections on the spiritual life. Written with loving care by Father Anthony Paone, this devotional will strengthen your love for Christ and his teachings. Written as a dialogue with Christ himself, Father Paone leads the reader through the three ways of the spiritual life: Purification, Imitation, and Union. Arranged for daily reflection, this pocket-sized book is an indispensible guide to the spiritual life. My Daily Bread overflows with reflections and prayers specifically designed to help you grow in the spiritual life and overcome failings, including: • How to cultivate, recognize, and follow your conscience (p. 18) • A contemplation of the Four Last Things that will help keep our focus on the eternal (p.25) • The power of prayer as the first remedy to temptation (p. 99) • A detailed guide on how to conquer a host of bad habits (p. 153) • How to overcome our fear of suffering and instead embrace it as Christ embraced it (p. 203) • How to live for Christ daily through spiritual reading, prayer, overcoming distractions, and cultivating devotions • Achieving union with Christ through the Eucharist (p. 382) • And much more... Each daily reflection begins with Jesus speaking directly to you, kindly, patiently, and with great love. The next part of the reflection asks you to consider the truths presented in the words of Jesus. The final part consists of a prayer asking for God for the help to receive His wisdom and use it fruitfully in your life. With more than one million copies sold, My Daily Bread is a true Christian classic. It's simple, yet carefully crafted daily reflections have led thousands to a drastically improved interior life and a deeper love for Christ. A portion of the proceeds from every purchase of this Confraternity of the Precious Blood title go directly to The Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood in Brooklyn, NY to support them in their vocation.
At the heart of this fictional work of survival is one of the most spectacular life cycles on earth, that of Danaus plexipus or the Monarch Butterfly. As this iconic insect’s annual migration dances to the tune played by the weather, so does the North American plot alternate between the mountains of Central Mexico and rural Eastern Ontario, Canada. Two families, the Santanas and the Desjardins are brought together by their love of this tiny creature. Over the twelve months from November 2010 to November 2011, the monarchs migrate between their two countries, just as they have for millennia. More than ever, they have become a beacon of hope for all that is beautiful and fragile in our world. Like the “canary in a coal mine”, the monarchs hover between survival and extinction. Threatened by extreme weather, deforestation, and the degradation of their food sources, these environmental concerns make up the fabric of this book. Other threads in the story are the technologies that invade our privacy under the guise of public safety and security. Since Rachel Carson’s "Silent Spring", the unbridled greed and avarice of immense international agrochemical companies continue. Bent on leaving our world a toxic wasteland with all the attendant diseases, cancer strikes down the story’s young protagonist, Anne Desjardins. Gone are her carefree and pastoral days of hayrides, bird’s nests and clear blue skies. It will take more than just a medical breakthrough to deliver her from her health crucible and “slip the surly bonds of earth”. In order for Anne to survive, it will take the far more powerful forces of courage, friendship, and love to turn the tide and help to bring this tale to its hopeful conclusion. As the story ends, two young lovers share their first kiss under the Mexican stars.
Es una guía para la catequesis en asambleas familiares, en el marco del nuevo Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. Es una valiosa ayuda, a través de explicaciones claras detalladas, para comprender nuestro compromiso de fe y de vida cristiana, con la esperanza de lograr una catequesis capaz de transformar a las personas, a las comunidades y a las culturas, como lo exige la nueva evangelización
Nuestro Padre es un Dios de Amor y no retiene ningún bien. En Su Palabra encontramos los regalos y bendiciones que nuestro Padre tiene para nosotros. Este libro te ayudará a conocerlos (o descubrirlos nuevamente) para que puedas estar siempre agradecido. También te ayudará a conocer lo que Dios espera de nosotros como hijos Suyos. Y si te encuentras en una situación apremiante, permite que Sus promesas te alienten para seguir creyendo en fe que nada es imposible para nuestro Dios fiel.