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How Dwight D. Eisenhower led America through a transformational time—by a DC policy strategist, security expert and his granddaughter. Few people have made decisions as momentous as Eisenhower, nor has one person had to make such a varied range of them. From D-Day to Little Rock, from the Korean War to Cold War crises, from the Red Scare to the Missile Gap controversies, Ike was able to give our country eight years of peace and prosperity by relying on a core set of principles. These were informed by his heritage and upbringing, as well as his strong character and his personal discipline, but he also avoided making himself the center of things. He was a man of judgment, and steadying force. He sought national unity, by pursuing a course he called the "Middle Way" that tried to make winners on both sides of any issue. Ike was a strategic, not an operational leader, who relied on a rigorous pursuit of the facts for decision-making. His talent for envisioning a whole, especially in the context of the long game, and his ability to see causes and various consequences, explains his success as Allied Commander and as President. After making a decision, he made himself accountable for it, recognizing that personal responsibility is the bedrock of sound principles. Susan Eisenhower's How Ike Led shows us not just what a great American did, but why—and what we can learn from him today.
As the thirty-fourth president of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower confronted the most critical issues of the last century - from McCarthyism and school desegregation in the South to the Cold War and the build-up of the military industrial complex. As a leader, he worked quietly behind the scenes while disarming friends and foes alike with his broad smile. "There is no limit to the good you can do," he believed, "if you don't care who gets the credit." Here, in this short-form book, is the story of this inspiring and effective leader and lessons we can all learn from him.
"Eisenhower and the Art of Collaborative Leadership" examines the theory and practice of collaboration, and collaborative leadership, in the life and career of Dwight Eisenhower. It relates his collaborative style to his ideas about friendship, his Kansas upbringing and his family, his military training and career, and his particular practice of presidential leadership, which operated through teams and a deliberate, sophisticated system of bureaucratic consensus-building. "Eisenhower and the Art of Collaborative Leadership" elaborates an alternative interpretation of such leadership, describing Eisenhower not merely as a “hidden-hand” president, but also as a visible one at the head of a well-managed team. It is a concise portrait of one of America’s most important and talented leaders, and a case study in sound leadership.
Global tensions and threats such as terrorist acts continue to pressure America’s effort to provide peace and stability to regions around the world. Consequently, military leaders have traditionally been called to protect American interests at home and abroad. Today’s Army is faced with the important task of producing competent leaders who can successfully accomplish America’s worldwide endeavor to combat the contemporary challenges it faces. Yet, the process of developing individuals into consummate leaders requires a great deal of time, planning, resourcing, and a collection of skilled cadre. Illustrating the meaningful development of victorious wartime leaders is one way to educate today’s aspiring leaders. General Dwight D. Eisenhower and General George S. Patton Jr. demonstrated superb leadership in World War II. Their childhood upbringing, military education, Army assignments, as well as the mentoring they received during the interwar period essentially strengthened their development, making them triumphant leaders. Therefore, Eisenhower and Patton’s leadership growth, coupled with their personal determination to become successful commanders in World War II, is an indispensable model and a valuable lesson for today’s leaders.
Based on the findings in recently released archive papers and letters, as well as extensive library and historical resources, Alan Axelrod offers a compelling profile of the remarkable leadership discipline of a general often called a "military CEO." In fascinating detail, Axelrod reveals that Ike was more than a great military leader; he was also a great executive who couldand didwrite a reassuring letter to the mother of a solider one moment and make decisions impacting millions of lives the next. Follow Ike's path as Supreme Commander from the invasion of North Africa to victory in Europe and learn the lessons of great leadership along the way, including: The nature of leadership Managing detail without sacrificing the big picture Ensuring follow-through to execution Building a team Converting conflict into common cause Getting the facts and making plans Mentoring, motivating, and inspiring
The Supreme Commander of World War II and leader of the free world as the American president for much of the 1950s, Dwight D. Eisenhower was one of the twentieth century's most admired and effective leaders. From his early career in U.S. Army to commanding critical World War II battles and the demands of the Oval Office, this book draws lessons from Eisenhower's life to give the reader specific actions that can enhance their own leadership. While there are many books about Eisenhower, this book is unique in presenting leadership insights from his military and political careers, rather than just one or the other. Another difference is that some of the material presented has just recently become available, such as Eisenhower's role in promoting the development of spy satellites and new perspectives into his role in promoting civil rights. The book begins by describing the foundations of his character etched in his childhood and follows him to his college days at West Point. It narrates the pivotal points of his early military career and maps out the profound influence his commanding officers had on developing his nascent leadership abilities. He climbed through the ranks of the military culminating in the fateful responsibility placed on his shoulders in the days after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. As president, Eisenhower would end the Korean War, balance the federal budget three times, preside over the federal interstate system we use to this day, and sponsor an early civil rights bill. His entire life is a case study in how to be a successful leader, in business, politics or any endeavor.
Destined to be the best short biography of the thirty-fourth president of the United States, Eisenhower conclusively demonstrates how and why this master of the middle way became the successful leader of the free world.
Evan Thomas's startling account of how the underrated Dwight Eisenhower saved the world from nuclear holocaust. Upon assuming the presidency in 1953, Dwight Eisenhower set about to make good on his campaign promise to end the Korean War. Yet while Eisenhower was quickly viewed by many as a doddering lightweight, behind the bland smile and simple speech was a master tactician. To end the hostilities, Eisenhower would take a colossal risk by bluffing that he might use nuclear weapons against the Communist Chinese, while at the same time restraining his generals and advisors who favored the strikes. Ike's gamble was of such magnitude that there could be but two outcomes: thousands of lives saved, or millions of lives lost. A tense, vivid and revisionist account of a president who was then, and still is today, underestimated, Ike's Bluff is history at its most provocative and thrilling.
The New York Times–bestselling biography: a “complete and powerful assessment” of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s presidency (Booklist, starred review). Drawing on newly declassified documents and thousands of pages of unpublished material, The Age of Eisenhower tells the story of a masterful president guiding the nation through the great crises of the 1950s, from McCarthyism and the Korean War through civil rights turmoil and Cold War conflicts. This is a portrait of a skilled leader who, despite his conservative inclinations, found a middle path through the bitter partisanship of his era. At home, Eisenhower affirmed the central elements of the New Deal, such as Social Security; fought the demagoguery of Senator Joseph McCarthy; and advanced the agenda of civil rights for African-Americans. Abroad, he ended the Korean War and avoided a new quagmire in Vietnam. Yet he also charted a significant expansion of America’s missile technology and deployed a vast array of covert operations around the world to confront the challenge of communism. As he left office, he cautioned Americans to remain alert to the dangers of a powerful military-industrial complex that could threaten their liberties. Today, presidential historians rank Eisenhower fifth on the list of great presidents, and William Hitchcock’s “rich narrative” shows us why Ike’s stock has risen so high. He was a gifted leader, a decent man of humble origins who used his powers to advance the welfare of all Americans (The Wall Street Journal).
Dwight Eisenhower represented a fundamentally new type of modern military commander. Eisenhower was a manager commander, whose grasp of the politics and large-scale tactics of battle were uniquely suited to leading the huge coalition of forces that fought in Europe during the Second World War. Educated at West Point, Eisenhower rose to his position as Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force through a series of powerful contacts and his natural aptitude for leadership and large scale tactical planning. This book analyses how Eisenhower's tactics and political astuteness helped him successfully lead the invasion of Europe, how he coaxed contradictory parties into supporting his policies and how he triumphed in his now infamous clash with Montgomery. Uniquely, the author goes on to describe how Eisenhower's military influence continued when he became President, as his leadership and vision were tested by the outbreak of the Cold War.