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The content selected in Herbicides, Theory and Applications is intended to provide researchers, producers and consumers of herbicides an overview of the latest scientific achievements. Although we are dealing with many diverse and different topics, we have tried to compile this "raw material" into three major sections in search of clarity and order - Weed Control and Crop Management, Analytical Techniques of Herbicide Detection and Herbicide Toxicity and Further Applications. The editors hope that this book will continue to meet the expectations and needs of all interested in the methodology of use of herbicides, weed control as well as problems related to its use, abuse and misuse.
This second edition demonstrates how chemistry influences the design of water treatment plants and how it should influence the design. Historically, water treatment plants have been designed from hydraulic considerations with little regard to chemical aspects. The many chemical reactions used for removal of pollutants from water simply cannot be forced to occur within current designs. This book re-examines this traditional approach in light of today's water quality and treatment. Will current water treatment processes be sufficient to meet future demands or will new processes have to be devised? Chemistry of Water Treatment assesses the chemical and physical efficacies of current processes to meet the demands of the Safe Drinking water Act, providing expert information to persons responsible for the production of potable water into the next century.
The development of chemicals to selectively control the growth of weeds has been a fascinating success story which has unfolded largely during the last four decades. The dramatic growth of herbicide research that followed the wartime discoveries of the auxin-type herbicides (phenoxyalkanoic acids) resulted in a whole range of compounds and mixtures which are used to eliminate broad-or narrow-leaved weeds from agricultural, horticul tural, or forestry crops. Today, the safe use of this armament of compounds requires our understanding of their mode of action, metabolism, and environmental persistence. The most recently developed herbicides are highly effective inhibitors of specific enzyme systems, and formulation may be an important factor determining their efficient delivery at specific target sites. In this book, the major target sites of herbicide action are discussed in Chapters 1-5, with particular reference to photosynthesis; amino acid, lipid, and carotenoid synthesis; and other primary target sites. The effects of synergists or antagonists as modifiers of herbicide action are described in Chapter 6. The importance of efficient target site delivery as a fundamental factor in herbicide activity and selectivity is generally recognized. Delivery of a potentially lethal dose of active ingredient may depend on a whole range of factors including the efficiency of application, retention, absorption, translocation, immobilization, and detoxification. These aspects are con sidered in the remaining chapters, with particular reference to the pathways and mechanisms involved in the uptake, translocation, and metabolism of soil-and foliage-applied herbicides.
Pesticides play an important role in controlling pests that carry diseases and threaten crop production. In recent years, however, there has been increased concern about the adverse impacts of pesticides and their degradation products on public health and the environment. A considerable amount of work is being done to develop nonchemical methods of
Chemical reactions which can, on demand, be switched on and off are valuable for industrial applications. In order to make the best use ofthese reactions, it is essential to have them readily available for a research chemist. The chemical literature, in general, has not yet identified or grouped such reactions. However, their existence is relatively abundant. This book is meant as a survey ofthose reactions which have potential utility in industrially useful processes. These reactions are grouped under the title ofchemical release reactions which can be triggered by heat, light, electric current, etc., to release a specific compound from, or change in the physical or chemical properties of, a unimolecular reactant. The book is divided into chapters covering ways to trigger the release of certain chemicals. Each chapter is further divided into sections, each beginning with a brief introduction ofanalogies ofthe discussed reactions and of how they were used in reported industrial processes. This survey is not meant to be absolute or exhaustive but rather to be directive, to be as complete as possible, and to provide food for further thought.
From 1962 to 1971, the U.S. military sprayed herbicides over Vietnam to strip the thick jungle canopy that could conceal opposition forces, to destroy crops that those forces might depend on, and to clear tall grasses and bushes from the perimeters of U.S. base camps and outlying fire-support bases. In response to concerns and continuing uncertainty about the long-term health effects of the sprayed herbicides on Vietnam veterans, Veterans and Agent Orange provides a comprehensive evaluation of scientific and medical information regarding the health effects of exposure to Agent Orange and other herbicides used in Vietnam. The 2008 report is the eighth volume in this series of biennial updates. It will be of interest to policy makers and physicians in the federal government, veterans and their families, veterans' organizations, researchers, and health professionals.
Bioremediation is a rapidly advancing field and the technology has been applied successfully to remediate many contaminated sites. The goal of every soil remediation method is to enhance the degradation, transformation, or detoxification of pollutants and to protect, maintain and sustain environmental quality. Advances in our understanding of the ecology of microbial communities capable of breaking down various pollutants and the molecular and biochemical mechanisms by which biodegradation occurs have helped us in developing practical soil bioremediation strategies. Chapters dealing with the application of biological methods to soil remediation are contributed from experts – authorities in the area of environmental science including microbiology and molecular biology – from academic institutions and industry.