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A comparison was made the results obtained previously for hulls with wing interference.
A wind-tunnel investigation was made to determine the effect of length-beam ratio on the aerodynamic characteristics of a family of flying-boat hulls in the presence of a wing. The hulls were designed to have approximately the same hydrodynamic performance with respect to spray and resistance characteristics regardless of length-beam ratio.
An investigation was made to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of three planing-tail flying-boat hulls which differed only in the amount of step fairing. The hulls were derived by altering the step and afterbody of a conventional flying-boat hull having a transverse step.
An investigation of the take-off and landing behavior in waves of models of a hypothetical flying boat having hull length-beam ratios of 6 and 15 has been made. An increase in length-beam ratio from 6 to 15, reduced the maximum vertical accelerations during landing approximately 25 percent, increased the maximum angular accelerations 15 to 30 percent, and reduced the motions of trim and rise as well as the maximum trim and rise. Spray entering the propellers during take-off was acceptable. The take-off behavior with the length-beam ratio of 15 in waves was generally less violent than wit hthe length-beam ratio of 6.
An investigation was made in the Langley 300-mph 7- by 10-foot tunnel to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of a refined deep-step planing-tail hull with various forebody and afterbody shapes and, for comparison, a streamline body simulating the fuselage of a modern transport airplane. The results of the tests indicated that the configurations incorporating a forebody with a length-beam ratio of 7 had lower minimum drag coefficients that the configurations incorporating a forebody with length-beam raito of 5. The lowest minimum drag coefficients, which were considerably less than that of a conventional hull and slighly less than that of a streamline body, were obtained on the length-beam-ratio-7 forebody, alone and with round center boom. Drag coefficients and longitudinal- and lateral-stability parameters presented include the interference of a 21-percent-thick support wing.
An investigation was made to determine the effect on the aerodynamic drag of systematic variations in the shape of a hull form representative of that of a large, model flying boat. It was found that substantial reductions were possible by reducing the depth of step and by rounding parts of the chines. One configuration, having an auxiliary longitudinal step an a shallow transverse step, was investigated as a compromise arrangement having lower drag and was believed to be hydrodynamically practical.