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This open access edited volume offers an analysis of the entangled histories of education and development in twentieth-century Africa. It deals with the plurality of actors that competed and collaborated to formulate educational and developmental paradigms and projects: debating their utility and purpose, pondering their necessity and risk, and evaluating their intended and unintended consequences in colonial and postcolonial moments. Since the late nineteenth century, the “educability” of the native was the subject of several debates and experiments: numerous voices, arguments, and agendas emerged, involving multiple institutions and experts, governmental and non-governmental, religious and laic, operating from the corridors of international organizations to the towns and rural villages of Africa. This plurality of expressions of political, social, cultural, and economic imagination of education and development is at the core of this collective work.
This reference includes 700 sequentially numbered entries gleaned from journals, institutions, and other bibliographies during research at major collections of Africana. It includes country and subject indexes.
Every year, the World Bank’s World Development Report (WDR) features a topic of central importance to global development. The 2018 WDR—LEARNING to Realize Education’s Promise—is the first ever devoted entirely to education. And the time is right: education has long been critical to human welfare, but it is even more so in a time of rapid economic and social change. The best way to equip children and youth for the future is to make their learning the center of all efforts to promote education. The 2018 WDR explores four main themes: First, education’s promise: education is a powerful instrument for eradicating poverty and promoting shared prosperity, but fulfilling its potential requires better policies—both within and outside the education system. Second, the need to shine a light on learning: despite gains in access to education, recent learning assessments reveal that many young people around the world, especially those who are poor or marginalized, are leaving school unequipped with even the foundational skills they need for life. At the same time, internationally comparable learning assessments show that skills in many middle-income countries lag far behind what those countries aspire to. And too often these shortcomings are hidden—so as a first step to tackling this learning crisis, it is essential to shine a light on it by assessing student learning better. Third, how to make schools work for all learners: research on areas such as brain science, pedagogical innovations, and school management has identified interventions that promote learning by ensuring that learners are prepared, teachers are both skilled and motivated, and other inputs support the teacher-learner relationship. Fourth, how to make systems work for learning: achieving learning throughout an education system requires more than just scaling up effective interventions. Countries must also overcome technical and political barriers by deploying salient metrics for mobilizing actors and tracking progress, building coalitions for learning, and taking an adaptive approach to reform.
This book contains a selected number of papers which were fIrst presented at the VIllth World Congress of Comparative Education in Prague, July 8--14, 1992. The Executive Committee of the World Council of Comparative and Education Societies had gladly accepted the bid made by the (at that time still united) Czech and Slovak Comparative Education Society to organise this congress in their beautiful and historic capital. The choice of Prague, underlined by President Vaclav Havel's patronage, as well as the Congress theme, were intended as a demonstration of the (re-)opened communication among educationists allover the world, as a result of the peaceful upheavals ('velvet revolutions') which were awakening the countries of Central, South East and East Europe in those days. It is true that a good part of the en thusiasm has faded since then and given way to manifestations of disenchantment. Education can be regarded as a striking example of the recent developments between "euphoria" and "normalcy".
Chaque annee, le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde de la Banque mondiale met en vedette un sujet d'importance capitale pour le developpement mondial. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 - APPRENDRE pour realiser la promesse de l'education - est le premier consacre integralement a l'education. Et le moment s'y prete particulierement : l'education a toujours ete essentielle au bien-etre de l'etre humain, mais elle l'est plus encore en cette periode de rapides mutations economiques et sociales. Le meilleur moyen de preparer les enfants et les jeunes a l'avenir est de placer l'apprentissage au centre de toutes les interventions de promotion de l'education. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 aborde quatre themes majeurs :La promesse de l'education. L'education est un levier important pour eradiquer la pauvrete et promouvoir une prosperite partagee. Mais pour qu'elle puisse realiser ce potentiel, il faut ameliorer les politiques - a l'interieur comme en dehors du systeme educatif.La necessite de mettre l'apprentissage en lumiere. En depit des progres accomplis en matiere d'acces a l'education, les recentes evaluations des acquis scolaires revelent que de nombreux jeunes a travers le monde, particulierement ceux qui sont issus des couches pauvres ou marginalisees de la population, quittent l'ecole sans avoir acquis ne seraient-ce que les competences necessaires a la vie. En meme temps, des evaluationsscolaires comparables sur le plan international montrent que les competences disponibles dans de nombreux pays a revenu intermediaire sont nettement inferieures a ce que ces pays ambitionnent. Et trop souvent, ces lacunes sont cachees - par consequent, pour faire face a la crise de l'apprentissage, il est crucial de commencer par la mettre en lumiere en ameliorant l'evaluation des acquis des eleves.Comment mettre l'ecole au service de l'ensemble des apprenants ? Les travaux de recherche sur le cerveau, l'innovation pedagogique et la gestion des etablissements scolaires, entre autres, ont identifie des interventions qui favorisent l'apprentissage en faisant en sorte que les apprenants soient mieux prepares, que les enseignants soient a la fois competents et motives, et que d'autres moyens soient mis en oeuvre pour soutenir larelation entre l'enseignant et l'apprenant.Comment faire en sorte que le systeme favorise l'apprentissage ? Pour realiser les objectifs d'apprentissage a travers le systeme educatif dans son ensemble, il ne suffit pas de transposer a plus grande echelle les interventions efficaces. Les pays doivent aussi surmonter des obstacles techniques et politiques en ayant recours a des outils de mesure et indicateurs suffisamment parlants pour mobiliser les acteurs concernes etsuivre les progres, en formant des coalitions au service de l'apprentissage et en adoptant une approche de reforme evolutive.
Historical anthropology is a revision of the German philosophical anthropology under the influences of the French historical school of Annales and the Anglo-Saxon cultural anthropology. Cultural-historical psychology is a school of thought which emerged in the context of the Soviet revolution and deeply affected the disciplines of psychology and education in the 20th century. This book draws on these two schools to advance current scholarship in child and youth development and education. It also enters in dialogue with other relational approaches and suggests alternatives to mainstream western developmental theories and educational practices. This book emphasizes communication and semiotic processes as well as the use of artifacts, pictures and technologies in education and childhood development, placing a special focus on active subjectivity, historicity and performativity. Within this theoretical framework, contributors from Europe and the U.S. highlight the dynamic and creative aspects of school, family and community practices and the dramatic aspects of child development in our changing educational institutions. They also use a series of original empirical studies to introduce different research methodologies and complement theoretical analyses in an attempt to find innovative ways to translate cultural-historical and historical anthropological theory and research into a thorough understanding of emerging phenomena in school and after-school education of ethnic minorities, gender-sensitive education, and educational and family policy. Divided into two main parts, “Culture, History and Child Development”, and “Gender, Performativity and Educational Practice”, this book is useful for anyone in the fields of cultural-historical research, educational science, educational and developmental psychology, psychological anthropology, and childhood and youth studies.
Exploring the field of peace education, the bulk of the book analyzes and critically evaluates contemporary schools and universities. Providing some successful and not-so-successful alternative school and university projects and experiments, the book proposes peace and development education as a life process and presents a whole array of non-conventional tools and approaches. The unique feature of the book is that instead of putting emphasis on teaching peace and development, it insists on being and becoming what we teach. It makes a great textbook for education courses and programs, and a good handbook for peace educators and peace researchers around the world. The authors of the book are two teachers who are not attached to any regular educational institution anywhere in the world and are qualified to say what they have said in the book. The two authors have played significant, instrumental roles in promoting peace studies.