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What would make a dedicated public school teacher decide to homeschool her own children? In her new book, "Educating Your Gifted Child: How One Public School Teacher Embraced Homeschooling," Celi Trepanier shares her journey from a top teacher in traditional schools to a disillusioned parent struggling to get an appropriate and challenging education for her gifted sons. How is the current educational system failing our gifted and twice-exceptional students? How can parents fight for the education their children need and deserve? What options do parents and their gifted children have? Celi addresses these concerns and more in "Educating Your Gifted Child."
A Field Guide to Gifted Students is a practical manual to the unique characteristics of gifted and advanced learners. Presented as a concise 32-page, full-color booklet available in sets of 10 print copies or a single eBook copy, this resource: Can be used in teacher workshops and other group professional learning settings. Assists educators in understanding and meeting the academic and social-emotional needs of gifted students. Includes a companion online facilitator's guide. Features practical tips based on current research and best practices. Is packed with illustrations, checklists, space to write notes, and a glossary of terms. School can feel like the wrong fit for many gifted learners, but through learning how to notice and support gifted students' diverse traits and needs, educators can build ideal classroom climates for student success. Readers will understand how to identify giftedness and related traits, including twice-exceptionality, introversion and extroversion, perfectionism, sensitivity, and intuitiveness. The online facilitator's guide includes everything workshop leaders need to conduct a brief course for classroom teachers, coordinators, counselors, or even parents.
As a college text or a reference for parents, this is a valuable tool for overcoming obstacles to successful education of GT students. The author's dry humor and useful explanations guide the reader through an enjoyable learning experience!
Advise on a wide range of topics about gifted children, from the characteristics of and myths about gifted kids to matching teaching and reading styles and handling family dynamics. Includes many of her own experiences and those of other parents, as well as experts in the field. Provides lists of resources and support groups to help parents in making educational choices for gifted children fromp preschool age and up.
A guide to the many issues gifted children face that offers parents and teachers advice on identifying gifted children, helping them get the most of classroom programs, forming parent support groups, meeting social and emotional needs, and choosing the appropriate curriculum.
Parents of gifted children need to present schools with educational plans. Current educational programs for gifted students are generally inadequate and do not fit the particular gifted child. Rogers explains various programs for acceleration and enrichment, as well as grouping practices. For each educational option, she delineates what the current research says about the benefit or lack of benefit to which types of gifted children and explains how to arrange each option. This book is a real eye-opener for educators and parents unfamiliar with the full body of research in the field of curriculum for gifted education. ? Types of giftedness ? Types of enrichment ? Gifts versus talents ? Group learning ? Assessment tools ? Independent study ? Parent Inventory for ? Yearly Educational Plans Finding Potential ? Negotiating with schools ? Types of acceleration ? Monitoring progress
Understanding Your Gifted Child From the Inside Out provides an engaging and encouraging look at raising gifted children today. A follow-up to the best-selling Parenting Gifted Kids: Tips for Raising Happy and Successful Children, this new edition focuses on the social and emotional aspects of giftedness, highlighting new information on the issues of perfectionism, self-advocacy, underachievement, mindfulness, and the impact of technology on gifted kids' relationships. The book also features a section on life beyond college, for those readers whose children are no longer children. Understanding Your Gifted Child From the Inside Out features real-life stories about the lives of gifted children and how they and their parents recognize and enjoy the many intellectual talents and social and emotional insights they possess. Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented 2019 Legacy Book Award Winner - Parenting
LEARN TO MEET THE NEEDS OF YOUR GIFTED CHILD Though academic abilities have always been important in determining whether your child is gifted, talent in the visual or performing arts, leadership qualities, and intellectual curiosity are just as vital. But unless we as parents help nurture those talents, our gifted children can become bored, socially aggressive, or, ironically, underachievers in the classroom. Here is a practical, informative, and authoritative primer for raising and educating our gifted children from pre-school to adolescence. Beginning with sensible strategies to determine whether—and in which areas—your child is gifted, this book takes parents through selecting an appropriate day-care center, a school, and a home reference library. It helps us figure out where our role stops and the school’s role begins, as well as detailing ways to keep our children’s creativity alive and how to cope with sibling rivalry and our own doubts and fears. Also included are a recommended reading list, a special section on the roles of the computer and television in your gifted child’s life, and much more.
A guide for the parents and educators of gifted children that discusses ways to encourage their social and emotional development alongside their cognitive abilities, and describes techniques, strategies, and activities; and includes suggested reading lists.
A gifted education Legacy Award winner, Parenting Gifted Kids: Tips for Raising Happy and Successful Children provides a humorous, engaging, and encouraging look at raising gifted children today. James R. Delisle, Ph.D., offers practical, down-to-earth advice that will cause parents to reexamine the ways they perceive and relate to their children. Dr. Delisle puts forward 10 tips to parents of gifted children—ideas that reflect attitude and approach and allow for introspection and change, rather than quick, do-it-tonight solutions. Some topics of interest include understanding a child's giftedness, working with the school system, dealing with perfectionism in gifted kids, and being adult role models for children. Along the way, stories from gifted children and their parents provide insight into the lives of these individuals. What sets this book apart from other books for parents of gifted kids is its expansion beyond mere platitudes. Dr. Delisle's tips go beyond the basics, focusing on attitude, reflection, and subtle changes, rather than specific, cookie-cutter recipes for action. The 10 tips suggested and expanded upon in this book include: understanding what giftedness is . . . and what it is not; understanding the differences between gifted kids and their agemates; understanding the personality traits of gifted kids, including overexcitabilities; taking charge of your child's education; understanding the issue of perfectionism in gifted kids; examining social nuances and myths related to giftedness; examining the similarities parents share with their gifted children; setting reasonable goals; helping gifted children make a difference in the lives of others; and remembering that gifted children are kids first and gifted second. Educational Resource