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Educar, Amar y Vida son tres de las palabras más bonitas del mundo Debemos educar para la vida, pero sobre todo debemos educar para amar la vida. ¿Cómo es posible que palabras como "vida" y "amar" no sean siempre las esenciales cuando hablamos de educación y a veces ni siquiera se mencionen? Los niños y los adolescentes necesitan dos ingredientes para tener ganas de hacer algo bueno con su vida: sentirse amados y sentir que la vida es bonita y vale la pena, a pesar de todo. Necesitamos madres, padres y maestros enamorados de la vida, que enciendan la alegría de ser y de vivir en el corazón de los hijos y de los alumnos. Educar para amar la vida y amar la vida para educar. Este es el lema que nos propone la autora en este texto revelador, valiente y tierno que contagia amor a la vida y alegría de educar.
Aprende a ejercitar el amor que todos llevamos dentro, a liberarte de las trabas que nos impiden ser felices y a convertirte en la mejor versión de ti mismo. «El amor es la fuerza incontenible de nuestra vida; la energía más potente, el quinto elemento.» El amor cimenta nuestra vida y le da sentido; es una energía suprema transformadora que todos deseamos. Sin embargo, el desamor, que se presenta en forma de ruptura, divorcio o pérdida, puede hacernos perder nuestro equilibrio emocional, la salud e incluso el buen ritmo de nuestra existencia. El prestigioso psicólogo y autor Bernabé Tierno nos ofrece las claves fundamentales necesarias para fortalecer nuestras relaciones afectivas y entender el amor como un continuo aprendizaje en sus diferentes facetas: amor a la familia, amor de amigos, de generosidad, al trabajo, a la naturaleza, a un ser superior, a la humanidad, a la profesión, a los animales... A través de las enseñanzas del autor, recogidas por una de sus alumnas, recibiremos consejos fundamentales para que nuestra vida emprenda el rumbo deseado y sea más plena. No lo olvides: siempre estás a tiempo de amar.
Este libro propone que aprendamos a amar y que sea eso, precisamente, lo que enseñemos a nuestros hijos. Demanda que todos transitemos el camino que va del amor narcisista -amor que sólo considera la satisfacción propia- al amor verdadero –comprometido con el bienestar y la felicidad del otro- para seguir creciendo hasta alcanzar el estado de amor universal que abarque a toda la humanidad, a la naturaleza plena. Una actitud profunda de reverencia hacia la vida. Sostiene que la construcción de la autoestima es la meta de la educación y que ningún niño podrá sentirse amado si no experimenta genuino amor ni podrá sentirse respetado si no vive con genuino respeto. También explica cómo educar niños que sepan obedecer y reconozcan y acepten límites sensatos, pero también niños que sepan desobedecer órdenes injustas y aprendan a lidiar con el abuso y el autoritarismo. Niños y niñas inteligentes que sepan decir sí y no. Sobre todo, se ocupa del desarrollo del sentido de obligación moral: de la educación de niños buenos, justos y nobles por convicción, no por temor. El libro también trata de la educación sexual y sostiene que educar una sexualidad sana es educar para el amor.
The Holy Spirit movement in eighteenth century England gave rise to a religious revival that gave birth to the family of churches we know today as the wesleyans. Thus, by his importance as the genius organizer, it is essential to know the life and thought of one of the pillars within the Wesleyan movement: John Wesley. In this book - of a very simple and yet profound way- Dr. Magallanes offers us the most basic traits of the social-religious context in which Wesley lived in the England of the eighteenth century, aspects that influenced the family development of his character and spirituality, the education and training received in Oxford, experiences that awakened in Wesley his passion for evangelization and the doctrine of the holiness of heart and life that characterized the movement.
Kristine Barnett’s son Jacob has an IQ higher than Einstein’s, a photographic memory, and he taught himself calculus in two weeks. At nine he started working on an original theory in astrophysics that experts believe may someday put him in line for a Nobel Prize, and at age twelve he became a paid researcher in quantum physics. But the story of Kristine’s journey with Jake is all the more remarkable because his extraordinary mind was almost lost to autism. At age two, when Jake was diagnosed, Kristine was told he might never be able to tie his own shoes. The Spark is a remarkable memoir of mother and son. Surrounded by “experts” at home and in special ed who tried to focus on Jake’s most basic skills and curtail his distracting interests—moving shadows on the wall, stars, plaid patterns on sofa fabric—Jake made no progress, withdrew more and more into his own world, and eventually stopped talking completely. Kristine knew in her heart that she had to make a change. Against the advice of her husband, Michael, and the developmental specialists, Kristine followed her instincts, pulled Jake out of special ed, and began preparing him for mainstream kindergarten on her own. Relying on the insights she developed at the daycare center she runs out of the garage in her home, Kristine resolved to follow Jacob’s “spark”—his passionate interests. Why concentrate on what he couldn’t do? Why not focus on what he could? This basic philosophy, along with her belief in the power of ordinary childhood experiences (softball, picnics, s’mores around the campfire) and the importance of play, helped Kristine overcome huge odds. The Barnetts were not wealthy people, and in addition to financial hardship, Kristine herself faced serious health issues. But through hard work and determination on behalf of Jake and his two younger brothers, as well as an undying faith in their community, friends, and family, Kristine and Michael prevailed. The results were beyond anything anyone could have imagined. Dramatic, inspiring, and transformative, The Spark is about the power of love and courage in the face of overwhelming obstacles, and the dazzling possibilities that can occur when we learn how to tap the true potential that lies within every child, and in all of us. Praise for The Spark “[An] amazing memoir . . . compulsive reading.”—The Washington Post “The Spark is about the transformative power of unconditional love. If you have a child who’s ‘different’—and who doesn’t?—you won’t be able to put it down.”—Sylvia Nasar, author of A Beautiful Mind “Love, illness, faith, tragedy and triumph—it’s all here. . . . Jake Barnett’s story contains wisdom for every parent.”—Newsday “This eloquent memoir about an extraordinary boy and a resilient and remarkable mother will be of interest to every parent and/or educator hoping to nurture a child’s authentic ‘spark.’”—Publishers Weekly “Compelling . . . Jake is unusual, but so is his superhuman mom.”—Booklist “The Spark describes in glowing terms the profound intensity with which a mother can love her child.”—Andrew Solomon, author of The Noonday Demon and Far from the Tree “Every parent and teacher should read this fabulous book!”—Temple Grandin, author of Thinking in Pictures and co-author of The Autistic Brain
From the authors of international best-selling marriage book The Love Dare comes The Love Dare for Parents, a 40-day journey of “dares” challenging one or both parents to understand, practice, and communicate Christ-like love to their children. Easy to read and work into a busy schedule, The Love Dare for Parents is designed to “turn the hearts of parents to their children and turn the hearts of children to their parents” (Malachi 4:6) so that moms and dads can more fully enjoy and delight in their children while maximizing the positive impact they have on their lives long term. Each day brings a promising key verse from Scripture, a biblical principle about love that applies to parenting, a specific challenge the parent does for the sake of their child, and space to journal thoughts and reflect on what happened that day. The Love Dare for Parents even includes access to a FREE online parenting assessment, helpfully keyed to select material in the book.Parents, take the dare!