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Apoiamo-nos neste trecho do livro “Inclusão Escolar: O que é? Por quê? Como fazer? da célebre Mantoan para nos referirmos aos textos que compõem esse livro como um convite para refletir e ressignificar posturas e práticas pedagógicas para possibilitar um aprender inclusivo, democrático e para todos. Os conjuntos de textos apresentados nesta obra têm como missão possibilitar ao leitor conhecer as propostas de professores, que inseriram na sua prática pedagógica os caminhos para a inclusão escolar. As temáticas trabalhadas estão presente nas inúmeras discussões e pesquisas que vêm ocorrendo ao longo das últimas décadas no Brasil. Desse modo, este livro encontra-se envolvido num processo mais amplo de reflexão sobre as vivências e evidências perpassadas na e para a Educação Especial na perspectiva inclusiva
É com alegria que apresentamos o terceiro volume da série “Educação Especial e Inclusiva: perspectivas, relatos e evidências”. Este livro é uma coleção de estudos e considerações sobre o campo da Educação Especial e Inclusiva, e busca proporcionar um maior entendimento sobre o papel crucial que essa modalidade educativa representa na construção de uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária. Iniciamos a discussão com a importância do profissional da neuropsicopedagogia em sala de aula. Este tema explora a relevância deste profissional na promoção do ensino-aprendizagem, principalmente quando se trata de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais. Segue-se o debate sobre os desafios da inclusão e o que se entende por uma educação realmente inclusiva. Este tópico busca explorar a complexidade da inclusão escolar, evidenciando os obstáculos que precisam ser superados para que a inclusão seja efetiva e significativa. A importância da psicopedagogia na aprendizagem é outro tema abordado, destacando o papel essencial que esta disciplina desempenha na identificação e superação das dificuldades de aprendizagem. A discussão avança para o papel dos professores e cuidadores frente às necessidades educacionais do aluno com deficiência. Este tema ressalta a necessidade de se ter profissionais bem preparados e sensíveis às demandas destes estudantes. O livro prossegue com a avaliação multiprofissional padronizada de crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista, trazendo à tona os desafios e possibilidades de intervenção e diagnóstico. Este tópico ressalta a importância de uma abordagem interdisciplinar e colaborativa para a avaliação e intervenção neste grupo de estudantes. Em seguida, o livro discute o ensino especial e a geografia, fazendo considerações sobre a formação de professores. Este tema destaca a necessidade de se preparar os educadores para a diversidade, com ênfase na inclusão de conteúdos de geografia no currículo de educação especial. Finalizamos com a atuação do psicopedagogo no contexto escolar, um tópico que evidencia a importância deste profissional na promoção da aprendizagem significativa e inclusiva. Cada tema deste livro oferece um olhar único e valioso sobre a educação especial e inclusiva. É nossa esperança que este volume inspire educadores, pesquisadores e estudantes a continuar explorando as possibilidades e desafios que esta modalidade de educação apresenta. Com um entendimento mais profundo dessas questões, podemos aspirar a construir uma educação verdadeiramente inclusiva e eficaz. Boa Leitura!
O livro Educação Especial e Inclusão: saberes, práticas e desafios expressa diversas experiências e realidades educacionais existentes no estado do Pará, trazendo para a discussão as manifestações teóricas e práticas de educadores e valorizando os saberes desenvolvidos em diversas realidades: Bragança, Belém, São Miguel do Guamá etc. Esta literatura não busca ser um manual ou receituário de como trabalhar na efetivação da Educação Especial e da Inclusão, mas almeja fomentar essa discussão partilhando metodologias e indo ao encontro de respostas, caminhos e, quem sabe, soluções. Colocar em evidência as experiências educacionais desenvolvidas no Pará, neste livro, foi a forma de colaborar para um maior conhecimento em relação à temática aqui trabalhada. Muitas vezes corremos o risco de nos limitar apenas a conceitos e esquecer-nos da prática, de olhar o sujeito atendido pela Educação Especial como um pobrezinho que necessita de ajuda e de uma educação assistencialista, compensatória e não humanizadora. Por isso, em cada capítulo, podem ser percebidos a preocupação e o compromisso na busca de uma educação de qualidade, inclusiva e humanizadora para o público da Educação Especial.
Challenging notions of what constitutes 'normal' and 'pathological' bodies, this ambitious, agenda-setting study theoretically reinvigorates disability studies by reconceptualising it as 'studies of ableism' focusing on the practices and formations of able-bodiedness to uncover what it means to be 'able' rather than 'disabled'.
This book examines recent changes in media education and in young people’s lives, and provides an accessible set of principles on which the media curriculum should be based, with a clear rationale for pedagogic practice. David Buckingham is one of the leading international experts in the field - he has more than twenty years’ experience in media education as a teacher and researcher. This book takes account of recent changes both in the media and in young people’s lives, and provides an accessible and cogent set of principles on which the media curriculum should be based. Introduces the aims and methods of media education or 'media literacy'. Includes descriptions of teaching strategies and summaries of relevant research on classroom practice. Covers issues relating to contemporary social, political and technological developments.
Plantation Memories is a compilation of episodes of everyday racism written in the form of short psychoanalytical stories. From the question “Where do you come from?” to Hair Politics to the N-word, the book is a strong, eloquent, and elaborate piece that deconstructs the normality of everyday racism and exposes the violence of being placed as the Other. Released at the Berlin International Literature Festival in 2008, soon the book became internationally acclaimed and part of numerous academic curricula. Known for her subversive practice of giving body, voice, and image to her own texts, Grada Kilomba has adapted her book into a staged reading and video installation. Plantation Memories is an important contribution to the global cultural discourse.
The joint symposium of ICA commissions is always one of the most important event for cartographers. This joint seminar in Orleans was connected to 25th International Cartographic Conference, Paris. Works were presented by members of the commissions on: Cartography and Children, Cartographic Education and Training, Maps and the Internet, Planetary Cartography, Early Warning and Disaster Management.
Ground yourself in the social issues surrounding occupational therapy practice with Social Occupational Therapy: Theoretical and Practical Designs. Written by Roseli Esquerdo Lopes and Ana Paula Serrata Malfitano, this groundbreaking text offers a global view of the role of occupational therapy and the potential contributions of occupational therapists to their societies — specifically in social services and with populations in situations of social vulnerability. Theoretical and practical chapters examine both occupational therapy and social challenges, and the text’s emphasis on human rights and social issues reflects the World Federation of Occupational Therapists Minimum Standards for the Education of Occupational Therapists. It’s the unique perspective needed to tackle the social aspects of occupational therapy and respond to social field issues, including education, culture, justice, welfare, and work, as well as health. Worldview of social occupational therapy reinforces the importance of the field and underscores the growing practice and theoretical field for global occupational therapy. In-depth analysis of social issues is incorporated throughout the text along with a detailed analysis of the potential contributions of occupational therapists to their societies. Focus on the social role of occupational therapy highlights the role of occupational therapy as a social profession and prepares readers to respond to social issues. Theoretical and practical chapters talk about occupational therapy and social challenges. Emphasis on human rights and social issues reflects the World Federation of Occupational Therapists Minimum Standards for the Education of Occupational Therapists.
In Teaching History for the Common Good, Barton and Levstik present a clear overview of competing ideas among educators, historians, politicians, and the public about the nature and purpose of teaching history, and they evaluate these debates in light of current research on students' historical thinking. In many cases, disagreements about what should be taught to the nation's children and how it should be presented reflect fundamental differences that will not easily be resolved. A central premise of this book, though, is that systematic theory and research can play an important role in such debates by providing evidence of how students think, how their ideas interact with the information they encounter both in school and out, and how these ideas differ across contexts. Such evidence is needed as an alternative to the untested assumptions that plague so many discussions of history education. The authors review research on students' historical thinking and set it in the theoretical context of mediated action--an approach that calls attention to the concrete actions that people undertake, the human agents responsible for such actions, the cultural tools that aid and constrain them, their purposes, and their social contexts. They explain how this theory allows educators to address the breadth of practices, settings, purposes, and tools that influence students' developing understanding of the past, as well as how it provides an alternative to the academic discipline of history as a way of making decisions about teaching and learning the subject in schools. Beyond simply describing the factors that influence students' thinking, Barton and Levstik evaluate their implications for historical understanding and civic engagement. They base these evaluations not on the disciplinary study of history, but on the purpose of social education--preparing students for participation in a pluralist democracy. Their ultimate concern is how history can help citizens engage in collaboration toward the common good. In Teaching History for the Common Good, Barton and Levstik: *discuss the contribution of theory and research, explain the theory of mediated action and how it guides their analysis, and describe research on children's (and adults') knowledge of and interest in history; *lay out a vision of pluralist, participatory democracy and its relationship to the humanistic study of history as a basis for evaluating the perspectives on the past that influence students' learning; *explore four principal "stances" toward history (identification, analysis, moral response, and exhibition), review research on the extent to which children and adolescents understand and accept each of these, and examine how the stances might contribute to--or detract from--participation in a pluralist democracy; *address six of the principal "tools" of history (narrative structure, stories of individual achievement and motivation, national narratives, inquiry, empathy as perspective-taking, and empathy as caring); and *review research and conventional wisdom on teachers' knowledge and practice, and argue that for teachers to embrace investigative, multi-perspectival approaches to history they need more than knowledge of content and pedagogy, they need a guiding purpose that can be fulfilled only by these approaches--and preparation for participatory democracy provides such purpose. Teaching History for the Common Good is essential reading for history and social studies professionals, researchers, teacher educators, and students, as well as for policymakers, parents, and members of the general public who are interested in history education or in students' thinking and learning about the subject.
Reflecting the very latest research, this book provides an in-depth review of the role of resilience in the management of social-ecological systems and the ecosystem services they provide. Leaders in the field outline seven principles for building resilience in social-ecological systems, examining how these can be applied to advance sustainability.