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The only book actually written by Edgar Cayce, Auras includes anecdotes and observations on the meaning of auras and how to learn to see them and use them. Includes a chart on the colors of the visible spectrum and their correlations to musical notes, planets, and attitudes.
"Including the well known Auras booklet written by Edgar Cayce" --T.p.
El presente volumen nos ofrece dos obras que tienen un sólido nexo entre sí. La primera, AURAS, es la última obra que Edgar Cayce escribió de su puño y letra. Para Cayce, el aura es un efecto, no una causa, y por medio de sus vibraciones, cada átomo o molécula revelan su propia historia, su patrón y su propósito. Pero, sobre todo, el aura refleja las vibraciones del alma. En esta obra, de modo claro y conciso, Cayce revela la síntesis de sus estudios acerca del aura y, particularmente, del significado de los colores que la componen, resumido todo ello en un sistema elaborado que pudo corroborar posteriormente. En EL COLOR Y LAS LECTURAS DE EDGAR CAYCE, Roger Lewis combina artísticamente los enfoques sobre el simbolismo que encierran los colores. Elaborado a partir del trabajo de Edgar Cayce en AURAS, y con las observaciones de Faber Birren (reputado especialista en el campo del color), propone un análisis científico del color y de la interpretación del mismo. Ésta la realizaba Cayce en estado consciente, considerando el color física, mental y espiritualmente en una armoniosa fusión. EDGAR CAYCE nació en Hopkinsville (Kentucky, Estados Unidos), en el seno de una familia humilde. Hombre religioso, amable, servicial y de agradable sonrisa, fue uno de los más espectaculares y mejor documentados psíquicos de todos los tiempos. Durante cuarenta y tres años, efectuó lecturas en un estado de trance autoinducido, entrando en contacto con su mente subconsciente, lo que le permitió ayudar a miles de seres que venían a visitarlo desde todos los confines. Su fama se extendió por todo Estados Unidos y Canadá, y murió a los sesenta y ocho años de edad en un pueblecito de Virginia Beach.
Science caught up with the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce when it proved that all of materiality - consisting of atoms and therefore protons, neutrons, and electrons - is energy in motion. Everything is a vibration. Even the body's five senses operate through the use of vibrations. The Cayce readings suggested that vibrations were also associated with healing, consciousness, and even locations. In fact, the Cayce information presents the premise that all of life in every dimension is actually just different manifestations of the One Force - the Force that moved all of Creation into being. Therefore, all vibration is ultimately that One Force manifesting in the material world in a variety of ways. Todeschi's latest title explores how everything from consciousness to the material is connected to vibration, and how we continue to create and shape our world through the vibrations all around us. Vibrations are essentially spirit in motion and our thoughts and actions affect our life and the way we are living.
The Akashic Records--or Book of Life--is the storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth, containing every word, deed, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred. This major work is about how each of us is very much in charge of shaping our own destiny. ... [P]rovides examples of how each of us can tap into our own past lives, our present experiences, and our unfolding futures to shape our own destiny.--Publisher's description.
Spiritualist Cynthia Sue Larson helps readers to tap into the extraordinary powers that lie within themselves to make positive changes in their lives.
The only Aura guide you will ever need! Colour images of the aura, in depth colour descriptions, health in relation to the aura, and much more.
A new edition of the landmark, worldwide bestseller on the life of the famed medical clairvoyant and founding father of the New Age: Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is known to millions today as the grandfather of the New Age. A medical clairvoyant, psychic, and Christian mystic, Cayce provided medical, psychological, and spiritual advice to thousands of people who swore by the effectiveness of his trance-based readings. But Cayce was not always a household name. When a young, skeptical journalist named Thomas Sugrue first met Cayce in 1927 the world had not yet heard of the "sleeping prophet.” During years of unique access, Sugrue completed his landmark biography, which on its publication in 1942 brought national attention to Cayce and stands as the sole record written during the seer’s lifetime. This edition includes a new introduction by historian Mitch Horowitz that highlights the enduring significance of Cayce’s message and the role this book played in its dissemination.
Edgar Cayce, the most documented psychic of all time, recommended exploring three tools for personal symbolism that would assist in personal growth and enlightenment: Creating Life Seals, Creating Aura Charts, and Understanding the Book of Revelation. From Cayce's perspective, a Life Seal is a personal mandala that can be used as a tool for reflection-a reminder of what she or he hopes to accomplish in life. An Aura Chart is a visual depiction of an individual's unique Akashic Record and represents a soul's lessons, attainments, failures and developments over many lifetimes. Cayce's unique approach to the Book of Revelation is that it is a symbolic exploration of archetypal images, patterns, and processes that correspond to the awakening of the Higher Self. It depicts not an external process related to world events but instead an internal one that portrays the struggles that occur within each individual as spiritual development takes places and the basic lower nature of humankind evolves to its higher spiritual nature. You will discover how these tools of symbolism can be used to cultivate your soul talents, to accomplish your mission in life, to overcome weaknesses, to enhance your soul memory, to remember your past lives and even as a means of personal attunement. Edgar Cayce on Soul Symbolism presents timely information on how symbolism can be used to understand yourself and even your connection to the divine. In addition, the volume contains examples of Life Seals and Aura Charts from the Cayce files, as well as two dictionaries of symbols for your easy reference.