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There is a strong view that economics is the academic discipline that best represents the claim of positive science among social sciences. Economics has undergone significant transformations after its emergence as a science. Despite all these transformations, the feature containing positive and normative elements has not changed. While economists from the political economy tradition focus on qualitative studies that relate to other social sciences, especially political science and history, a group of economists adopt the qualitative methods of natural sciences to analyze economic problems. There is a debate among economists on how to understand social reality and what kind of science the economy should be. Business is a discipline that has declared its relative independence from economics over time. Business is a research field that encompasses a wide range of areas ranging from organizational behavior of individuals to the firm’s production and marketing strategies. This book contains articles on essential topics related to these disciplines, which have an in- separable relationship between them. Academicians contributing to the book have produced works on current topics of discussion as well as key subjects that remain important in economics and management.
Almost three years passed since the Faculty of Economics of the University of Groningen celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 1973. Late, but not too late we hope, to present the lectures of most of our distinguished guests, who came from the United States and different European Countries to inform the Congress participants of their opinion and ideas on "25 Years of Economic Theory: Retrospect and Prospect. " The problems we met in publishing the lectures, in accordance with the agreement we made with our guests, are not unusual, as everyone knows who has been an editor of such a volume before. The promise to give a lecture and to write it down afterwards as well is much more difficult to maintain than only to give a speech. Everybody knows there is nothing so terrifying as to be reminded of your promise to write down your lecture, especially if only a type-written text, put down from a tape, is at your disposal. You are sure of your remembrance: "That very day I heard applause, there were friendly words and perhaps a state of not ending enthusiasm. And now I receive this type-written text of my speech with a request, full of innocence, of these friendly committee members, "will you be so kind as to prepare your text for publication ']" But this one, is this my text? Unbelievable.
A rich collection of current research in the growing field of social economics, covering such issues as culture, gender, ethics, and philanthropic behavior. The growing field of social economics explores how individual behavior is affected by group-level influences, extending the approach of mainstream economics to include broader social motivations and incentives. This book offers a rich and rigorous selection of current work in the field, focusing on some of the most active research areas. Topics covered include culture, gender, ethics, and philanthropic behavior. Social economics grows out of dissatisfaction with a purely individualistic model of human behavior. This book shows how mainstream economics is expanding its domain beyond market and price mechanisms to recognize a role for cultural and social factors. Some chapters, in the tradition of Gary Becker, attempt to extend the economics paradigm to explain other social phenomena; others, following George Akerlof's approach, incorporate sociological and psychological assumptions to explain economic behavior. Loosely organized by theme—Social Preferences; Culture, Values, and Norms; and Networks and Social Interactions”—the chapters address a range of subjects, including gender differences in political decisions, “moral repugnance” as a constraint on markets, charitable giving by the super-rich, value diversity within a country, and the influence of children on their parents' social networks. Contributors Mireia Borrell-Porta, Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Joan Costa-Font, Elwyn Davies, Julio Jorge Elias, Marcel Fafchamps, Luigi Guiso, Odelia Heizler, Ayal Kimhi, Mariko J. Klasing, Martin Ljunge, Mario Macis, Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm, Abigail Payne, Kelly Ragan, Jana Sadeh, Azusa Sato, Kimberley Scharf, Sarah Smith, Mirco Tonin, Michael Vlassopoulos, Evguenia Winschel, Philipp Zahn
1. 1 Introduction This book was born out of our reaction to the way in which the usual texts cover the subject of the history of economic thought. In most of these texts, there is a tendency to emphasize the similarities and differences between all the important economists and form a repository of encyclopedic knowledge where one can study the seemingly important economic ideas. In this book, we argue that it is much more fruitful to focus on the essential ideas of each and every school of economic thought and relate them to present-day problems, than to engage into a sterile discussion of the ideas and the lives of the great economists of the past. Thus, although this book deals with the history of economic thought, it does not necessarily follow a historic (in the sense of the order of presentation) approach, but rather a logical one, that is to say it deals with the social conditions associated with the emergence of a school of economic thought, its evolution, and its contemporary in?uence. One cannot write a book on the history of economic thought without writing separate chapters on the major economists of the past, that is, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, and J. M. Keynes. Of course these economists formed schools of economic thought, that is, the classical and the Keynesian.