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This tour d'horizon book reviews airport regulation and competition in different regions of the world and contrasts different policy perspectives. Organized in four parts, the first three examine, in turn, Australasia, North America, and Europe, while the last section looks at the institutional reforms that have taken place in these regions. The book covers the regulation of airports, and competition in different regions, as well as privatization policy, the interaction between airports and airlines, and regional economic impacts. It also examines the linkages between governance structures and forms of regulation. The book's global sweep embraces all the large aviation markets, bringing together the ideas and challenges of academic economists, airlines, airport managers, consultants and government regulators. As well as looking at different methods, degrees and paradigms of regulation it also spells out the stress-points, in a way that makes essential reading for airport operators, airline operations staff, as well as academic economists concerned with transport studies. It also offers interesting reading and important lessons for those concerned with regulation of the utility industries such as, telecommunications, water and power generation and distribution - where infrastructure can be subject to natural monopoly characteristics and where firms competing in downstream markets are dependent on the investment and operational strategies of the upstream infrastructure operator.
This book gives an overview of the main aspects of the potential development of regional airports particularly the economic aspects, the role of low-cost companies, demand modelling, the airport, airline and access mode choices, and the relationships between capacity constraints on hubs and the growth of regional airports.
Today airports are increasingly becoming full transport junctions. The location of their networks provides strategic benefits, which makes them possible to attract a wide range of economic activities, therefore to operate as new development poles. Nowadays it is widely accepted that the airports of Europe have considerable economic and social impacts on the surrounding regions. These impacts reach much deeper than the direct impacts an airport has on the environment of its operation, since the availability of air services are advantageous both for the regional business interests and for the consumers. Air transport means a fundamental infrastructural background, which facilitates the economic growth of the regions; furthermore, the global accessibility is one of the key factors of being successful in terms of the settlement of business activities and for every region in Europe. The primary aim of the study is the theoretical review of the impacts of airports on economy. In addition, the study makes an attempt to review and analyse the international benchmark examples developed for the analysis of the economic impacts of airports. Based on the international literature, the methods and procedures are identified which are theoretically suitable for the economic impact study of airports. Afterwards, the procedures are selected of which the methodological clarity is suitable to found the empirical study of the impacts of an optional airport on the local economy.
The break-up of BAA and the blocked takeover of Bratislava airport by the competing Vienna airport have brought the issue of airport competition to the top of the agenda for air transport policy in Europe. Airport Competition reviews the current state of the debate and asks whether airport competition is strong enough to effectively limit market power. It provides evidence on how travellers chose an airport, thereby altering its competitive position, and on how airports compete in different regions and markets. The book also discusses the main policy implications of mergers and subsidies.
Since the emergence of urban systems, cities have developed in a mutually inter-dependent process of socio-economic dynamics and transportation linkages. In recent years, Airports worldwide have stepped beyond the stage of being pure infrastructure facilities while the complex dynamics that are taking place at and around international airports represent a crucial element in the post-industrial reorganisation of urban and regional systems. Airports are increasingly recognized as general urban activity centres; that is, key assets for cities and regions as economic generators and catalysts of investment in addition to being critical components of efficient city infrastructure. This book brings together contributions from renowned academic scholars and world leading practitioners to discuss insights gained from theory and practice. The first collection of papers reflects upon the general role and future of airports as well as their specific contribution to competitive advantages within a fast changing business and economic landscape. The second group of contributions ask about the role airports play within the innovation process that is inherently centred on generating and sharing knowledge. The third section of papers investigates the drivers of real estate developments on airport land and in the close vicinity of airports.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Tourismus - Sonstiges, Note: 1,3, International School of Management, Standort München, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1.VORBEMERKUNG 2. DEFINITIONEN 3. DER VERKEHRSFLUGHAFEN 3.1 Funktionen eines Flughafens 3.2 Attraktivitätskriterien eines Flughafens 4. WIRTSCHAFTSFAKTOR FLUGHAFEN 4.1 Wirtschaftliche Eckdaten 4.1.1 Die Quellen der Erlöse 4.1.2 Die Kostenfaktoren 4.2 Primärflughäfen in Deutschland 4.2.1 Flughafen München 4.2.2 Flughafen Frankfurt 4.3 Die wirtschaftliche Relevanz für Region und Land 4.3.1 Direkte Effekte 4.3.2 Indirekte Effekte 4.3.3 Induzierte Effekte 4.3.4 Katalytische Effekte 5. AUSBLICK Das Image von Flughäfen war schon mal besser. Als sie nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Voraussetzung für die Luftbrücke der Amerikaner nach Berlin waren, waren sie Symbol für das Überleben und den unbeugsamen Willen einer Stadt, sich nicht von einem übermächtigen Gegner in die Knie zwingen zu lassen. Dann waren sie das Tor „zur großen weiten Welt“, das nur für wenige Privilegierte offenstand. Das deutsche Tor zur Welt und Dreh und Angelpunkt des internationalen Transfers war zu jener Zeit Frankfurt, genauer der Rhein – Main - Flughafen. 400.000 Passagiere wurden dort 1952 abgefertigt und mit einer, aus heutiger Sicht eher überschaubaren Flotte mit zwei Zwischenstopps über den Atlantik geflogen. Im Laufe der folgenden Jahrzehnte und im Zuge eines kontinuierlichen Wirtschaftswachstums gewann ein neuer Begriff immer mehr an Bedeutung: Mobilität. Zu Wasser, zu Land – und vor allem in der Luft. Fliegen wurde erschwinglich, Luftfracht wurde zum geflügelten Wort, Treibstoff schien unbegrenzt vorhanden zu sein und der notwendige Aus – oder Neubau von Flughäfen stand außer Frage. 2011 wurden allein im Rhein-Main-Flughafen 56,4 Millionen Passagiere abgefertigt, von den anderen Airports Deutschlands gar nicht zu reden. Aber die Zeiten haben sich gewandelt: Mehr als en halbes Jahrhundert nach der ersten Euphorie hat sich das Bild in der Öffentlichkeit vom Flughafen als „etwas Besonderem“ geändert. Ökologische Aspekte werden zunehmend wichtig und heftige Kämpfe und neue Startbahnen sind an der Tagesordnung. Es gibt kaum ein Thema, das zum einen so polarisiert und zum anderen ökonomisch für die Region eine solch Bedeutung hat. Der Münchener Franz-Josef-Strauß -Flughafen ist dafür das jüngste Beispiel. Der Bau einer neuen Startbahn war einen Bürgerentscheid wert und dass dieser abschlägig beschieden wurde, bedeutet nicht, dass in der Sache das letzte Wort gesprochen ist...