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Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2018 in the subject Politics - Topic: European Union, University of Malta (Institute for European Studies), language: English, abstract: Intra-EU migration is one of the four fundamental freedoms of the EU, together with free movement of goods, services and capital, introduced with the Rome Treaties in 1957. The first part of this paper is dedicated to elucidate labour mobility and its characteristic, the central discussion and aim is to analyse the pro and contra of labour mobility within the European Union, and in the concluding part, I will mention some proposals made by scholars, which could support positive changes in the field of intra-EU mobility. Although the literature about labour mobility is quite exhaustive, the main problem are the resources. Analysing intra-EU migration at macro level is quite different, there is a lack of data and transnational surveys. Although a detailed analysis is not provided, scholars try to comprehend more about the phenomena. This topic has a strong meaning in our lives, at several levels. The author Baldwin explains that migration has a political and economic meaning within the EU. From a political perspective citizens of EU enjoy mobility and this affects the image European citizens have about their neighbours; from an economical point of view, which is the focus of this paper, mobility of labours allows worker to best use their skills and experiences, and firms can enjoy from competent workers. Baldwin`s analysis begins by defining the difference between goods and national labour markets, which have their own regulation. According to Baldwin the reason for this is that Member States have limited migration within the EU and there are important differences among the MS, different legislations and different practices. Within the EU we find countries more privileged than others. What makes individuals take the decision to move? Zimmermann analyses the main push-factors, which make EU citizens move to other MS, these factors are: job, education, family and others. At the same time, the author suggests that future factors could be: work and income, social network, housing and local environment.
Seminar paper from the year 2018 in the subject Leadership and Human Resources - Miscellaneous, grade: 1,3, University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, language: English, abstract: Though, there has been migration since the beginning of human life and migration within Europe is nothing new, the quantitative degree and even the reasons for migration within Europe have changed. One reason for that is the right of free movement within the EU, which was used by a total of 11.8 million people in 2016. However, the public debate on migration in Europe is primarily focusing on international migration from non-member states. In recent years this was dominated by the topic of the refugee crisis, which led to less attention for intra-EU migration. Nevertheless, intra-EU migration is a main cause for the high number of new immigrants, at least for Germany and the UK. In Germany, it has increased noticeable in recent years, while migration from non-EU countries has decreased. One of the most represented foreign communities in receiving countries are often Poles. Back in 2017 for example, Germany had more immigrants coming from Poland than ever before. The enlargement of the EU in 2004 and the connected freedom to work in other EU countries was one of the most important stimuli for emigration in Poland ́s latest history. Even before the EU, there were high numbers of emigrants leaving. But the accession greatly enhanced migration, leading Poland to be one of the largest emigration countries within the EU. Even though the peak of emigration was reached in 2007 with about 1.8 million migrants, there are still many Poles going abroad to live and work there. In 2015 alone 123 thousand people have left Poland. Nevertheless, the Polish economy is one of the fastest growing among EU countries and its unemployment is reducing, too. In fact, Poland was the only country in the EU, which has avoided recession the years after the financial crisis in 2009. These issues lead to the question of the effects of mass intra-EU migration for Poland ́s economy as a major sending country and the impacts on Poles, both, those staying in Poland and those who are living abroad. Also, it is interesting to know why so many Poles have left or want to leave Poland. To answer this question, this seminar paper will in the first part give the required fundamentals of intra-EU migration and following that, will assess the effects, risks and chances for the sending country Poland and its citi-zens. After giving an insight into government activities concerning Poles abroad, the seminar paper gives a conclusion on the impact of intra-EU migration for Poland and its citizens.
This book analyzes the impact of thirty years of labor migration from the Mediterranean region and from Finland to western and northern continental Europe. The authors consider the effects on the host countries of the role foreign migrants play in host countries economies, the formation of new ethnic communities, choices made concerning the educati
The debate on the free movement of labour within the EU has gained new momentum in the wake of the economic crisis. Building on the earlier Ashgate publication EU Labour Migration Since Enlargement, the editors have assembled a team of experts from across Europe to shed light on the critical issues raised by internal labour mobility within the EU in the context of economic crisis and labour market pressures. The book's chapters tease out the links between economic developments, regulatory frameworks and migration patterns in different European countries. A central focus is on issues of skills and skills mismatch and how they relate to migration forms, duration and individual decisions to stay or return. Based on detailed analysis of European and national-level sources, the results presented clearly contradict assumptions about a "knowledge driven migration". Rather, over-qualification and the corresponding underutilisation of migrant workers' skills emerge as a pervasive phenomenon. At the same time the characteristics of migrants - not just skills, but socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes - and also their labour market integration are shown to be very diverse and to vary substantially between different sending and receiving countries. This calls for a differentiated analysis and raises complex issues for policymakers. Examples where policy has contributed to positive outcomes for both migrants and domestic workforces are identified. Unique in analysing labour migration flows within the European Union in a comparative manner putting skills into the centre and taking account of the effects of the economic crisis, while addressing policy concerns this is a valuable resource for academics, policymakers and practitioners alike.
The economic crisis has caused a surge in intra-European labour mobility, unleashing heated debates about the consequences of large-scale labour migration. This volume improves understanding of the drivers, mechanisms, and effects of the past decade’s surge in cross-border labour mobility and work related migration within Europe.
One of the most important consequences of EU enlargement in May 2004 was to extend the principle of the free movement of labour to the citizens of the central and eastern European new member states. In this book a team of labour economists and migration experts sheds light on the dimensions, characteristics and impacts of cross-border labour migration in selected sending (Hungary, Latvia and Poland) and receiving (Austria, Germany, Sweden and the UK) countries. Separate contributions detail the policy responses by governments, employers and trade unions in these countries to the challenges posed by both inward and outward migration. By setting out and analyzing the facts for seven countries, which vary greatly in their geographical situation, policies, and outcomes, the book contributes to the debate on this crucial issue in the ongoing process of European integration.
This paper analyses the impact of large and persistent emigration from Eastern European countries over the past 25 years on these countries’ growth and income convergence to advanced Europe. While emigration has likely benefited migrants themselves, the receiving countries and the EU as a whole, its impact on sending countries’ economies has been largely negative. The analysis suggests that labor outflows, particularly of skilled workers, lowered productivity growth, pushed up wages, and slowed growth and income convergence. At the same time, while remittance inflows supported financial deepening, consumption and investment in some countries, they also reduced incentives to work and led to exchange rate appreciations, eroding competiveness. The departure of the young also added to the fiscal pressures of already aging populations in Eastern Europe. The paper concludes with policy recommendations for sending countries to mitigate the negative impact of emigration on their economies, and the EU-wide initiatives that could support these efforts.
V šestih prispevkih monografije so analizirani obstoječi in porajajoči se izzivi na področju delovne mobilnosti v Evropski uniji, pri čemer jih avtorji obravnavajo skozi prizmo mobilnih delavcev v različnih poklicih. Z večdisciplinarnim pristopom in uporabo različnih metodoloških prijemov so avtorji ustvarili ogrodje za analitične diskusije o učinkih mobilnosti v EU, učinkovitosti in pravičnosti prostega pretoka oseb znotraj EU ter večplastnosti posledic za posameznike, države članice in nacionalne politike. Prvi prispevek je teoretski uvod v tematiko, ki mobilnost izčrpno predstavi kot teoretski koncept, politično agendo in temeljno evropsko vrednoto. Kompleksni preplet mnogoterih učinkov delovne mobilnosti, ki se pojavljajo na več ravneh, je v nadaljevanju obravnavan v petih študijah primera. Le-te osvetljujejo dileme, paradokse, učinke in posledice notranje mobilnosti v EU na primerih mobilnih zdravstvenih delavcev, umetnikov in kulturnih delavcev, napotenih delavcev, skrbstvenih delavk in visoko izobraženih delavcev. Vsi predstavljeni primeri so rezultat večletnih znanstvenoraziskovalnih prizadevanj in aktivnega delovanja avtorjev v različnih projektih s področja mobilnosti.